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Electric Retractable Mount with Masthead Anchor LED Light
Ensure safe boating with the GS-950 Electric Mount from Gemeco. This USCG-certified masthead anchor light offers smooth operation and reliable LED lighting.
NMEA/Smart Transducers -
Are you looking for a reliable and accurate way to measure your boat's speed, depth, and temperature? Look no further than the Airmar Technology NMEA/Smart Transducer. This innovative device is designed to provide precise and reliable measurements, even in challenging conditions. With its advanced NMEA 2000 connectivity, you can easily integrate it with your existing onboard systems, such as ...
Model 400B76 | PCB Piezotronics
Enables communication to IEEE 1451.4 TEDS sensors over PC USB interface. Includes Windows software, USB adapter, 10-32 microdot cable. The Model 400B76 TEDS Sensor Interface Kit offers the capability to communicate with TEDS sensors over the USB port of a Windows PC. With an intuitive graphical interface to the data in a TEDS sensor, the 400B76 ...
OceanLink® 7" TFT Display - Gemeco
The OceanLink® 7" multifunction TFT Display features a full 24 bit / 16 m colors optically bonded display with transmissive layer technology for perfect readability even in direct sunlight.
Model 357B21 High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 30 pC/g ...
High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 30 pC/g, 6k Hz, 10-32 side conn.(-95 F to +500 F) Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 716-684-0001 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-0987 E-mail:
8' Dual Band Cellular 3dB Gain Antenna -
8' Dual Band Cellular 3dB Gain Antenna. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
Model J357B03 High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 10 pC/g ...
High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 10 pC/g, 9k Hz, 10-32 side conn.(-95° to +500 °F) ground isolated Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 716-684-0001 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-0987
RMS and peak velocity loop powered sensors - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies 435 Progress Drive Frederick, MD 2101 SA An Amphenol Company ote ue to continuous process improement, specifications are subect to chane without notice.
VenU® Directional CBRS Panel Antennas - PCTEL
Distributor Region PCTEL Part Number Distributor Part Number Available Action; FPMI34005-DP4MSMA : 74192168 : 0 : View: FPMI34005-DP4MSMA : FPMI34005-DP4MSMA : 0
GX Touch 50 -
The GX Touch 50 is the display accessory for our Cerbo GX. The five inch touch screen display gives an instant overview of your system and allows to adjust settings in the blink of an eye.
Model M357B14 High temp., miniature (2 gm), ceramic shear, charge ... - PCB
High temp., miniature (2 gm), ceramic shear, charge output accel., 3 pC/g, 12k Hz, 10-32 top conn., operating temp -95 to +500F, M3 mtg stud Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 716-684-0001 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-0987 E-mail ...
Accelerometer Simulator -
Single-ended Charge (pC) Differential Charge (pC) Single ended Voltage (mV) Tachometer (TTL) IEPE - current sinking, 2-20mA, at a compliance voltage of 24VDC 1Hz to 20kHz, resolution 0.5Hz 1 Hz to 25kHz Up to 10,000pC or mV pk Acceleration and Velocity are in pk units. Displacement is in pk-pk. Transfer Characteristics
Model Number 357E90 CHARGE OUTPUT ACCELEROMETER Revision: C ECN #: 46956 Performance ENGLISH SI Sensitivity(± 10 %) 5 pC/g .51 pC/(m/s²) Measurement Range ± 1000 g pk ± 9800 m/s² pk
Model Number 357C10 CHARGE OUTPUT ACCELEROMETER Revision: G ECN #: 46956 Performance ENGLISH SI Sensitivity(± 20 %) 1.7 pC/g 0.17 pC/(m/s²) Measurement Range ± 500 g pk ± 4905 m/s² pk
SeeHawk Monitor - PCTEL
4G/5G network detection and performance monitoring. With 4G/5G network monitoring, PCTEL’s SeeHawk™ Monitor system makes it easy to detect 4G LTE and 5G NR networks and monitor their performance.
Rib Starter Kit -
Features. The NMEA 2000® Starter Kit 3 contains: A2K-MPC-1: NMEA 2000® Micro power cable, 3m UL certified cable ; A2K-TER-F: NMEA 2000® micro terminator female – to terminate one end of the network
Plastic Hull Spacer Install Kit, No Ring - Gemeco
Hull Spacer Install Kit. Fits: B164, SS164, B175C, SS175C, SS264. Contains: Spacer, 2 Washers and hardware
Model HT378B02 | PCB Piezotronics
Model HT378B02:377B02 microphone and HT426E01 preamplifier, TEDS programmed
Model 3743G115G Accelerometer, VC, 5g, triaxial, differential, screw ...
Model 3743G115G Accelerometer, VC, 5g, triaxial, differential, screw mount, integral M8 connector Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product,
Guarding the Health and Availability of a Brushless Generator ... - PCB
Ethernet cable connects the receiver to a PC, where the data can be viewed. Page 2 The EFREM transmitter makes three connections to the machine: • To the rotor ground • To the plus field bus terminal • To the minus field bus terminal