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Temposonics II
2 GENERAL INFORMATION MTS PHONE NUMBERS Application questions: 800-633-7609 Service: 800-248-0532 Fax: 919-677-0200 SHIPPING ADDRESS MTS Systems Corporation
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About | PCB Piezotronics
About PCB Piezotronics Delivering Better Measurements with Quality, Innovative Sensors. Founded in 1967, PCB Piezotronics revolutionized the sensor industry with our groundbreaking ICP® (Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric) technology.
Series I Terminal Junction Modules - Amphenol PCD
Description: Series I Terminal Junction Modules are robust, reliable and performs to M81714 electrical and mechanical standards.Series I uses standard M39029/1 pin contacts and have blue grommets.
Types of Memory Modules and Their Applications - Amphenol CS
Memory modules can be defined as PCBs mounted with integrated-circuit-based memory. These are used in various computing applications ranging from notebooks and laptops to servers and data center. Memory module standards have evolved over generations to meet the growing demands of high-speed, data-hungry applications. Unlike earlier days when memory modules were designed specifically to meet ...
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NPP-301 Series NovaSensor Surface Mount Pressure Sensor
NPP-301 Series Specifications Parameter Value Units Notes General Pressure Range 100 kPa ≈15 psi 200 kPa ≈30 psi 700 kPa ≈100 psi Maximum Pressure 3x rated pressure
Products | Thermometrics, NovaSensor, Telaire, Protimeter and Kaye
With a portfolio of industry-leading brands - Thermometrics, NovaSensor, Telaire, Protimeter, and Kaye - Amphenol Advanced Sensors is an innovator in advanced sensing technologies and innovative embedded measurement solutions customized for regulatory and industry-driven applications, creating