Search Results for antenna amphenol
Manufacturing - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Manufacturing - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Careers - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Careers At Amphenol, we connect people & technology, with high performance antenna solutions for the world's wireless networks Find your career in this dynamic industry. Amphenol is always looking for highly motivated and versatile team players to join our global team. To further explore any opportunities
65406580 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 5 of 5 6177103 6177103G 2-Band, 12-Port, 65°, XPOL, Tri-Sector Antenna, Variable Tilt, 1927 mm 12-Port Antenna 1710-2690 | 1710-2690 MHz 65° 1927 mm ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Environmental --- ETS 300 019 Operating Temperature ° C (° F) -40° to +60° (-40° to +140°)
16-Port Antenna -
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amphenol antenna | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 1 of 4 Dual band antenna, dual polarisation, 4 connectors Fixed tilt on each band 0° / 0° 6827300 2-Band, 4-Port, 65°, XPOL, Panel Antenna, Fixed Tilt, 590 mm 65° 590 mm ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Low Band R1 Frequency Range MHz 698-960 MHz 698-806 790-862 824-894 880-960 Polarization --- ±45° ...
Marine Antennas CXL 70-1LW/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Consequently, the antenna shows a DC-short across the coaxial cable. The CXL 70-1LW/… is a vibration-proof, lightweight, slim-line, corrosion resistant, modern style base station and marine antenna. ... Hereby Amphenol Procom declare that the product type is in compliance with EU Directive 2014/53/EU The full text of the Declaration of ...
8-Port Antenna 1 of 6 Quad band antenna, dual polarisation, 8 connectors Independent tilt on each band 2-12° / 2-12° / 2-12° / 2-12° MET and RET versions, 3GPP/AISG2.0, in multiple single RET (multiple device type1) or in Multi-RET (device type 17, with fi rmware above MD3.10). ...
Antenna Mounting Kit - 21700000_Spec Sheet - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
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Panel Antennas 766.65.12.00 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
The 760/766 series of UHF Panel antenna has been designed for TETRA / UHF Trunked Radio applications, offering a stable performance an PIM specification over a wide bandwidth. ... Omni Antennas. Amphenol Procom offer Omni Antennas which are produced from quality materials for high performance and endurance in harsh environments. View our ...
6890100 Spec Sheet - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Always install the antenna by its two (2) mounting points. Do not install the antenna with the connectors facing upward. 2700 160 305 6890100 6890100A 6890100G 790-960 / 1710-2170 / 1710-2170 / 1710-2690 MHz XXXX-Pol | VET Panel | 65° | 17.5 / 17.3 / 17.3 / 18.6 dBi ANTENNA SOLUTIONS 2 of 4 REV091912
antenna | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
PCTEL, Inc., an Amphenol company, is a leading global provider of wireless technology solutions, including purpose-built Industrial IoT devices, antenna systems, and test and measurement products. Founded in 1994, PCTEL combines Amphenol’s world-class resources with decades of experience solving complex wireless challenges to help our ...
antenna | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ARRAY LAYOUT ARRAY FREQUENCY CONNECTOR CONNECTOR TYPE R1 698-960 1-2 4.3-10 Female or 7/16-DIN Female Long Neck 1710-2690 3-4Y1 4.3-10 Female or 7/16-DIN Female Ultra Long Neck
entire cell in which the antenna is operating. Amphenol offers the 4250 SERIES colinear antennas for these demanding applications - operating at 695-870 and 790-960 MHz with 9 dBd (11.2 dBi) gain and multiple tilt options. These models come with wide bandwidth characteristics for Cellular and other multi-
Connectors - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Explore a wide range of high-performance connectors by Amphenol Antenna Solutions.
antenna amphenol | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 1 of 7 6888370-3 6888370N-3 6888370-3G 6888370NG-3 5-Band, 30-Port, 65°, XPOL, Tri-Sector Antenna, Variable Tilt, 2325 mm Penta band, tri-sector antenna, 30 connectors Independent tilt on each band 2-10° / 2-10° / 0-10° / 0-10° / 0-10° Independent azimuth panning ±15° on each sector ...
P4-BBUULL15-N1 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
REV080624 2 of 7 65° 1498 mm INTEGRATED RET SITE SHARING OPTIONAL P4-BBUULL15-N1 P4-BBUULL15-N1N, P4-BBUULL15-S1, P4-BBUULL15-S1N ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS R2 Frequency Range MHz 694-960 MHz 694-806 790-894 880-960 Polarization --- ±45° Gain Over all Tilts dBi 13.5 ± 0.8 14 ± 0.5 14.5 ± 0.6 Max Gain dBi 14.3 14.5 ...
4U4VT360X06F xys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
16-Port Canister Antenna REV010325NA 10 of 15 Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions. Extreme -- - -1 -
696-960 / 1710-2170 / 1710-2170 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
REV030519NA 1 of 6 • Tri band, hex-port panel antenna with variable electrical tilt • 4x4 MIMO high band compatible • Patented internal RET actuator adds no additional length to the antenna • Can be ordered with a Multi-Device Dual Unit (MDDU) with two separate inputs for independent control of each band.
P4-BBUULL20-J1 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
REV080624 2 of 7 65° 2050 mm INTEGRATED RET SITE SHARING OPTIONAL P4-BBUULL20-J1 P4-BBUULL20-J1N, P4-BBUULL20-I1, P4-BBUULL20-I1N ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS R2 Frequency Range MHz 694-960 MHz 694-806 790-894 880-960 Polarization --- ±45° Gain Over all Tilts dBi 14.7 ± 0.6 15.1 ± 0.4 15.7 ± 0.3 Max Gain dBi 15.3 15 ...
5980200.indd - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
REV021716A 1 of 7 • Twin Tri-Band, (2x) XXX-Pol, variable tilt, panel antenna with 12 connectors • Independent tilt on each band 0-10° / 0-10° / 0-12° / 0-12° / 0-12° / 0-12° • Available as a Manual or Remote Electrical Tilt Antenna, AISG v1.1 or 3GPP/AISG v2.0