Search Results for ap 26500 io
APXVLLL08B_43-C-A20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
6 Ports, X-Pol, Panel Antenna, 0.8m, 3x 1710-2690MHz, 65deg, External RET
EU RoHS Declaration
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Amphenol -
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fixed indoor installations. Both the EP and AP Series utilise the same contact and insulator components. Features • High current contacts for distortion free signal. • Cost effective durable thermoplastic shell • Quick release, vibration resistant latch lock. • AP & EP series are completely intermatable. • Precision machined contacts
EU RoHS Declaration
%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] endobj 9 0 obj /Length 1518 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœXÛnÛF } ¤ i gµ÷]æ¥ul&5 ;Ž¥$-š>ÐÒÚf#‘ )Å1Ð ïì’¢)šRd¥° ƒKÎ̙ۙY?~ô ' "E¸Ž@IC8H&‰à !{Œß(J˜Œ@FœX Ì i ø™QÍW/G0x%€1 E Œ.€†Ÿâ ”ÑÄ0 ½ zP Œ4a\Ãh ? âcøé Œþ Ñ/ ?zç-rn criR J¨ØŤWD#½bó,ÿ} o Oß íŸ Ä0 í Þ ...
EU RoHS Declaration - SV Microwave
%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] endobj 9 0 obj /Length 1516 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœXÛnÛF } ¤ i gµ÷K^ZÇVR ±ãXJÒ¢é -m6 éPR ýøÎ.)š¢)EV 0¸äÌœ™9sY?~ô ' œ"\;PÒ ’I"8ƒÂÃGÈ ã7Š & Hlj•ÀŒ N+ÀÏŒª¿z9„Þ+ Œ ç /€ÆŸâ ”ÑÄ0 ¾‰zP tš0®a8†Ÿ †ýcøé ÿ á/Ð >~ô.XäÜ ÆäÒ¤ ”P±‹É ˆ:½bó,ÿ} o Oß ...
EU RoHS Declaration - SV Microwave
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Introduction to Piezoelectric Accelerometers - PCB
An ICP ® accelerometer is a sensor that generates an electrical output proportional to applied acceleration. ICP ® accelerometers are designed to measure vibration and shock for a wide variety of applications. They are simple to use and accurate over a wide frequency range which makes them the recommended choice for many testing situations. ICP ® is a PCB ® registered trademark that stands ...
Owego - Amphenol Aerospace
%PDF-1.5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 20 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792 ...
EU RoHS Declaration
%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] endobj 9 0 obj /Length 1517 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœXÛnÛF } ¤ i gµ÷K^ZÇVR ±ãXJÒ¢é -m6 éPR ýøÎ.)š¢)EV 0¸äÌœ¹ ™õãG_@p"Á)µ % á ™$‚3(|„ì1~£(aÒ tœX Ì â´ ų̈ú«—Cè½ À qÎÁð hü).A M ƒá›¨ H§ ã †cøùhØ?†ŸžÁð þ ýáãGï‚EÎ-aL.M A »˜ Š¨Ó+6Ïòß ...
Wire-to-Board Connectors | FCI Basics | Cable to Board - Amphenol CS
FCI Basics is the leader in Wire-to-Board connectors. Building on the strengths of FCI connectors, whom Amphenol acquired in 2016, FCI Basics continues this legacy providing robust, modular, compact connector solutions to anticipate and meet the growing demands our customers face.
Amphenol Advanced Sensors
Temperature Sensors, Pressure Sensors, CO2 Indoor Air Quality Sensors, Humidity Sensors, Dust Sensors. Advanced sensor technologies and embedded measurement solutions for Automotive, Medical, Industrial, Air Quality Applications.
Sensor Cables | PCB Piezotronics
4-Conductor Cable Types : Model: 010: 034: 019: 036: 068: 078: Cable Style: General Purpose: General Purpose, Low Noise: Flexible, Lightweight: Flexible: Low Outgassing
Owego - Amphenol Aerospace
%PDF-1.5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 15 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792 ...
REACHTemplate -
%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] endobj 13 0 obj /Length 2989 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœZ[o Ç ~ ÿ0@_âÀ Î}g "+Žƒø [I ê¢X‘C ...
Power Up with Amphenol: Exploring Applications of Battery Connectors
The future of technology is focused on energy efficiency and sustainability. The approach lies in environmentally friendly battery-powered solutions. The innovation of e-bikes, electric forklifts, and Energy Storage Systems is a significant step toward this future. Amphenol is at the forefront of th
EU RoHS Declaration
%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] endobj 9 0 obj /Length 1518 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœXÛnÛF } ¤ i gµ÷]æ¥ul&5 ;Ž¥$-š>ÐÒÚf#‘ )Å1Ð ïì’¢)šRd¥° ƒKÎ̙ۙY?~ô ' "E¸Ž@IC8H&‰à !{Œß(J˜Œ@FœX Ì i ø™QÍW/G0x%€1 E Œ.€†Ÿâ ”ÑÄ0 ½ zP Œ4a\Ãh ? âcøé Œþ Ñ/ ?zç-rn criR J¨ØŤWD#½bó,ÿ} o Oß íŸ Ä0 í Þ ...
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
Amphenol introduces the next-generation OverPass™ solution - Mini Cool Edge IO. The 0.60mm pitch connector come with a slim form factor design, capable of transmitting high-speed signal up to 64G PAM4/PCIe® Gen 4/PCIe® Gen 5/PCIe® Gen 6. Dubox® 2.54mm Crimp to Wire.
%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] endobj 9 0 obj /Length 1516 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœXÛnÛF } ¤ i gµ÷K^ZÇVR ±ãXJÒ¢é -m6 éPR ýøÎ.)š¢)EV 0¸äÌœ¹ ™õãG_@p"Á)µ % á ™$‚3(|„ì1~£(aÒ tœX Ì â´ ų̈ú«—Cè½ À qÎÁð hü).A M ƒá›¨ H§ ã †cøùhØ?†ŸžÁð þ ýáãGï‚EÎ-aL.M A »˜ Š¨Ó+6Ïòß ...
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics — Sensors to measure vibration, acoustics, force, pressure, load, strain, shock, and torque.