Search Results for aphenol blc-l01d-d4 symbol
2019 xgiga | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 2019 xgiga 400G QSFP-DD SR8 Transceivers | Optical Transceivers | Amphenol This optical transceiver comes with a maximum link length of 100m on OM4 multimode fiber, and is capable of a 400Gb/s data rate with each channel transmitting up to 53.125Gb/s.
Confidential Document Format - Amphenol CS
This document applies to Amphenol Commercial Product Group (ACPG) and Amphenol Highspeed Product Group (AHSP) businesses that have adopted these environmental compliance specifications as a part of their operating business model. 3.0 GENERAL 3.1 Responsibilities
cad | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol’s cable assemblies include simple point-to-point cables, custom high-power and high-speed data cable assemblies and complex multi-branch harness assemblies for large equipment and systems across a broad range of end markets. Amphenol is a leading innovator in sensor technologies and measurement solutions.
Amphenol Corporation - News & Events - Events
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NETBridge+ Automotive Ethernet Connector System - Amphenol CS
NETBridge+ ® Automotive Ethernet Connector transmits up to 100Mb/s and 1Gb/s (100BASE-T1, 1000BASE-T1), upgradeable to 10Gb/s for automotive applications.
Rólunk - Amphenol
Amphenol Sincere Industrial Product Ltd. Küldetésünk Küldetésünk, hogy Európa megújuló energiára való áttérésében kiemelkedő szerepet töltsünk be olyan hatékony megoldások biztosításával, amelyek a közösség és az iparág számára egyaránt előnyösek.Innovatív gyártási és összeszerelési folyamataink által célunk a fenntartható fejlődés előmozdítása ...
Nyitott pozíciók -
Az 1932-ben az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban alapított Amphenol a világ egyik vezető csatlakozórendszer gyártó vállalata. A New Yorki Tőzsdén már 35 éve jelen lévő cégnek közel 40 országban található gyáregysége, kirendeltsége és munkavállalóinak száma 2021-ben világviszonylatban átlépte a 90,000 főt.
UE36A10103000T | QSFP DD | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of High Speed Input Output connectors. Contact us today for more details of QSFP DD, part number UE36A10103000T. ... Symbol, Footprint & 3D. Related Parts. Related Parts. Mating Part. NDYYYF-0002. QSFP DD Cable Assembly, Passive, 30AWG, 2M, 56G / Lane, Jacket. NDYYYH-0004.
Amphenol 67 and 165 Series Miniaturized Standard Connectors
Amphenol® 67 Series connectors are ideal for applications that require a light to medium weight, durable, environmen-tally sealed connector. For additional information on Amphenol® 67 Series connec-tors, or for special application requirements, contact your local sales office, authorized distributor, or Amphenol Corporation Amphenol Aerospace
BNC Adapters - RF Coaxial Adapters - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a wide array of both in-series and between-series BNC adapters in straight and right-angle configurations. 50-ohm and 75-ohm impedance BNC adapters are available with and without panel mounting features. Popular mounting features in bulkhead, both front and rear mount, and 4-hole flange designs. 50-ohm BNC connectors have a ...
NPI-19 Series Medium Pressure Sensors | NovaSensor
General (8): Value: Notes: Pressure Range NPI-19: 0 to 100 kPa: 0 to 15 psi (0 to 1 bar) 0 to 200 kPa: 0 to 30 psi (0 to 2.07 bar) 0 to 700 kPa: 0 to 100 psi (0 to 6.89 bar)
Raptor - Amphenol Ltd
Raptor is Amphenol LTD's new range of connectors engineered for High Voltage and High Current systems in E-Flight, E-VTOL and hybrid applications. 3D Models and Drawings Markets
Luminus - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Amphenol connectors in everything from low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites that make advanced communications and our modern digital world possible, to the International Space Station and other spaceborne applications. Amphenol connectors have been relied on for decades to ensure manned and unmanned space vehicles stay online, allowing astronauts ...
HSC Connector System | Input Output Connectors | Amphenol
HSC connector system is a fully shielded interconnect system that supports data rates up to 1Gb/s and more. With 0.50mm square terminals, it allows a lighter and smaller connector design. The comprehensive shielding of these connectors provides enhanced E
D-Shaped Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol ICC's TW Hybrid D-Subminiature connectors offer a wide range of termination options for board and cable ends, bringing up an overall solution of cable and PCB assemblies. The terminations include Straight and Right Angle for the board side, and Solder Cup and Crimping (for power pin only) for the cable side.
Paladin® HD Backplane Interconnect System - Amphenol
Datasheet - Paladin HD2-224G; Datasheet - Paladin HD-112G; High Speed Backplane Overview; TB-2360 Paladin HD Routing Guidelines; TB-2371 Paladin HD/HD2 Design Guidelines
Businesses | Amphenol
Each of our Amphenol businesses partners with its customers across different market segments and regions to connect our world through leading-edge innovation. Products Markets (current) Businesses Sustainability Investors Businesses Visit our global business sites ...
Amphenol Connectors Cross Reference Guide
Amphenol Proprietary Intermates: 10-214XXX, 10-244XXX (Crimp types - front removal) Amphenol Proprietary Non-Intermates: (5015 Type) See also Heavy Duty Class “L”, Amphenol QWLD (MIL-DTL-22992), catalog 12-052
Amphenol Corporation - Resources - Investor FAQs
INVESTOR RELATIONS Sherri Scribner, VP Strategy and IR Phone: 1-203-265-8820 Email: TRANSFER AGENT Computershare P.O. Box 43006
Band Lock Adaptor – BL1 - Amphenol Ltd
Need additional products from our Amphenol portfolio of products? We have access to a wide variety of innovative solutions, please contact us for a quote. Get in touch +44 1227 773200 Thanet Way, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3JF, UK. About. About us; Careers; Certifications; Distributors; Divisions;