Search Results for apn aws
P-BBLLYYZ06-01 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
This antenna provides a 14-port 65° platform for advanced use in encompassing low band 700 MHz and 800 MHz deployment scenarios and high band AWS, PCS, BRS, CBRS, C-BAND and LAA in a high quality package design built to withstand harsh environments.
APXVB4L20B_43-C-I20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
This antenna is an ideal choice for penta-band site upgrades for high traffic areas. It can be used for multiple bands such at LTE 700, Digital Dividend, CDMA, GSM, DCS, PCS, AWS, UMTS and LTE 2600.
696-960 / 1695-2180 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
• AWS-3 Ready • Patented internal RET actuator adds no additional length to the antenna • Can be ordered with a Multi-Device Dual Unit (MDDU) with two separate inputs for independent control of each band. Ideal for antenna sharing.
7-brands-AWS - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
7-brands-AWS - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
1695-2180 / 1695-2180 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
• AWS-3 Ready • 4x4 MIMO • Patented internal RET actuator adds no additional length to the antenna
World Band Cellular/Wi-Fi Galaxy Antenna -
This World-band antenna provides coverage for 2G/3G/4G and WLAN systems for Cellular, PCS, AWS and LTE frequencies, as well as 802.11n Wi-Fi. This compact, feature rich antenna is at home on virtually any watercraft, and is fitted with a stainless steel ferrule and N-connector that are compatible with nearly all Shakespeare 1" -14 threaded mounts.
TITLE: DWG NO: REV: SH: OF - Amphenol Sine
QUAD658CW000x - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Can be ordered with a Multi-Device Dual Unit (MDDU) with two separate inputs for independent control of each band. Ideal for antenna sharing.
Solving Cooling Interconnects for Next-Gen Data Centers and AI Applications
To improve cooling capacity and reduce long-term capital expenditure, the market is turning to alternative methods to air-cooling. Liquid and immersion cooling can be implemented for all components in the AI and HPC architecture, including XPUs, storage, and networking.
6-Port Antenna
Amphenol's RET-READY antennas are delivered with the RET Actuator already installed and pre-commissioned with all antenna parameters.
QUAD654W0100x - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Twin Band, 4-Port, Panel, XPOL, 65°, 1695-2180 | 1695-2180 MHz, 17.2|17.2 dBi, 5-15°|5-15°, 1298 mm (51.1 in) EXTENDED TILT RANGE.
DAS High Power Tappers 8dB iDAS Tapper - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Our iDAS Tappers receive and distribute high power, wireless signals in a fi xed proportion throughout an iDAS network. With RF performance optimized for carrier signals in the 350– 6000 MHz band, models off ered include six fi xed-ratio splits of 2:1 through 100:1. These tappers off er low VSWR (high return loss) at the input port.
AWS-MWCA18-banner - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
AWS-MWCA18-banner - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
696-960 / 1695-2180 / 1695-2180 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
• AWS-3 Ready • 4x4 MIMO high band compatible • Patented internal RET actuator adds no additional length to the antenna • Can be ordered with a Multi-Device Dual Unit (MDDU) with two separate inputs for independent control of each band Features
HEX658CU0100x - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Tri Band, 6-Port, Panel, XPOL, 65°, 696-960 | 1695-2400 | 1695-2400 MHz, 15.8|17.5|17.5 dBi, 5-15°|5-15°|5-15°, 2508 mm (98.7 in) EXTENDED TILT RANGE
CUUX063X13x00 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Tri Band, 6-Port, Panel, XPOL, 65°, 696-960 | 1695-2400 | 1695-2400 MHz, 13.8|17.0|17.0 dBi, 0-14°|0-10°|0-10°, 1298 mm (51.1 in) Can be ordered with a Multi-Device Dual Unit (MDDU) with two separate inputs for independent control of each band. Ideal for antenna sharing.
1710-2690 / 1710-2690 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
REV050216I 2 of 5 Packaging Packaging Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth) 995 x 420 x 247 mm 39.2 x 16.5 x 9.7 in
HEX454CU0000x - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Tri Band, 6-Port, Panel, XPOL, 45°, 696-960 | 1695-2400 | 1695-2400 MHz, 15.1|17.8|17.8 dBi, 0-14°|0-10°|0-10°, 1189 mm (46.8 in)
Xpol | 65° Az | 16.5 dBi - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
790-960 MHz 5818200 5818200A 5818200G Xpol | 65° Az | 16.5 dBi | 0-10° | 1910 x 253 x 147 mm • Single band antenna, dual polarisation, 2 connectors