Search Results for arinc 777 connector
ARINC 801 Fiber Optic Connectors | Fiber Optic Connectors | Products ...
Amphenol offers a multi-channel circular connector that complies with the ARINC specification. This connector, available in straight plug and wall mount receptacle, uses the ARINC 801 ceramic termini. - Amphenol Aerospace
designed into a Connector Shell MIL-DTL-38999 connectors allow users to mix a variety of differ-ent power, signal, shielded, fiber optic and high speed contact styles within a common insert. The insert arrangement below is an arrangement for Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connectors . It shows the variety of con-
Twinax Contacts - High speed contacts - Amphenol Socapex
If you need a reliable and high-performance connector solution for MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC 429 standards, then the Twinax Contacts from Amphenol Socapex are the way to go. These contacts come in contact size 8 and are available for use with MIL-DTL-38999, EN3645, EN4165, and ARINC600 connectors. They are qualified further to EN3155-024 and EN3155-025, ABS1600, and ABS1607 standards, ensuring ...
Home - Amphenol Canada
ARINC 600. ARINC 600 Connectors are recognized standard rack and panel connectors for Aircraft applications. The ARINC 600 is the successor to the ARINC 404 for ... Read More. MMA. MMA combines many of the best features from popular product lines including ARINC 600's power, RF, fiber optic and Quadrax contacts, low mating f...
ARINC 801 Fiber Optic Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol offers a multi-channel circular connector that complies with the ARINC specification. This connector, available in straight plug and wall mount receptacle, uses the ARINC 801 ceramic termini.
AMPHENOL ARINC-600 CTF QUAD - Amphenol Aerospace
(LC & ARINC-801) • Plug/Recpt. side utilizes quadrax to ARINC-801 pin adapter for system fiber connection • Multimode fiber • Compatible with Arinc 600 / 404, EN 4165 & MIL-DTL-83527 Size 8Q cavities COPPER INTERFACE: • Speed support up to 5.0 Gbps for transmit and receive • PCB lead connection to customer circuit board
Radio Frequency Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol LTW's RF connector (radio frequency connector) is an electrical connector designed to work at radio frequencies in the multi-megahertz range. RF connectors are typically used with coaxial cables and are designed to maintain the shielding that the coaxial design offers. Available in SMA, N-Type, with various termination choices.
Product Portfolio - Amphenol Aerospace | Products
Our R-VPX connector series, which includes the R-VPX, R-VPX Evolution, and R-VPX Evolution 2, are some of the fastest VITA 46 connectors in the market, achieving speeds up to 32 Gb/s. ... Our fiber optic termini includes MIL-PRF-29504, ARINC 801, JSFC, and MT ferrules. Both the contacts and termini can be housed in a wide variety of custom high ...
ARINC 801 Fiber Optic Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol offers a multi-channel circular connector that complies with the ARINC specification. This connector, available in straight plug and wall mount receptacle, uses the ARINC 801 ceramic termini.
arinc 600 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ARINC 600 Connectors are a recognized standard rack and panel connector for Aircraft applications. The ARINC 600 is the successor to the ARINC 404 for many of the new avionic designs. Compared to the ARINC 404, the ARINC 600 features lower mating force contacts, increased contact count, and a front release, floating keying system. ...
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† Boeing 777 † Commercial and private aircraft For more information on Amphenol Aerospace capabilities in fiber optics ... Amphenol’s newest offering of fiber optic products is the ARINC 801 series of connectors and termini. Adopted by the commer-cial air market, the ARINC 801 insert is incorporated into the ...
ARINC connector options: ARINC A1, A2, B1, B2, C2, C2 Modified, D2, MJ-Plug™ ... The Obround Magnetic Jack replaces two-pin economy connectors as either a retrofit or line-fit solution. The jack connects to a wide range of headphone types including legacy ARINC stan-dard plugs, as well as headphones using Phitek’s MJ-Plugs. ...
ARINC 600 Trays Design Parameter Worksheet
Structures ARINC 600 Trays Design Parameter Worksheet TRAY CUSTOMIZATION INSTRUCTIONS 1)ll out as many questions as possible on the following form. Fi 2) Email a copy of this form to, or fax a copy to 414.421.5301.
Expanded Beam & Physical Contact Fiber Optic Connectors
Figure 5: Multi-channel Fiber Optic Connector (ARINC 801) Further advances in technology as well as the need for higher density have ushered in a completely new family of commercial interconnect technology. MTP and MPO connectors can terminate with up to 24 fibers in a very small form factor.
ARINC 801 Fiber Optic Connectors | Fiber Optic Connectors | MIL-DTL ...
Amphenol offers a multi-channel circular connector that complies with the ARINC specification. This connector, available in straight plug and wall mount receptacle, uses the ARINC 801 ceramic termini.
Quadrax Contacts - Amphenol Socapex
EN3645 Connectors EN4165/SIM Connectors ARINC 600 Connectors ABS0974 ABS0973 EN3155. Due to technical progress, all information provided is subect to change without prior notice Designed by Amphenol Socapex Technical Characteristics (Extract from EN3155-074/075)
Strip Connectors - Amphenol Canada
The Amphenol microminiature connector series offers proven military spec performance and reliability in rectangular and stripline micro connectors. Microminiature connectors are available in rectangular D, strip, and custom card edge configurations, with contacts on .050 (1.27) centers. Inserts in micro-d miniature connectors with signal and coax/power contacts are also available.
Fiber Optic Connectors | Products - Amphenol
The module SIM Luxcis can be used with the whole range of EN4165 / SIM connectors. EN 4165/SIM/ARINC 809 compliant inserts for ARINC 801 butt joint Fiber Optics contacts. Amphenol Air LB France EN4165 / SIMTac03 Optical Amphenol Air LB France offers a wide range of optical modules fitted with different standards of fiber optic termini or ...
85049 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol Canada offers backshells that are designed to provide screening, sealing, and strain relief for all product lines including ARINC, Micro-D (M83513), MMA, R27 (M83527), D-Sub, etc. Custom engineered for each solution and customer, ACC's backshells help protect connections from mechanical wear, environmental conditions, and ...
Media Library - Amphenol Canada
R39 Series Family R39 R393 R39U R398 D83 R38 Rectangular 38999 Connector. PDF Preview × ... Value Added Distributor for ARINC 600. Upcoming Events. Visit Amphenol MAO website for all Military and Aerospace products. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST. Email Address First Name Last Name ...