Search Results for arinc 825 connector hardware
Termination Instructions - Amphenol Aerospace
MS-E,F Series Connectors MIL-C-5015 L-2119-BL 21-033837-091 Transition Adapter Line Receptacle Quadrax ... Contact, Pin, Quadrax, Type ARINC 600 Special, Size 8, Installation Instructions L-2119-V 21-33833-51 Transition Adapter Receptacle Transition Adapter, Differential Twinax Type High Speed, to Board, Installation Instructions ...
Twinax Contacts - High speed contacts - Amphenol Socapex
If you need a reliable and high-performance connector solution for MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC 429 standards, then the Twinax Contacts from Amphenol Socapex are the way to go. These contacts come in contact size 8 and are available for use with MIL-DTL-38999, EN3645, EN4165, and ARINC600 connectors. They are qualified further to EN3155-024 and EN3155-025, ABS1600, and ABS1607 standards, ensuring ...
Scalable Connector For All Cabin Classes The Obround Magnetic Jack replaces two-pin economy connectors as either a retrofit or line-fit solution. The jack connects to a wide range of headphone types including legacy ARINC stan-dard plugs, as well as headphones using Phitek’s MJ-Plugs™. Visit Features Specifications
ARINC404 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -産業機器 ...
arinc404. カタログ; 圧着; pcb; arinc404ならびにmil-dtl-81659規格コネクタは、長い間にわたり、防衛および民間航空機の列線交換ユニット(lru)で用いられてきたラック&パネルコネクタで、最大4つのインサートに、424芯までの多種多様なコンタクトを挿入できます。
Home Page - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Amphenol PCD designs and manufactures circular and rectangular electronic connectors for low, medium and high power applications and lightweight composite cable and pipe management solutions for wire, hydraulic and fuel systems for the military and aerospace industries. We take pride in our ability to create customizable cable assemblies and advanced In-Seat Portable Electronic Devices (PED ...
60 Watt DualUSB - Amphenol PCD
ARINC connector options. ARINC A2, B2, C2, C2 Modified, D2. Smartjack™ Square. POWER Power consumption <400mW. PHYSICAL Total unit weight. 28.5g (1oz) Unit dimensions. 38mm x 31mm x 23.4mm (1.50” x 1.22” x 0.92”) COMPATIBILITY Headphones types. Low impedance stereo (30-100 ohm), high impedance stereo (100- 330 ohm), jack-enabled and ...
21-33382-21 (PIN) 21-33383-21 (SOCKET) Contact, Pin and Socket, Quadrax ...
Contact Removal from Connector If applicable, remove piggyback grommet seal from the connector grommet. Position removal tool part number MIL-I-81969/14-12, Daniels DRK-264-8, around cable and slide tool toward connector until tool tips enter rear grommet and comes to a positive stop on the contact. Grip
arinc 600 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for arinc 600 NMEA/SMART Sensors - Airmar Airmar produces a full line of SMART™ sensors which have embedded microprocessors which calculate and convert finished data to the NMEA 2000 CAN Bus protocol. ... N-Type Connectors - Amphenol RF Times LMR-600 UltraFlex Optimized 10 items; Times MSI-22 5 items; Times RG-174LL 25 items ...
MHV Straight Plug to MHV Straight Plug RG-58 50 Ohm 3000 mm | 095-825 ...
Hardware; Protective Caps. Back; Protective Caps; 4.1-9.5 Protective Caps; 4.3-10 Protective Caps; ... 095-825-121M300. Find In Stock & Buy Now. MHV Straight Plug to MHV Straight Plug RG-58 50 Ohm 3000 mm. ... Connector 1 Part Number: 000-29100: Connector 2 Part Number: 000-29100:
AMPHENOL ARINC-600 CTF QUAD - Amphenol Aerospace
(LC & ARINC-801) • Plug/Recpt. side utilizes quadrax to ARINC-801 pin adapter for system fiber connection • Multimode fiber • Compatible with Arinc 600 / 404, EN 4165 & MIL-DTL-83527 Size 8Q cavities COPPER INTERFACE: • Speed support up to 5.0 Gbps for transmit and receive • PCB lead connection to customer circuit board
MIL-DTL-38999 Series I, II, and III Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
The Original MIL-SPEC Connectors for Modern Harsh Environments. Amphenol was one of the initial developers of MIL-DTL-38999 when the specification was developed in the 1970s. It was then that the Scintilla division of the Bendix Corporation, later incorporated into Amphenol Aerospace, was a key player in the development of MIL-C-38999, which ...
ARINC801 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -産業機器 ...
arinc801. カタログ; 航空機搭載アビオニクスに最適なarinc801規格適合丸型光コネクタです。 クラス最高レベルの光学性能にmil-dtl-38999レベルの耐環境性能を組み合わせています。
Quadrax Contacts - Amphenol Socapex
EN3645 Connectors EN4165/SIM Connectors ARINC 600 Connectors ABS0974 ABS0973 EN3155. Due to technical progress, all information provided is subect to change without prior notice Designed by Amphenol Socapex Technical Characteristics (Extract from EN3155-074/075)
Interconnect Solutions for Naval & Marine -
connectors, interconnect systems and coaxial and specialty cables. Amphenol products are engineered and manufactured in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa and ... ARINC 801 Ferrule diameter of 1.25mm Genderless terminus allows for use on both sides of the connectors Alignment sleeves are contained in a separate carrier TION
4500 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
4500 Great America Pkwy Suite 310 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Tel. : +1 408-321-0600; Connecticut 2725 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518; Pennsylvania Amphenol CS 825 Old Trail Road Etters, PA 17319 USA Tel. : +1 717-938-7200; New Hampshire Amphenol CS 200 Innovative Way, Suite 201 Nashua, NH 03062 Tel. :+1 (603) 879-3000
Quadrax Contacts | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Both contacts, when used in Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999 Series III and ARINC type connectors, provide an excellent alternative for harsh environment applications such as Ethernet 100 Base-T-100 Ohm, Gigabit Ethernet 1000 Base-T-100 Ohm, Fibre Channel-150 Ohm, IEEE1394B FireWire-110 Ohm.
fci connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
FCI Basics is the leader in Wire-to-Board Signal Solutions. Building on the strengths of FCI connectors, whom Amphenol acquired in 2016, FCI Basics continues this legacy providing robust, modular, compact connector solutions to anticipate and meet the needs of exponentially rising data rates and minimising signal losses at the time of insertion.
arinc 600 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
485 - Filtered ARINC Connectors: The Amphenol 485 Series is a range of filtered ARINC 404, 600, and MIL-DTL-83527 rack and panel connectors designed to provide space and cost-effective solutions to EMC compliance issues in avionics products. 308 - Filtered M24308 D-Sub Connectors: ... Amphenol has been designing and manufacturing electrical and ...
Expanded Beam Connectors | Fiber Optic Connector
Fiber Systems International is the only manufacturer that offers expanded beam. Contact us now to discuss which option is best suited for your application
aspirador de conductos | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol ENTERTAINMENT INTERCONNECT CATALOGUE - Amphenol Australia Pty Ltd 61 3 8796 8888 7 XLR Connectors Rev 1 - 03/2009 PI538 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS