Search Results for arinc404
arinc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ARINC 404 Connectors - Amphenol Canada Passivated. Amphenol's "AR" Series, ARINC 404 rack and panel connectors, are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of MIL-C-81659 and ARINC Specification 404. The "AR" Series is a multi-purpose connector used in aerospace, military, and computer periphery applications.
arinc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
arinc404. カタログ; 圧着; pcb; arinc404ならびにmil-dtl-81659規格コネクタは、長い間にわたり、防衛および民間航空機の列線交換ユニット(lru)で用いられてきたラック&パネルコネクタで、最大4つのインサートに、424芯までの多種多様なコンタクトを挿入できます。
フィルターARINC|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
フィルターarinc. カタログ; 圧着; pcb; フィルターarinc 485シリーズは、省スペースかつ省コストでemc対策を講じなければいけないアビオニクス機器向けに開発された、arinc404ならびにarinc600タイプのフィルターコネクタです。
arincc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ARINC 404 connectors and the Military equivalent MIL-DTL-81659 are a long time standard in both military and commercial aviation LRU’s. These connectors come in 4 sizes that can hold up to 424 individual contacts. Amphenol ACC is the world leader in the filtering of this series and has many capabilities to meet our customers varied requirements.
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
ARINC 600 Connectors are a recognized standard rack and panel connector for Aircraft applications. The ARINC 600 is the successor to the ARINC 404 for many of the new avionic designs. Compared to the ARINC 404, the ARINC 600 features lower mating force contacts, increased contact count, and a front release, floating keying system. Can be filtered.
arincc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ARINC 404 Introduction to Rack and Panel Connectors INTRODUCTION Amphenol's "AR" Series, ARINC rack and panel con nectors, are designed to meet or exceed the require ments of MIL-C-81659 and ARINC Specification 404. The "AR" Series is a multi-purpose connector used in aerospace, military and computer periphery applications. ...
arincc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The distance between panels is the same as for the ARINC 404 connector (7,3mm). This allows the user the possibility of replacing an ARINC 404 connectors by an RNJ Low Profile (please consult us regarding dimension tolerances needed for the system). More possibilities in shell sizes (8) than with the ARINC 404 (1, 2, 3 or 4 bays only).
RNJ シリーズ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
arinc404、arinc600と比べて超軽量 ; mil-dtl-38999シリーズi規格コネクタをベースに開発 ; 独自のフローティング機構により、xyz方向のアライメントずれを補正 ; 特殊構造のメンブレンを取り付けることでmil-dtl-38999と同等のシール性を実現; アプリケーション. 戦術 ...
arinc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
arinc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol mil-dtl-55116 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 500 V. Water Immersion. N/A. 6 feet of water up to 48 hours (mated and unmated) Browse Item # AP-136, Audio Plugs (MIL-C-55116) in the Amphenol NEXUS Technologies catalog including Item #,Item Name,Description,Number of Contacts,Application,Overall ...
arincc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ARINC 404 Introduction to Rack and Panel Connectors INTRODUCTION Amphenol's "AR" Series, ARINC rack and panel con nectors, are designed to meet or exceed the require ments of MIL-C-81659 and ARINC Specification 404. The "AR" Series is a multi-purpose connector used in aerospace, military and computer periphery applications. ...
arinc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ARINC 404 Amphenol's "AR" Series, ARINC rack and panel connectors, are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of MIL-C-81659 and ARINC Specification 404. The "AR" Series is a multi-purpose connector used in aerospace, military, and computer periphery applications. ...
PRODUKTPASS | ARINC404 - Amphenol-Air LB
The Arinc404 Rack&Panel plug connector is available in 5 housing sizes with up to 4 contact sets. It is suitable for signal and power contacts in the following sizes: #12, #16, #20, #22. Furthermore, coax contacts in #5 and #9 sizes can be built. Also a thickened version of this plug connector is available.
c390 2j06 xh00 2001 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
arinc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol C390 2J06 XH00 2001. Produktbeschreibung. Die zur POWERSOK-Familie gehörende Konstruktion ist bekannt für ihre Möglichkeit, einen automatisierten Fertigungsprozess, eine kleine Aufstellfläche gepaart mit einer hohen Leistung zu haben. 14mm 90° & 180° POWERSOK -2SC Header. ...
Amphenol-Air LB | PRODUKTPASS | ARINC404
Der Arinc404 Rack&Panel Steckverbinder ist in 5 Gehäusegrößen mit bis zu 4 Kontakteinsätzen erhältlich. Er ist geeignet für Signal- und Powerkontakte in den Größen #12, #16, #20, #22. Des weiteren können Coax Kontakte in den Größen #5 und #9 verbaut werden. Auch eine abgedichtete Version dieses Steckerverbinders ist erhältlich.
c360 g04 041 g3 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
arinc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol c360 g04 041 g3 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Three types available — 3.0 GHz, 6.7 kW @ 40,000 ft and 250 W CW — 12.4 GHz, stainless steel body for harsh military environments — 12.4 GHz, brass body for telecommunications applications.
Home - Amphenol Canada
ARINC 404 Connector; R27 Series MIL-DTL-83527; R39 Rectangular D38999; R58 Series Rectangular (MIL-DTL-83733) Next Generation ARINC 600 Stamped & Formed Contacts; MT Fiber: Next Generation of Fiber Technology; Media Library- Catalogs, Data Sheets, Patents, Videos; Filter MIL-DTL-38999 Series III-----
Amphenol-Air LB | PRODUKTPASS | ARINC404
Der Arinc404 Rack&Panel Steckverbinder ist in 5 Gehäusegrößen mit bis zu 4 Kontakteinsätzen erhältlich. Er ist geeignet für Signal- und Powerkontakte in den Größen #12, #16, #20, #22. Des weiteren können Coax Kontakte in den Größen #5 und #9 verbaut werden. Auch eine abgedichtete Version dieses Steckerverbinders ist erhältlich.
Filter ARINC 404 - Amphenol Canada
ARINC 404 connectors and the Military equivalent MIL-DTL-81659 are a long time standard in both military and commercial aviation LRU’s. These connectors come in 4 sizes that can hold up to 424 individual contacts. Amphenol ACC is the world leader in the filtering of this series and has many capabilities to meet our customers varied requirements.
ARINC 600 - Amphenol Canada
The ARINC 600 is the successor to the ARINC 404 for many of the new avionics designs. Compared to the ARINC 404, the ARINC 600 features lower mating force contacts, increased contact count, and a front release, floating keying system. Amphenol’s extensive product offering will meet the most demanding needs of our customers.
RNJLP - Rack & Panel Low profile - 38999 Series - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol Socapex RNJLP Rack & Panel Low Profile connector is a lightweight, high-density solution for harsh environments. Derived from the 38999 series III, it features realignment capability on three axes, allowing for axial, angular, and longitudinal realignments. The RNJLP offers the same panel distance as the ARINC 404 and is suitable for applications such as battlefield communication ...