Search Results for ashd connectors
AMPHENOL CORPORATION Amphenol Industrial Phone: 888-364-9011 191 Delaware Avenue Sidney, NY 13838-1395 Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors are UL recognized and CSA recognized.
| 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
后置 以太网交换机和媒体转换器. 以太网交换机; 光纤媒体转换器; 电线和跳线; ps 系列:功率器件解决方案
G:EngineeringacadUsers working folderJim HeadAT Series IssuesAT CapsC ...
USE WITH CONNECTORS AT06-4S* ( * = MODIFICATIONS AND/OR COLORS ) 6. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY. 21.0 27.7 34.2 23.1 ø5.1. Title: G:EngineeringacadUsers working folderJim HeadAT Series IssuesAT CapsC-AT06-4S-CAP-A1.dwg Author: jhead Created Date:
G:EngineeringacadUsers working folderJim HeadAT Series IssuesAT CapsC ...
USE WITH CONNECTORS AT06-6S* ( * = MODIFICATIONS AND/OR COLORS ) 6. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY. 25.9 27.8 34.3 23.2 ø5.1. Title: G:EngineeringacadUsers working folderJim HeadAT Series IssuesAT CapsC-AT06-6S-CAP-A1.dwg Author: jhead Created Date:
Quality Management System Policy Manual - PCB
wave soldering, hermetic connector and crystal manufacturing. Final products are tested under a variety of conditions using automated calibration workstations accredited to ISO17025, which utilize NIST and/or European PTB traceable standards. Administration / Support: Various administrative and support functions include human resources, ...
connectors: size 12 straight socket connector (9351-40045) mcx straight crimp plug cable: rg-179/u cable (200-70-118) material: notes: 1. size 12 socket designed to mate to size 12 pin contact (9341-40063) on 7093-0278, or similar. 2. size 16 socket will not mate to standard size 12 pin contact or smpm connector.
C091 311H012 00 2 - M16 Male cable connector with internal s
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ C091 311H012 00 2 - M16 Male cable connector with internal strain relief and metal locking ring. 12 contacts, silver plated, 4-6mm cable diameter.
Amphenol Optimize
Amphenol Optimize Mfg. Co. 482 N Mariposa Rd Bldg. A Nogales, AZ 85621 Phone: (520) 397-7015 Fax: (520) 397-7014
Ultra-High Temperature Pressure Sensor Ideal for Combustion ... - PCB
PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Introduces Ultra-High Temperature Pressure Sensor Ideal for Combustion Dynamics and Thermoacoustic Measurements Model 176A31 Allows for Continuous Operation at 1400 °F (760 °C) without Need for Water Cooling
98426-G06-04-148LF | Minitek® | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Minitek ® 2.00MM. Contact us today for more details of Minitek ® , part number 98426-G06-04-148LF.
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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Airborne charge amplifiers Include all of the below for the outline drawing
output connector of the unit, removing the need for any mechanical adjustment and allows for a hermetic seal. Units are field programmable with the use of an external programmer, Endevco Model 4876-KIT. The 2680BM1-XXX through 2680BM7-XXX models have two outputs, a biased output and an unbiased output.
tmm-4-l-06-1 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Positronic offers a variety of standard and high-density D-subs, as well as accessories and ComboD-sub connectors. Highly reliable with precision-machined contacts, our connectors meet various industrial and military performance levels for applications from basic power supplies to advanced weapon systems and flight.
Euromicron enables smallest holes at minimum tolerances | Amphenol ...
Typical dimensions: Turning from 3 to 40 mm Ø Milling max. dimensions 150 x 150 x 90 mm Drilling from 50 - 1200 µm Ø
Automotive | Markets - Amphenol
AUTOMOTIVE-GRADE CONNECTOR SYSTEM WITH FLEXIBLE SOLDERING FlexLock®2.54mm FPC-to-Board connectors are designed to address the growing demands of the automotive market. These compact USCAR-T2V2 compatible connectors have a nominal current carrying capacity of 3A per contact to support higher power applications as well.
Supplier management & evaluation - Amphenol Socapex
Supplier evaluation. The goal of this system is to provide the best products and services to our customers, to evaluate suppliers in more details and more accurately, and finally to conduct changes in our corporate structures and strategies to success, hand in hand with our suppliers and partners in global sourcing.
IT Datacom | Markets | Amphenol
DSFP SMT Connectors offer dual high-speed lanes operating at 28Gb/s NRZ and 56Gb/s PAM-4 for a 50G & 100G aggregated bandwidth solution. It has additional 2 pins compared to the SFP/SFP+ family, which enables it to have a second high-speed channel with an identical connector form factor. The DSFP shares the same unique mating interface and EMI ...
Feeder Cable - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
RF Feeder Cable for connection to a single component or a fully integrated RF transmission line system.
Temposonics® R-Series RH Position Sensors
Temposonics® RH is a robust, high-performance rod-style sensor for installation into a hydraulic cylinder. The sensor is suitable for long-term operation under harsh industrial environments such as steel industry and metalworking plants.