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Fiber Pedestal | Fiber Optic Pedestals | Outdoor Fiber Pedestal
Explore Charles Industries' Outdoor Fiber Pedestals, offering secure, durable solutions for protecting and managing fiber optic networks in outdoor environments. Enquire now!
Amphenol Corporation - Investor Relations
Delivering Strong Performance. The electronics revolution continues to create exciting, long-term growth opportunities for Amphenol. We remain global leaders in developing new applications to drive demand for our broad range of high-technology products across all of our diversified end markets.
TFC Power Cable Product Information Sheet Part Number: TFC-T168-0200-08 ...
TFC Power Cable Product Information Sheet Part Number: TFC-T168-0200-08-20 Description: Cable, 2Cx8AWG+GND+DRN Document: TFC-T168-0200-08-20 Revision: 1.8.2021
BDO Series Fiber Splice Pedestals (-EG & -EB)
Explore Charles Industries' BDO Series Fiber Splice Pedestals (-EG & -EB) to protect co-located copper/fiber distribution points. Enquire now!
Scanning Receivers | Test & Measurement - PCTEL
PCTEL® scanning receivers are precision network testing tools. Designed for drive testing, walk testing, troubleshooting, and monitoring of cellular, WiFi, IoT, and critical communications networks worldwide, they provide the insights you need to improve coverage and quality of service throughout the wireless network lifecycle.
Walk-in Cabinets (WIC) | Walk-in Enclosures | Telecom Walk-in Cabinets
Charles Industries offers Telecom Walk-in Cabinets (WIC) or Walk-in Enclosures for durable, weather-resistant protection of telecom and utility infrastructure. Enquire now!
Charles Fiber Distribution Point (CFDP) Pedestals
Accessories and Replacement Parts for CFDP Pedestals APROMS # Oracle # Description Charles Part #
Concealment Shroud Brackets & Poles - Charles Industries, LLC
Mounting Brackets and Decorative Poles for All-in-One Concealment Solutions. SAM The outdoor, weather-resistant Side Arm Mount (SAM) mounts onto a pole and supports one radio inside the compartment and one antenna on top of the antenna shroud/mast (radio and antenna are customer supplied).
Tin-Plated Copper Ground Bars - Charles Industries
Tin-Plated Copper Ground Bars 8-Position Ground Bars for Handholes, CPE Terminals, and Small Cell Poles INNOVATIVE ENCLOSED SOLUTIONS™ Charles Industries, LLC An Amphenol Company
PRO-ATT ... dB-100-3
Directional- & 3 dB Couplers. Huge range of high-performance Hybrid- and Directional Couplers low loss in the frequency range 100-2700 MHz. Learn more at Amphenol Procom.
PRO-ATT ... dB-2-3-N
This 2 W series includes 3 dB, 6 dB, 10 dB, 20 dB and 30 dB attenuators. This series of attenuators has very low VSWR and attenuation flatness and is especially suitable for use with:
Pedlock Magnum Pedestals (CPLM) - Charles Industries
Charles Pedlock Magnum Pedestals (CPLM) provide superior environmental protection of copper buried distribution points in the outside plant. CPLM Pedestals are designed for universal use, with
ATT-16-00 - Size 16 Stamped and Formed Contact Tool 14-16 AWG
AT60-16-0622 Nickel-Plated Male Stamped & Formed Contact, Size 16, 16-20AWG 4000 pcs. Reel. Comparable to PNs# 1060-16-0622, 845240004
Revised September 29, 2017 AT&T Approved Charles CFDP FTTCS & FTT-Business Pedestal Solutions INNOVATIVE ENCLOSED SOLUTIONS™ Charles Industries, Ltd. Phone: (847) 806-6300
Multi-Purpose Housings (CMPH) | Multi-Purpose Enclosures | Outside ...
Discover Charles Industries' Multi Purpose Housing (CMPH) Enclosure, offering versatile, secure solutions for protecting telecom and utility equipment. Enquire now!
N-Type Attenuators - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of N-Type Attenuators designed for radio frequency applications. Amphenol RF N-Type Attenuators feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
C:\Users\jhead\Desktop\P064\C-AHDP06-24-91SN-P064-A1.dwg - Amphenol
smooth adapter - green ahdp06-24-91sn-p064 of: sh: rev: dwg no: title: rev description date revisions eco by appr 1 1 a1 ahdp06-24-91sn-p064 09pos,plug,socket,24sz,normal seal,sra,duramate ahdp
PRO-ATT ... dB-100-3
SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Model PRO-ATT ... dB-100-3 Frequency DC - 3 GHz Impedance 50 Ω Attenuation See table below VSWR < 1.25:1 Mechanical Connection(s) N(f) or 7/16(f)
R-Series Position Sensors - Temposonics
Temposonics ® R-Series position sensors feature the highest performance, accuracy and reliability in magnetostrictive linear position technology and are designed for advanced motion control implementations in industrial applications.. Powerful position sensor with high accuracy and reliability; Available as; Rod version (RH) for cylinder integrated position measurement