Search Results for axis matlab
More on Radiation Patterns - Beamwidth - PCTEL
Consider the azimuth and elevation plane patterns shown below. These plots are basically antenna gain vs angle. In the case of the azimuth plane pattern, that angle is the angle around the antenna parallel to the ground (phi, φ).
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics — Sensors to measure vibration, acoustics, force, pressure, load, strain, shock, and torque.
150WXS WeatherStation® Instrument - Airmar
Airmar’s WeatherStation 150WXS provides accurate, site-specific, weather data from a single compact device. It measures seven critical weather parameters in real-time. The compact housing features ultrasonic wind and barometric pressure measurements.
R-Series Position Sensors - Temposonics
Temposonics ® R-Series position sensors feature the highest performance, accuracy and reliability in magnetostrictive linear position technology and are designed for advanced motion control implementations in industrial applications.
Model 393B31 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 393B31:Seismic, high sensitivity, ceramic flexural ICP® accel., 10 V/g, 0.1 to 200 Hz, 2-pin top conn.
DigiDAQ™ Digital ICP® - USB Signal Conditioner - PCB
Compatible with Python, MATLAB®, LabVIEW&trade, and a variety of time and frequency signal analysis programs; 2-channel ICP® (IEPE) sensor inputs, and also available with voltage or mixed voltage/ICP inputs as models; Available with cable terminating in USB-A or USB-C
Coaxial Cable Guide - Amphenol RF
What is a Coaxial Cable? A coaxial cable, often referred to as coax cable, is a type of electrical cable that consists of a central conductor, an insulating layer, a metallic shield, and an outer insulating layer. It is commonly used for transmitting radio frequency (RF) signals, video signals, and data signals.
Operation Manual R-Series V SSI 552011
Before starting the operation of Temposonics® position sensors, read this documentation thoroughly and follow the safety information. Keep this manual for future reference! 1 or instructed service technicians who are familiar with the project planning and dealing with Temposonics® sensors.
Model 353B32 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 353B32:High sensitivity, quartz shear ICP® accel., 50 mV/g, 1 to 5k Hz, 10-32 top conn.
Return Loss to VSWR Conversion Chart - Amphenol RF
The ratio of the input to the reflected signal is called the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). This ratio can also be measured in dB, and expressed as Return Loss.
Miniature Triaxial ICP ® Accelerometers with TEDS - PCB
PCB Models 356A43, 356A44 and 356A45 are miniature and lightweight triaxial ICP® accelerometers that are TEDS enabled.
150WXS NMEA 0183 / AG WeatherStation® - SolarShield and Relative ...
Airmar’s WeatherStation 150WXS provides accurate, site-specific, weather data from a single compact device. It measures seven critical weather parameters in real-time. The compact housing features ultrasonic wind and barometric pressure measurements.
Model K2007E01 | PCB Piezotronics
Multi-Axis ICP® High Temperature; Hazardous Area Approved; Cryogenic ICP® Radiation Hardened; High Frequency ICP® Low Frequency ICP® Low Power ICP® Handheld Vibration Meter; Resistance Temperature Detection; 4-20 mA Transmitters. Vibration Transmitters; Reciprocating Machinery Protector; DIN-Rail Mount Module; Displays & Alarms; Bearing ...
White Papers | PCB Piezotronics
Collecting Vibration Data with a USB Digital Accelerometer and an Android Phone While Analyzing with MATLAB
Miniature Electrodynamic Shakers | PCB Piezotronics
From the SmartShaker™ with an integrated amplifier, to an Inertial Shaker System for testing in hard-to-reach areas, mini shakers offer flexibility when testing. Miniature shaker systems range from 2 lbf (9 N) to 7 lbf (31 N) sine peak force excitation.
Load Cells - PCB
The principal axis of a transducer is normally the Z axis. The Z axis will also normally be an axis of radial symmetry or axis of rotation. In the event there is no clearly defined axis, the following preference system will be used Z, X, Y. The illustration below shows the axis and sense nomenclature for load cells supplied by PCB
Model 7264H-2KTZ-360 | PCB Piezotronics
PCB® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news & product updates from PCB®. . . . Why PCB?
Model M607A01 | PCB Piezotronics
Model M607A01:Platinum Stock Products; Low profile industrial ICP® accel, 100 mV/g, 0.5 to 10k Hz, side exit, 2-pin MIL conn & swiveler base with
Load Cells article - PCB
The principal axis of a transducer is normally the Z axis. The Z axis will also normally be an axis of radial symmetry or axis of rotation. In the event there is no clearly defined axis, the following preference system will be used Z, X, Y. The illustration below shows the axis and sense nomenclature for load cells supplied by PCB
IECEx - | 1 800 828 8840 MODELS . 356A06 & 356A09. MINIATURE . TRIAXIAL ICP ® ACCELEROMETERS Small 0.25 (6.4 mm) adhesive mount cube Mini 8-36 4-pin jack offering improved serviceability in the case of cable damage High overload limit of 10000 g / 5000 g