Search Results for breadboard set
Model -
4. set back for press block. this may affect the tail length before application to a board. 6. top surface of press block may extend up to 0.4mm higher than housing. 7. this product meets european union directives and other country regulations. as described in gs-47- 0004. 9. a symbol will be next to any dimension, view, or note which has been ...
SGX Infrared Gas Sensor Evaluation Kit IR-EK2 User Guide
6. Set the Bulb Voltage and Channel Gains a. Select the ‘Readings’ tab. The bulb voltage is displayed. b. Adjust VR3 clockwise to the desired Bulb Voltage (between 3 V and 5 V) c. Adjust VR0 to set the Reference level output. Set to approximately 2 V peak-to-peak if possible. The signal clips at 3 V. d.
Amphenol Assembletech
Tel: 86-13606097321 Fax: 86-592-5931111
Model M625B11 Precision Industrial ICP® Accelerometer Installation and ...
Manual 21354 Rev E ECN 50523 CAUTION Refers to hazards that could damage the instrument. NOTE Indicates tips, recommendations and important information.
21-033837-071 (RECEPTACLE ADAPTER) Transition Adapter, Receptacle ...
Die Set (Location) 21-033837-071 Quadrax Transition Adapter Receptacle, 90° Attachment to Board (150 Ohm) Tensolite 26473/02006X-4 (150 Ohm) M22520/2-01 (4) M22520/2-34 M22520/5-01 M22520/5-45 (A) Amphenol Amphenol Aerospace 40-60 Delaware Avenue Sidney, New York 13838-1395 Website:
Model M602D02 Low profile, industrial, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 500 ...
Model M602D02 Low profile, industrial, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 500 mV/g, 0.5 to 8000 Hz, side exit, 2-pin connector, single point ISO 17025 accredited calibration
SS175 Medium Ultra-Wide Chirp, 1kW, 12° Tilt, Humminbird 21-Pin, DT
When paired with our other popular models such as the B275LHW, provides the angler with a broad set of frequencies (Low, Medium-Wide, High-Wide) to interrogate targets from deep to shallow. The SS175MW Tilted Element Thru-hull is a 1 kW transducer housed in one of AIRMAR’s most popular Tilted Element housings which includes a ceramic element ...
Model HT625B01 High Temperature Industrial ICP® Accelerometer ... - PCB
to the alarm levels set for the machine. By carefully evaluating the idiosyncrasies of the machinery, the predictive maintenance engineer can estimate the minimum expected vibration levels and ensure that the electrical noise floor of the accelerometer is less than those levels.
Addendum 1 to Report C1-1159 -
Simulation Set Up: The basic SPICE model used was that shown in Figure 1. This represents two connectors (T15 and T16) connected by a lossless 50 ohm transmission lines (T17 and T18). Each connector is modeled as a differential pair of contacts, and has been driven differentially for the simulation.
CE23-0606_A_Summary 1 . Amphenol Corporation Aerospace Operations Sidney, NY 13838. ENGINEERING REPORT. Report # CE23-0606 . EWOM # N/A. CLT # 10825
The MiCS-VZ-87 is an integrated sensor board for Indoor Air Quality ...
2nd byte (8-bit): reserved (set at 0b00000000) Clock Speed Up to 100 kbit/s Pull-up Resistor Resistors between 2k and 10k work for most systems Page 4 of 5 MiCS-VZ-87 Preliminary rev 6 I2C is a simple two-wire chip-to-chip digital communication protocol. The protocol is master oriented but allows bidirectional communication on just two ...
2023 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
Our sustainability approach and goals are set at the corporate level by our executive leadership with input from our Board and our Environmental, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS) team. These goals are then communicated and integrated across Amphenol’s divisions, groups and business units. This approach empowers each
Smart Power Relay E-1048-8C - Smart Power Relay E-1048-8C... 2 1651 5 Wire breakage monitoring in wire breakage thresholds: ON and OFF ambient temperaturein OFF-condition (ver.1): Rload > 100 kΩ condition of load1) Temperature shutdown in OFF-condition (ver.2): Rload > 10 kΩ Testsin ON-condition: Iload < 0.2 x IN indication via group fault signalisation
MS シリーズ (MIL-DTL-5015規格適合)|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
ms シリーズ - mil-dtl-5015規格適合 . カタログ; 半田; ms シリーズは、極めて頑丈で耐環境性に優れた、ねじ式嵌合の丸型コネクタです。
Model 483C15 | PCB Piezotronics (de)
[5] User adjustable, factory set at 4 mA (± 0.5 mA). Each control adjusts 4 channels. [2] The low frequency tolerance is accurate within ±25% of the specified frequency. [3] Un-buffered output, read out device input impedance affects discharge time constant and low frequency response of unit. [6] See PCB Declaration of Conformance PS024 for ...
PL28 -
Key Characteristics Contact Amphenol for Latest Definition Critical 关键特性 Significant 重要特性 s c 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C Dust Cap Note: Optional to be ...
MIL-DTL-38999シリーズIII (TV シリーズ)|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
よく比較される製品. HD38999 シリーズ. Micro38999 (2M シリーズ). 小径フランジD38999. 航空宇宙,産業機器. フィードスルーバルクヘッド. 関連情報
MIL-DTL-5015規格適合 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
5 インサート 配列 サービス レーティング コンタクト 数 コンタクトサイズ 0 4 8 12 16 8s-1 a 1 1 10s-2 a 1 1 10sl-3 a 3 3 10sl-4 a 2 2
FEP Fahrzeugelektrik Pirna GmbH
Seit mehr als 70 Jahren ist FEP ein fester Bestandteil der Automobilindustrie. Wir sind als kompetenter Hersteller und Entwicklungslieferant von elektrischen Steckverbindern aus Kunststoff zur Anwendung in der Bordnetzarchitektur von Fahrzeugen, von Schalt- und Sensorelementen und sonstigen Kunststoffteilen anerkannt.