Search Results for can time be taken from gps
Whip Antennas DFA 450/900-X/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
-operate two transceivers (450 and 900 MHz) at the same time on one antenna using a diplexer (type DIPX 500/800 – to be ordered separately) -operate a dual-frequency transceiver (450 and 900 MHz) on one antenna (diplexer not required).
drivers of unsafe conditions, and take corrective actions such as automatically braking. GPS NAVIGATION GPS is a satellite navigation system that continuously provides location and time information up to centimeter-level accuracy. CAMERAS Vehicle cameras have evolved beyond simple backup functions to
drivers of unsafe conditions, and take corrective actions such as automatically braking. GPS NAVIGATION GPS is a satellite navigation system that continuously provides location and time information up to centimeter-level accuracy. CAMERAS Vehicle cameras have evolved beyond simple backup functions to
Measuring displacement using accelerometers - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
They take the same accelerometer-based vibration signal discussed above, internally process that signal using one of several detection schemes (rms, peak, peak-to-peak, ... While all of the loop powered vibration sensors up to this time based the 4-20 mA output signal on acceleration or velocity, measuring displacement with a 4-20 mA sensor is ...
Product Data Sheet - Temposonics
The R-Series analog sensor can be ordered for single-position magnet applications which provide one position output, and/or one velocity output over the active stroke length. The R-Series sensor can also be ordered for dual-position magnet ap - plications which provide two position outputs, or two velocity outputs, or one of each. Single-magnet ...