Search Results for carlisle interconnect technologies
LTR-200 -
LTR-200 -
Kaye LTR-90 Insert for 25 Sensors and 1 IRTD
Kaye LTR-90 Insert for 25 Sensors and 1 IRTD
会社概要|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
米国Carlisle Interconnect Technologies(カーライル・インターコネクト・テクノロジー)社が アンフェノールグループ入り: 2023年: 栗東工場ISO14001返上: 2021年: 米国MTSシステム社がアンフェノールグループ入り: 2021年
High/Low Volume Custom Cable Wire Harness & Assembly Manufacturing
Wire Harness and Cable Assembly Manufacturing Amphenol DC Electronics is a custom cable assembly and wire harness manufacturing company. We specialized in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of custom wire harnesses, cable assemblies, and integrated electronic mechanical devices (box builds).
Customer Support - Airmar
Get exceptional customer support for your marine sensing needs at Airmar. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with technical inquiries, product troubleshooting, and order assistance. Experience our commitment to providing top-notch support and ensuring your satisfaction as a valued customer.
Validator® AVS -
Validator® AVS -
effective solution for your high current interconnect requirements. Available in the compact 3.6mm, 70A rated option and a larger 5.7mm, 120A big brother. The Amphe-PD™ is reintroduced with a new black PBT housing that is more robust and aesthetically pleasing. The Amphe-PD™ series meets RoHS requirements and is UL and IEC finger touch safe.
LUX-BEAM™ #16 - Kuituoptiset terminaalit | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol SOCAPEX LUX-BEAM™ #16 on yksittäinen laajennetun säteen termini, joka mahdollistaa päivitykset optisesta fyysisestä kontaktitekniikasta optiseen kontaktittomaan tekniikkaan. Tämä tekniikka soveltuu monenlaisiin sovelluksiin, kuten taistelukentän viestintään, maadoitettuihin ajoneuvoihin, sotilasilmailutekniikkaan ja teollisuuskäyttöön.
effective solution for your high current interconnect requirements. Available in the compact 3.6mm, 70A rated option and a larger 5.7mm, 120A big brother. The Amphe-PD™ is reintroduced with a new black PBT housing that is more robust and aesthetically pleasing. The Amphe-PD™ series meets RoHS requirements and is UL and IEC finger touch safe.
Liquid Nitrogen Comparator - KAYE
Liquid Nitrogen Comparator - KAYE
Amphenol Sensors Military Applications
Amphenol Sensors Military Applications
Amphenol TFOCA-II
optic interconnect solutions that withstand the harsh environments of military, oil & gas, mining and broadcast applications. After more than a decade in business, AFSI continues to uphold its position as a global leader in fiber optic interconnect components and systems such as termini, M28876, MIL-ST, TFOCA and the TFOCA-II® connector, which ...
Low frequency machinery monitoring: measurement considerations
Low frequency machinery monitoring: measurement considerations
Pressure Sensors - Implantable Applications
Pressure Sensors - Implantable Applications
NovaSensor NPI-19 Digital I2C Pressure Sensor - Amphenol
NovaSensor NPI-19 Digital I2C Pressure Sensor - Amphenol
LTR-90 -
LTR-90 -
LUTZE Power Supply Catalog
LUTZE Power Supply Catalog
Airmar’s ultrasonic WeatherStation® instruments deliver accurate, reliable weather data from a rugged, compact, maintenance-free design with no moving parts. These all-in-one multisensors can measure real-time apparent wind speed and direction, air temperature and calculated wind chill, barometric pressure, relative humidity, calculated dew point and heat index.