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Self-Adhering Surface Temperature Sensors
Product Design Part number Foam backing size / mm Full length / mm Connector type JS4298 45x45, square 700 Molex 5559 JS5698 45x45, square 750 Molex 5559
User Manual -
Document version: Reviewed: 1r3 Document Change Record Issue Date Sheet (s) Description of change Alterations endorsed and 1r0 31-05-2023 All First release implemented bySMN 1r1 23-06-2023 Page 12 Connection of Power supply voltage SMN 1r3 04-09-2023 All Div. corrections SMN Amphenol Procom Contacts: Adnan Ahmad
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Sensor Overview
Sensor Overview Amphenol Advanced Sensors is a world leader in advanced measurement and sensor-based technology solutions. We design and manufacture precision instruments and systems that measure temperature, pressure, humidity and gas
Telaire HS12SP Relative Humidity Sensor -
2. Do not disassemble or change any parts. 3. Do not touch sensor element. 4. Do not apply any direct current to the sensor. 5. Do not touch the film or the surface of the sensor. 6. In use and stock, freezing, dust, mist, oil, alcohol, corrosive gases or any other dirty/anomalous ambient may cause degradation of the sensor’s characteristics. 7.
AFSI Supplier Quality Clause Guide - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
AFSI Supplier Quality Clause Guide - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
Charles SHRD5 Add -On Kit 97-SHRD5-2822xW General Description and ...
Secure the two lower ring sections to the C-clamps (Figure 6). Use four sets of 1/4-20 (5/8” long) hex screws with split and flat washers from below the ring sections, through the slots in the ring sections, and upward into the mounting holes on the c-clamps.
Model K9140D10 | PCB Piezotronics
Product Documents About PCB ® PCB ® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.
6177400E (2) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
6177400E (2) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
iT300 - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Note: Due to continuous process improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. This document is cleared for public release. SPECIFICATIONS INPUT IEPE sensor input type Temperature sensor input Single ended, DC coupled 10 mV/°C IEPE power source +24 VDC, 4.5 mA Sensitivity range acceleration velocity 9 - 11,000 mV/g
2826 00 Six-Slot T1 Mini-Repeater Apparatus Case - Charles Industries
1.1 Document Purpose This document provides general and installation information for the Charles Industries 2826−00 Six-Slot T1 Appa-ratus Case, shown in Figure 1. ... Each time a major engineering design change is made on the equipment, the issue number is advanced by 1 and imprinted on subsequent units manufactured. Therefore, be sure to ...
1.1 Document Purpose This document provides two sets of installation instructions for the Charles CFXC Series of Fiber Flexibility Pedestals; Part 2 (and Table 1) provides in-structions for the pedestal base installation (in addition to the instructions provided in the reference document attached to the base), and Part 3 (and
of Contents - Amphenol Ardent Concepts
recommendation put forth in this document, Amphenol Ardent Concepts cannot guarantee good results. 2.0 SCOPE This specification provides information and requirements regarding application of the µLO surface mount connector, anchor‐carrier assembly, and anchors. 3.0 PCB DESIGN 3.1 BOARD LAYOUT
Glossary of RF Terms - Amphenol RF
The magnitude of variation in a changing quantity from its zero value. The word required modification - as with adjectives such as peak, maximum, rms, etc. - to designate the specific amplitude in question. Analog The representation of information by means of continuously variable signal. Attenuation (a)
C:Documents and SettingsGarrickMy DocumentsCustomersConnexRR411
Title: C:Documents and SettingsGarrickMy DocumentsCustomersConnexRR411.dwg Author: Garrick Created Date: 8/21/2007 7:29:18 PM
38HF4SMDMxxx - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
38HF4SMDMxxx - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Thermometrics PTC Heaters for Angle of Attack De-Icing
Title: Thermometrics PTC Heaters for Angle of Attack De-Icing Author: Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: PTC Thermistors can be used in Aerospace applications as heaters for Angle of Attack Sensors to prevent ice formation during flight.
⅝ λ Mobile Antenna with Shock Spring for the 160 MHz Band
⅝ λ Mobile Antenna with Shock Spring for the 160 MHz Band DESCRIPTION Sturdy, 3 dB gain, ⅝ λ antenna in professional quality. Available with glass fiber or stainless steel whip.
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ROKK Wireless - Sub. Waterproof Wireless Charger 12/24V
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version