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TPI @ EVS36 | Sacramento, CA | June 11-14th 2023
TPI @ EVS36 | Sacramento, CA | June 11-14th 2023. May 31, 2023 Visit us at Booth 837. Latest custom and standard product samples will be on display (PowerLok G1 and G2 configs, HC Series, molded HV splices, and sealed busbars). Contact us at: [email protected] View all products here: Amphenol TPI Products.
直流充电座带LED灯版 - 新能源汽车高压连接器与线束-产品中心 - 安费诺汽车连接系统(常州)有限公司
SPEC-HVMC2P24XXX 20190123 REV02
Title: Microsoft Word - SPEC-HVMC2P24XXX_20190123_REV02.doc Author: will.gao Created Date: 10/15/2020 8:11:48 PM
M1963 Series -
%PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 563 0 obj > endobj 579 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[8684145B993B634DA170FC0A577FB5D6>7ED168F10FF7174FBF017CE4692FF178>]/Index[563 32]/Info 562 0 R ...
M1982 Series -
Shock Method 516.5 Procedure I 20 g / 11 ms terminal peak sawtooth shock pulse Salt Fog Method 509.4 Reliability 150,000 hours, calculated IAW MIL-HDBK-217F Notice 2 at +85°C baseplate, Ground fixed conditions. Jared Sibrava | +1 (607) 643-1845 |
gtc-e-series-catalog-amphenol-industrial Amphenol 4 GTC-E Series GTC-E series is developed from Amphenol GT Series Reversed Bayonet Coupling Connectors. GTC-E series inherits
B A3 - Amphenol Sine
Title (S:\ ̲ \Connector team\M23-M40-RT\4_ATHP\6. ATHP 1POS 8mm ܿ \2. ڶ \Customer drawing\ ° ͻ ͼֽ\C-ATHP041P08NN-xx)
Thermometrics Single-Use Temperature Sensor -
Thermometrics Single-Use Temperature Sensor -
Kabelkonfektionierung nach SIEMENS 6FX Standard - Lutze
6 7. 8 Servokonfektionen ohne Bremsadern für feste Verlegung Nach SIEMENS-6FX5002 Standard Basisleitung Einsatzbereich ... 11,5 198108.1000 6FX5002-5CN51-1BA0* 10,0 (4G6) 13,2 198109.1000 6FX5002-5CN61-1BA0* 10,0 (4G10) 16,5 SINAMICS, Vollgewinde/Booksize 198205.1000 6FX5002-5CS01-1BA0* 10,0 (4G1,5) 8,4
F F - Amphenol Sine
t.n 7/12/2002 2:1 uos 1/4" phone plug mono assy t.n 7/12/2002 refer to components see table a3 55010218-000-1 1 1 m.n.h p.m 04-05-04 04-05-04 1 update to modified components l.v 1/03/2004 8241 1 50310007-*30 50310007-130-1 insert assembly 1 2 53490001-*31 53490001-331-1 backshell assembly 1 3 51270016-521 51270013-521-1 pvc insulation tube 1 ...
D38999 Pin and Socket Contacts - SV Microwave
SV Microwave has released a line of D38999 pin and socket contacts that are aligned to the latest specification set forth by SOSA™. These coaxial contacts fit both standard and series III housing and are offered in BMB size 8 and SMPM size 12.
Amphenol GT Series Reverse Bayonet Coupling Connectors
Number of Contacts 3 6 7 3 10 Contact Size 16 16 16 12 16 Insert Arrangement 18-11 18-12 20-4 20-29 22-2 Service Rating A A D A D Number of Contacts 5 6 4 17 3 Contact Size 12 16 12 16 8 Insert Arrangement 22-14 24-22 24-96 28-6 28-21 Service Rating A D Inst. D A Number of Contacts 19 4 28 3 37 Contact Size 16 8 16 4 16
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance January 19, 2023 Dear Customer, In response to your compliance status inquiry regarding the following product, Amphenol Aerospace
M7027 SERIES -
7 TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM PARALLEL OPERATION- TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM . ared Sibrava | +1 (607) 643-1845 | 8 OUTLINE DRAWING Notice: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact your nearest Amphenol Corporation Sales Office for the latest specifications. ... 7/24/2024 11:39: ...
Amphenol Aerospace
Created Date: 12/11/2000 9:04:08 AM
B A3 - Amphenol Sine
10.7 1 11/16-18 unef thread 1 11/16-12 un thread-1 64 p r - w t a a a h d p 0-24 m p h e n o l y y m m d d size 12 contacts (16 places) 6 threaded adapter - blue a2 -- modify product name 11aug20 ian tommy a3 a3 -- update dimension 03nov21 lynch tommy notes: unless otherwise specified 1. material: housing: thermoplastic; black seal: silicone ...
(8 5r+6 ,, &huwlilfdwh ri &rqirupdqfh 0dufk 'hdu &xvwrphu ,q uhvsrqvh wr \rxu frpsoldqfh vwdwxv lqtxlu\ uhjduglqj wkh iroorzlqj surgxfw $pskhqro $hurvsdfh
EU RoHS II Declaration -
EU RoHS II Declaration November 30, 2023 Dear Customer, In response to your compliance status inquiry regarding the following product, Amphenol Aerospace
CRYO-SEAL HERMETIC - Amphenol Aerospace
It Maintained a true hermetic seal, limiting helium air leak to 1X10^(-7) cubic centimeters per second. No cracking of the elastomeric interfacial seal was observed under 5x magnification. Applications: Liquid Rocket Engines (LRE), Superconducting Qubit Quantum Computers, Medical Devices, Lunar and Martian Environments, Deep Space Travel PDS - 354
ECTA3+2系列连接器 - 新能源汽车高压连接器与线束-产品中心 - 安费诺汽车连接系统(常州)有限公司