Search Results for chen hai xi 14-5,building 1
MicroSpaceXS™ 1.27mm Unsealed - Amphenol CS
MicroSpaceXS™ Unsealed 1.27mm Crimp-to-Wire Connector Platform, Wire to Board Connector, Horizontal, Header, Surface Mount, Staggered, Top Latch, 10 Ways
Amphenol CS Sales Office Locations | Office Addresses
1-5-28 Nishi-Miyahara Yodogawa-ku Osaka, Japan 532-0004 Tel. : 81 6 6398 5180; Japan - Tokyo 2F NT Building, 1-47-1 Ooi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0014 Japan Tel. : 81 3 4334 5000; Korea FCI CONNECTORS KOREA LTD. 66, Saneop-ro 92beon-gil Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si Gyeonggi-do, Korea 16643 Tel. : 82 31 278 6253 Malaysia - Penang Amphenol TCS Malaysia ...
10145204 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MicroSpaceTM Crimp-to-Wire connector platform’s unique design enables LV214 Severity-2 and performs at 1.27mm, 1.50mm and 1.80mm pitch. MicroSpaceTM will be available in single and double row versions, with top and side latch configuration.
10155470-A010LF | Minitek MicroSpaceXS™ Waterproof 1.27mm | Amphenol
MicroSpaceXS™ Waterproof 1.27mm Crimp-to-Wire Connector Platform, Wire to Board Connector, Receptacle, Staggered, Top Latch, 10 Ways, Coding
Fiber Optic, Aviation, Energy, Industrial, Military, Naval | Contact
Contact Fiber Systems about fiber optics, cable assemblies & connectors for Military, Avionics & Industrials
10124420-101LF | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Enables users to upgrade systems for higher performance in the same form factor. Shieldless design with closely coupled pairs. Cost-effective solution yields low XT and Insertion Loss. Backward mateable to existing VS and VS2 designs. Drop in upgrade to previous generation systems. OVERVIEW. xibility of an open pin field design.
Amphenol Technical Products International Co.
HC Series Connectors Amphenol HC Signal Series connectors are designed as a high-performance, cost-effective solution for the signal and power transmission for PDIJ in battery pack. The connector has integrated both signal and power transmission in one body.
132101 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Find various products and specifications related to part number 132134, a SMA PCB connector with 50 ohm impedance and gold plating. See customer outline drawings, RoHS compliance, and product availability. C:Documents and Settingsgary.TESTUM-WS01.000My DocumentsGarry'sconnex ...
Dipole Arrays 7129405 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
A UHF Corner Reflector antenna designed for TETRA networks. This antenna provides approximately the same gain as an 8-Element Yagi antenna but with improved F/B ratio and reduced sidelobes in the horizontal plane.
PCIe Flip Gen 5 - Amphenol CS
Click on the Check Sample (if available) button to check the allowed sample quantity in the cart. You can also purchase additional quantity in the cart or buy directly using the Buy Now button below. The information below is for reference only. For more technical details, refer to product specification and application specification.
Yagi Antennas 7014385 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
A 12-element UHF Yagi antenna for PMR/Trunked Radio and Broadcast applications that carries approval to MPT1411 for UHF Telemetry. Antennas in this range are carefully designed to provide low passive intermodulation to minimize network interference.
About Us - Amphenol MAO
With 22 divisions in North America, Europe, and Asia, we can provide a local, regional presence to design and build any interconnect solution.
10137004-101LF | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ExaMAX ® 56Gb/s High Speed Backplane Connector 92Ohm, 4-Pair, 10 column, 140 position, Right Angle Receptacle, No Guide Pin. Backwards mating and footprint compatible with ExaMAX® VS. Unique beam-on-beam interface and skew equalized leadframes. Provides low crosstalk while eliminating insertion loss resonances.
10160920-1241100LF | Minitek Pwr Hybrid 3.0 Header | Amphenol
Minitek Pwr CEM-5 PCIe Connector System, Right Angle Through Hole Hybrid Header (12Power + 4 Signal), 100μin Matte Tin Plating, 2.2mm Tail Length, GW Compatible LCP, Black Color, Tray Packing.
RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
RFS Technologies designs and manufactures premium-quality cable and antenna solutions for wireless, public safety, distributed antenna system (DAS) and other telecom markets in North America. As an Amphenol company, we’re part of a global powerhouse in high-technology, interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions that’s enabling the electronics revolution across almost every industry.
C e r t i f i c a t e o f Re g i s t ra t i o n -
Q UA L I TY M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M - I S O 1 3 4 8 5 : 2 0 1 6 T h i s i s t o c e r t i fy t h a t : A m p h e n o l ( C h a n g z h o u ) C o n n e c t o r Sy s t e m s C o., L t d . B u i l d i n g 1 0 , J i n t o n In d u s t r i a l Pa r k , N o. 8 X i h u Ro a d
77313-101-14LF | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
BergStik ®, Board to Board connector, Unshrouded vertical Header, Through Hole, Single Row, 14 Positions, 2.54 mm Pitch. Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of 2.54mm Board to Board/Wire Connectors. Contact us today for more details of BergStik ®, part number 77311-101-14LF.
Amphenol Aorora Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
Accredited Body: DQS GmbH, August-Schanz-Straße 21, 60433 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Administrative Office: DQS AP Ltd., 906-907, Waterfront Place Block E, No.31 ...
10132797-041100LF | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
BergStak® 0.5mm Mezzanine Connector, Board To Board Connectors, 40 position, 5.3mm height plug connector. Part Specification Detail. The information below is for reference only. For more technical details, refer to product specification and application specification. Contact us today for more details of BergStak, part number 10132797 -063120LF.
ISO Certifications - Amphenol CS
Site ISO 14001 ISO 9001 ISO/TS 16949 (IATF 16949) ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001) Amphenol - Nashua, United States: Amphenol (Changzhou) Advanced Connector Co., Ltd. - Jiangsu, China