Search Results for cl-60
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
Datenblatt EH SSI -
60° 140° 3 7,9 Ø 32,8 Ø 23,8 Ø 13,5 Ø 4,3 7,9 Ø 25,4 Ø 13,5 7,9 Ø 13,5 Ø 17,4 7,9 U-Magnet OD33 Artikelnr. 251 416-2 Ringmagnet OD33 Artikelnr. 201 542-2 Ringmagnet OD25,4 Artikelnr. 400 533 Ringmagnet OD17,4 Artikelnr. 401 032 Material: PA-Ferrit-GF20 Gewicht: Ca. 11 g Flächenpressung: Max. 40 N/mm 2 Anzugsmoment für M4-Schrauben: 1 Nm
Validation / Monitoring Solutions to Meet your Needs
Validation / Monitoring Solutions to Meet your Needs
Type YM Series Thermometrics PTC Thermistors
Type YM Series Thermometrics PTC Thermistors
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
Datenblatt EH SSI -
Linearität 1 ≤ ±0,02 % F.S. (Minimum ±60 µm) Messwiederholgenauigkeit ≤ ±0,005 % F.S. (Minimum ±20 µm) Betriebsbedingungen Betriebstemperatur −40…+75 °C Feuchte 90 % relative Feuchte, keine Betauung Schutzart 2 IP67/IP69K (fachgerecht montiert) Schockprüfung 100 g (Einzelschock) IEC-Standard 60068-2-27
Circular, Plastic, Waterproof Connectors for Indoor/Outdoor Applications Available in 6 Shell Sizes and 30 Insert Arrangements for Power, Mixed Power/Signal, Coax and RJ45 layouts. Amphenol Sine Systems’ ecomate® Aquarius™ Series of waterproof connectors provide an IP67/69K waterproof rating (in mated condition) for industrial applications, and ...
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
Temposonics® Magnetostriktive lineare Positionssensoren EP / EL Analog Datenblatt – Für Standardapplikationen – Positionsmessung mit mehr als einem Magneten
Cooling Tower Application Study - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
metal fatigue. Nearly 60% of the outer raceway had been eroded. All 21 of the tapered rollers on the bottom output shaft bearing and the output shaft inner race exhibited heavy corrosion damage. Because vibration monitoring triggered a warning before the gearbox reached catastrophic failure, only the bearings and seals had to be replaced.
21-900702-001 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
21-902330-001 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Search Results for 21-900702-001 APPLICATION SPECIFICATION GS-20-141 - Amphenol CS 6.12 Connector Removal 21 6.13 Repair 21 7.0 Tooling 22 8.0 Product Part Number Assignments 23 PDS: Rev :C STATUS:Released Printed: Dec 26, 2017. ...
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
8-Cavity Duplexer for the 160 MHz Band -
Operating temperature range -30 °C to +60 °C Frequency Stability Approx. 5 ppm / °C DPF 2/44 Page: 1 of 3 Last edited: 2022/09/08. ORDERING Model Product No. Description Frequency DPF 2/44 L-4/6-N 200002379 SPACING: 4 - 6 MHz 138 - 156 MHz
EBY Electro Terminal Blocks and Connectors
Custom Terminal Blocks. Complete Design Services - Tell us your requirements and EBY can design the efficient, economical component you need.. Manufacturing For You - With EBY's manufacturing network, we can offer quantities and delivery times at very competitive prices.. With CAD/CAE, Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototype Techniques, our engineers can bring your concepts to life in as little as ...
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
Thermometrics temperature sensor solutions -
Global Excellence in Temperature Sensors The Thermometrics temperature product line contributes more than 70 years of technology experience in the
Linearität 1 ≤ ±0,02 % F.S. (Minimum ±60 μm) Messwiederholgenauigkeit ≤ ±0,005 % F.S. (Minimum ±20 μm) Betriebsbedingungen Betriebstemperatur −40…+75 °C Feuchte 90 % rel. Feuchte, keine Betauung Schutzart 2 IP67 / IP69K (bei sachgerechter Kabelsteckerinstallation) Schockprüfung 100 g (Einzelschock) IEC-Standard 60068-2-27
APXVL08B 43-H - 2-Ports, X-Pol, Panel Antenna, 0.8m, 1710-2690MHz ...
Temperature Range °C (°F) -40 to 60 (-40 to 140 ) Lightning protection Direct Ground Survival/Rated Wind Velocity km/h 200 (150 ) Wind Load @Rated Wind Front N 157 Wind Load @Rated Wind Side N 97 Wind Load @Rated Wind Rear N 239 ORDERING INFORMATION Order No. Configuration Mounting Hardware Mounting pipe Diameter Shipping Weight