Search Results for cleaning water from a borehole
Amphenol Socapex G POWERSAFE
DTL-38999 Series III connectors, VG95319-1011G, as well as TV35 & TVNSA backshells. Same panel drilling as standard MIL-DTL-38999 Series III receptacles. * Contacts arrangement 13-V4 / 17-V6 / 25-V6 are VG96944 Qualified. Due to technical modifications, all information provided is subect to change without prior notice
Thermometrics TSW-10 Turbidity Sensor -
made based on a comparison between clean water measurements (taken at the beginning of the wash cycle) and the wash water turbidity measurement taken at the end of each wash cycle. By measuring the turbidity of the wash water, the washing machine can conserve energy on lightly soiled loads by only washing as long as necessary.
Door Explorer - Marport
send the spread distance between the doors and clumps, depth, pitch, roll, water temperature and optionally positioning measurements. They also send an echogram image of the area below or above the sensors. Data received can be recorded on a built-in SD card and replayed in higher definition. Two models are available:
Model 3741B1230G | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
TSW-10 Turbidity Sensor -
clean water measurements (taken at the beginning of the wash cycle) and the wash water turbidity measurement taken at the end of each wash cycle. By measuring the turbidity of the wash water, the washing machine can conserve energy on lightly soiled loads by only washing as long as necessary. This will result in energy savings for the consumer.
Model 9155D-901 | PCB Piezotronics
PCB ® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications. Divisions of PCB
Issue 1 Print 5 LT‐IMCHRGR60‐1 IMC Series & OWNER’S MANUAL Model 93 ...
2. Be sure the area around the battery is well ventilated while the battery is being charged. Gas can be forcefully blown away using a piece of cardboard or other non-metallic material as a “hand fan”. 3. Clean battery terminals. Be careful to keep corrosion from coming in contact with eyes. 4.
Selecting & Installing Accelerometers - PCB
well-suited for machinery monitoring applications. Because of their very high output (up to 100 V/g), flexural designs excel in low level, low frequency seismic applications. The flexural element is often epoxied which limits its application in high shock environments. The compression design is generally the simplest and easiest to under-stand.
MachineryMate 200 operating guide - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Wipe the meter with a soft towel and lukewarm water. Do not place in dishwasher or other cleaning device or use detergents to clean housing. Do not subject meter to water at or above 122°F (50°C). Care must be taken when the batteries are changed. Do not drop the instrument. Damage to the probe tip/accelerometer and/or OLED display may occur.
Testing procedure Helicopter sensors - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
A bearing is not a clean place and is usually exposed to grease as well as other forms of liquid and moisture. The engineer tested the Wilcoxon before he suggested leaving them on the bearings. He put bearing grease, hydraulic fluid, and a sensor into a bucket which was placed in an environmental chamber. A week later, the only
Vulko-Wrap Insulating Tape (Yellow & Black) - TPC Wire
Vulko-Wrap is available in 40 or 50 mil thickness as well as a reinforced option. It comes in yellow and black. 1" & 11/ 2" Width 40 MIL or 50 MIL Thickness 1. HIGH DIELECTRIC STRENGTH — Can be used for all electrical connections. 2. SPECIALLY COMPOUNDED, SYNTHETIC SILICONE ELASTOMER — Resistant to oil, water, ozone, and many chemicals.
Cooling Tower Application Study - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
ations due to a reduction of cooling water had the fan not been in operation during peak demand. By Peter Eitnier, Field Application Engineer, Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies with input from Ron Peterson, Reliability Specialist, Aux Sable Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies 8435 Progress Drive Frederick, MD 21701 USA Tel: +1 301 330-8811 Tel: 1-800 ...
Model 357B03 Platinum Stock Products; High temp., ceramic shear, charge ...
week. Call or email with model and serial number as well as a brief description of the problem. Calibration Routine calibration of sensors and associated instrumentation is necessary to maintain measurement accuracy. We recommend calibrating on an annual basis, after exposure to any extreme environmental influence,
fk6312bw-102-tt5g-50 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
FK6312BW-102-TT5G-50 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol FK1121BW-107-TT30G-50 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Plug and Jack breakaway connectors designed to function in severe environments. Watertight in up to 6 feet of water. Molded-in wiping-action contacts provide self-cleaning feature and eliminate issues with pin/socket open contacts.
Model 115A04 Miniature precision pressure sensor, 3.5 kpsi, M5x0 ... - PCB
keep it clean at all times to ensure reliable measurements. The preventive maintenance schedule for cleaning engine combustion sensors depends on the type of use, the length of time the sensor is used, and the type of fuel the engine uses. When cleaning the sensor, make sure the cable remains connected to the sensor.
Telaire T8000-R Series
• Gas permeable, water resistant CO 2 diffusion filter prevents particulate and water contamination of the sensor. • Locking screw secures cover and sensor to the mounting bracket for tamper resistance. • Sensors are shipped factory calibrated. • Modern enclosure • Conformal coating on 0-5000 ppm models • Low-cost
temp | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The DX900+ uses electromagnetic technology to accurately measure dual-axis speed through water plus immediately calculate leeway travel. Paddlewheels need cleaning and only measure speed longitudinally. The DX900+ measures water flow in 360° and will immediately deliver the leeway data to your instrument.
NovaSensor NPB 101 Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor
• If cleaning process is needed after reflow, you must attach Antipollution Tape. - Cleaner can flow into the Air Hole and damage the product. • Do Not expose to ultrasonic processing or cleaning. • High-Pressure Air Brush is NOT Allowed. - The Air Brush may Damage the Membrane and/or Dust Inflow.
Automotive | Markets - Amphenol
Amphenol is a leading supplier of advanced interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a growing array of automotive applications. In addition, we have developed advanced technology solutions for hybrid and electric vehicles and are working with leading global customers to proliferate these advanced interconnect products into next-generation automobiles.
LT-2000SP-1 pr2 - Charles Industries
2. Be sure the area around the battery is well ventilated while the battery is being charged. Gas can be forcefully blown away using a piece of cardboard or other non-metallic material as a “hand fan”. 3. Clean battery terminals. Be careful to keep corrosion from coming in contact with eyes. 4.