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Code of Business Conduct and Ethics - Amphenol Sine
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (our “Code”) provides the employees, officers and directors of Amphenol with an approach to dealing with ethical situations, information on available resources, and policy guidance on some common ethical issues.
VPX - Amphenol-BSI Ltd
OpenVPX is the architecture framework that defines system level VPX interoperability for multi-vendor, multi-module, integrated system environments. Rugged Eurocard 3U and 6U form factors. Supports Rear Transition Modules. Slot pitch 1.0”, maximum 20 slots. System Management. Compliant to ANSI/VITA 46.0-2007 (R2013) VPX Baseline Standard.
Raymarine Extension Cable, 17' - Gemeco
Raymarine 5m Extension Cable. Fits: L755, L760, L770, L1250, DSM 30, 250, 300, CP300, 370.
Discrete Magnetic Series | Input Output Connectors | Amphenol
The Discrete Magnetic Series can offer a variety of products that can support 10/100T, 1GT, 2.5G, 5G & 10G transmission speed. It supports 2 & 4 pair PoE up to 140W. Configurations of both through-hole and SMT type are available for soldering process application. 2 pair & 4 pair POE / POE+ / POE++ can support POE up to 140W max.
Title 穨 \\Asca_fileserver\department\PE\user\YMLee\Drawings\157\C157325 Author 穨 ym.lee Created Date: 7/11/2002 3:01:16 PM
Ampehnol All Sensors Products | All Sensors
Pressure Max: 30 Units: IN H2O Operating Temperature:-25 to 85 C Supply Voltage: 3.3 VS Honeywell PN: Supply Voltage: 3.3 VS
172316 -
Title: C:\Documents and Settings\gary.TESTUM-WS01.000\My Documents\Garry's\connex\172\172316.dwg Author: gary Created Date: 6/7/2004 12:35:35 PM
pl182x-60-2.5 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Horizontal beamwidth 83° ± 2°, -3 dB points 74° ± 6°, -3 dB points Vertical beamwidth 17° ± 1° 10.5° ± 2° Gain 10.9 dBd / 13.0 dBi 11.9 dBd / 14.0 dBi Electrical downtilt 2° 2° Impedance 50 Ω VSWR 1.4:1 Front-to-back ratio >25 dB (over rear 80°) Isolation between ports >28 dB >30 dB full band IM3 (2x20W carriers) -110 dBm
CWX085X25x00 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Dual Band, 4-Port, Panel, XPOL, 85°, 696-960 | 1710-2170 MHz, 15.8|16.3 dBi, 0-10°|0-10°, 2508 mm (98.7 in)
Congress - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Congress - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
c:userspdf930-175j-51s -
Title: Created Date: 3/15/2012 3:53:22 PM
ADR001X401pr5[1] -
Title: ADR001X401pr5[1].pdf Author: jpawela Created Date: 3/6/2009 4:05:56 PM
Hydraulics & Pneumatics - Temposonics
High performance, durability and value have made Temposonics position sensors the standard for in-cylinder applications in the fluid power industry. In addition, our sensors feature excellent linearity, EMC immunity and resistance to shock and vibration.
Ahe Amphenol®/Pyle®Industrial Cord Grips make sure your cord or cable stays in and everything else stays out. This product is designed for liquid-tight strain relief of cord, cable, and flexible conduit.
L17D4K63025 | D-Subminiature | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Input Output Connectors. Contact us today for more details of D-Subminiature, part number L17D4K63025
Gordon Vinther, CEO and Founder -
Gordon Vinther founded Ardent Concepts in 2003 to change how engineers think about compliant interconnect.
High Temperature Clamping
Contact Us 1215CMS 1.5 101923 WEB ©2015 Connor Manufacturing Our most versatile clip, used for sealing
slavery | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol’s high-performance culture of entrepreneurial accountability is uniquely powerful in ensuring a sustainable future.By giving our local management around the world the authority to run their respective businesses, the entire Amphenol organization is empowered to truly “think globally, but act locally.”.
10I014 002 1
Zul. Abw./Tolerances : A3 / CUSTOMER DRAWING Drawn Gez. Maßstab / Scale : 24.08.2021 Prüfmaß / Testdimension Teileindex / Partindexnumber: 1 02.12.2015 Blatt/Sheet Index Datum/Date