Search Results for conec
Fiber Optic Connectors | Products - Amphenol
AFSI’s line of 109 series hermaphroditic connectors offers the ultimate in flexibility and is a direct replacement for the TAC4. The 109 connector line meets or exceeds the pertinent requirements of SMPTE standard 358M on harsh environment multi-channel fiber optic connectors suitable for deployment in demanding outdoor broadcast applications, including HDTV signal transmission.
Amphenol CONEC RJ45-IP67 Shortform v2 - Amphenol Australia
Title: Microsoft Word - Amphenol CONEC RJ45-IP67_Shortform v2.docx Author: Stephen Created Date: 11/19/2020 2:25:43 PM
3. USB3.0 Type A Plug (Solder Pad Version) Assembly . 3.1 USB3.0 Connector Pin Assignment and description . Figure 3-1 shows the pin number of the contact of the USB3.0 Type A plug and table 3-1
circular connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Pyle MIL-DTL-83723 Circular Connectors Contact: Brandon Brown Product Manager +1 (607) 563-5685 Description: The Amphenol MIL-DTL-83723 Series III family of connectors includes styles from Pyle National.
Folie 1 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
Low Loss Optical Interconnects for Harsh Environments Optik-D Series
Catalog C-004-1 Rev NC1 Low Loss Optical Interconnects for Harsh Environments ™ IL = 0.06 dB (typ) Optik-D Series Conforming to ARINC 801 Regional Headquarters
Sachsenkabel pulse - Home
FO Ribbon Cable, round. Cables with multi-fiber connectors are used for fixed cabling between network cabinets. System-oriented connector combinations make them application-independent and suitable for all Ethernet and Fibre Channel applications.
AIPG GROUP PRESENTATION - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 10 Private & Confidential © Amphenol Industrial EPOWER CHARGING HVPT RADLOK POWERLOK G1 SURLOK PLUS
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About Us. 암페놀-대신전자정밀(주)는 Amphenol Corporation의 한국 법인으로, 산업용, 군수용, 이동 통신 및 철도 차량용 커넥터를 주력 제품으로 생산하고 국내 시장 뿐만 아니라 수출 및 해외 암페놀 법인의 제품을 한국 시장에도 공급하는 공식 자회사입니다.
CONEC Hybrid Steckverbinder – Ein Steckverbindersystem für viele ...
CONEC Hybrid Steckverbinder – Ein Steckverbindersystem für viele Anwendungen CONEC Hybrid CONNECtOrs – ONE siNglE CONNECtOr systEm fOr maNy diffErENt appliCatiONs. 6 Merkmale/Characteristics B23 umspritzt/overmoulded konfektionierbar/field attachable Flansche/Receptacles
TPC Wire & Cable Solutions Latino América | TPC Wire
Cable portátil Super-Trex® Ultra-Gard™ El cable portátil Super-Trex® Ultra-Gard™ es uno de los productos más probados de TPC. Es un cable portátil altamente flexible con excelente resistencia a los golpes, los cortes, la abrasión, los aceites y la mayoría de las sustancias químicas industriales.
Produktselektor & 3D-CAD-Dateien für Steckverbinder | Amphenol Socapex
Produktselektor & 3D-CAD-Dateien für Steckverbinder In Zusammenarbeit mit TraceParts bieten wir eine große Auswahl an 3D-CAD-Modellen in einer Vielzahl von Formaten an. Wenn Sie die von Ihnen benötigte 3D-Datei nicht finden können, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren technischen Support.
アンフェノールについて|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
アンフェノールについて. Enabling The Electronics Revolution. アンフェノールは、91年の歴史を持つ世界最大級のインターコネクト製品メーカーです。
代理店 - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -産業機器 ...
代理店 ダイトロン株式会社 〒532-0003 大阪市淀川区宮原4-6-11 TEL 06-6399-5041 FAX 06-6399-6041 株式会社イング
CONEC Hybrid Steckverbinder – Ein Steckverbindersystem für viele ...
CONEC Hybrid Steckverbinder – Ein Steckverbindersystem für viele Anwendungen CONEC Hybrid CONNECtOrs – ONE siNglE CONNECtOr systEm fOr maNy diffErENt appliCatiONs. 4 Merkmale/Characteristics B12 umspritzt/overmoulded konfektionierbar/field attachable Flansche/Receptacles Codierung/Coding 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
IC Socket. At present, Anytek provides customers with various kinds of screw machinedpins, IC sockets, springpins, PGA sockets.
rt06122snhec03 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 163-045101-00 ... ATT-12-00 Hand Crimp Tool - Size 12, 12AWG ATT-12-01 Hand Crimp Tool - Size 12, 10AWG A Series™ - Contact Size 12 Options (Works with: AHD-6, ATP, ATHD, DuraMate and PanelMate Series) Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 10/2023 ...
Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH 7/33 Merkmale: Baugröße: M8x1 SMT/THR, M12x1 SMT, Codierung: A, B, D, P, X Polzahl: 3, 4, 5, 8 Flanschstecker, Flanschkupplung