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Premier Marine Electronics & Accessories Supplier | Gemeco
Airmar 2025 Pricing now live! Please contact us at 803-693-0777 or [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Product search - Amphenol-Air LB
Push-pull plug connector. ECTA 233 / EN61984. Push-pull connector for outdoor use. ECTA 544 / EN 61984. Push-pull plug connector. ECTA 633 / EN61984. Push-pull connector stainless steel. GCA. Reverse bayonet or screw plug connector. GCB-B as per VG95234. Reverse Bayonet Connector. GCB-M. Modular reverse bayonet plug connector. GCE as per ...
R-VPX VITA 46 Connector System - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol’s R-VPX VITA 46 Connector System is a ruggedized, high-speed, board-to-board interconnect system capable of data rate speeds of more than 10 Gb/s, meeting and exceeding VITA 46 standards. This connector system gives users modularity and flexibility via PCB wafer construction allowing for customized wafer-loading patterns.
T-Line Push-Pull Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
A push-pull mating connector, the T-Line incorporates a retention spring in the receptacle and a full-mating indicator band on the plug. Inserts are qualified to MIL-DTL-38999 Series III and accept standard M39029-56/58 series contacts in either size 22D or size 20 contact arrangements.
Power Connectors | Products - Amphenol
This series, a UL6703 1500V DC / IEC62852 1000V DC approved inline and panel mount solar photovoltaic thermoplastic power connector with integrated latch coupling connector for ruggedized harsh environments (IP68 1 hr/1 m mated). With a single-pole insert arrangement ranging from 14 AWG to 10 AWG contact per connector and up to 30 amps possible.
Space Connectors - Positronic The Science of Certainty
Ideally, space connectors are not only efficient at their job, they are also capable of standing up to harsh environmental conditions, being reliable and long lasting (because repair is typically impossible once you’ve left the earth’s surface), and still remain unimposing (so that it won’t disturb the other equipment on board).
Model 7251A-10 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 7251A-10:Accelerometer, IEPE, 10 mV/g, ±500 g, -67°F to +257°F, isolated, thru-hole mount, side connector, 10.5 grams
Airmar R599C-LM 2-3 kW CHIRP-Ready Transducer - Gemeco
We are a wholesale distributor for the marine industry. Apps | Videos | Where To Buy ... Home / Transducers / CHIRP / R599 Low-Medium Chirp, 3kW, No Connector, DT. R599 Low-Medium Chirp, 3kW, No Connector, DT. Part # R599C-LM. MFG # 41-483-1-02. Share. Where to Purchase? 3 kW. Having the right tool for the job makes the job easier and provides ...
Distribution - Amphenol-Air LB
Newsletter. Remain in touch with Amphenol-Air LB: Simply register for CONNECTED - our free newsletter. It will regularly deliver interesting information about our products, interesting applications and news of our company.
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Catalogues - Amphenol-Air LB
Newsletter. Remain in touch with Amphenol-Air LB: Simply register for CONNECTED - our free newsletter. It will regularly deliver interesting information about our products, interesting applications and news of our company.
Ruggedized SATA Connector | Mother Board ... - Amphenol Aerospace
The R-SATA (r ugged ized) S ATA connector is perfectly suited as the primary internal storage interconnect for desktop and mobile PCs, connecting the system to peripherals such as hard drives, solid state drives, optical drives, and removable magnetic media drives. The R-SATA supports SATA 3.0 protocol, delivering 6.25 Gb/s data rates and beyond. Amphenol’s R-SATA connector s utilize a m ...
Gainflex K7153239 UHF Terminal Antenna - PCTEL
UHF Terminal antenna, 440-470 MHz. Highly elastic, corrosion-proof metal shaft in particularly resistive black plastic cover
Agnostic Embedded Rugged Media Converters - Amphenol Aerospace
These converters output to a MIL-DTL-38999 connector embedded with high performance Amphenol contacts. These units can be configured with any plating, shell rotation, HQDP ribbon length, and HQDP connector type. These features are a perfect fit for any application being used in harsh environment avionics, ground systems, or naval applications.
Battery Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol offers customized battery or charger connectors and terminals meeting general industry standards. These connectors are available in various pin configurations and connector sizes to suit a wide range of applications including cordless power tools, battery charging connections for E-bikes, lawnmowers, and robotic vacuum cleaners.
Ruggedized SATA Connector | Rectangular Connectors | Products ...
The R-SATA (r ugged ized) S ATA connector is perfectly suited as the primary internal storage interconnect for desktop and mobile PCs, connecting the system to peripherals such as hard drives, solid state drives, optical drives, and removable magnetic media drives. The R-SATA supports SATA 3.0 protocol, delivering 6.25 Gb/s data rates and beyond. Amphenol’s R-SATA connector s utilize a m ...
Custom RF Cable Assemblies - PCTEL
PCTEL offers a wide range of high quality RF coaxial cable assemblies and RF connector options for public and private telecommunications enterprises, with full configuration options on cable length...
A Series Connector Modifications | Amphenol Heavy Duty Connectors
Available in 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 18 position . Amphenol Sine Systems’ AT Series™ SR01 and SR02 connectors are a high-performance, thermoplastic, cost-effective solution with specificallydesigned, wire cavities that protect each individual wire seal, eliminating stress on the rear seal while maintaining an IP68/69K rated (mated) performance regardless of wire bundle direction or improper ...
Air-Tight Lightweight Hermetic | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Industry Briefs Market Connector Facility Documents. Termination Instructions ... Currently offered in any standard MIL-DTL-38999 configuration with the option to implement in other connector series where appropriate. Contact your local Amphenol representative for more information. ... Job Title. Email address. Company.
Amphenol CS
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