Search Results for connector mxj
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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Model TLD339A34 - PCB
Model TLD339A34 - PCB
Amphenol Aerospace
Download the Series Five catalog from Amphenol Aerospace for detailed information on their interconnect products. - Amphenol Aerospace
designed into a Connector Shell MIL-DTL-38999 connectors allow users to mix a variety of differ-ent power, signal, shielded, fiber optic and high speed contact styles within a common insert. The insert arrangement below is an arrangement for Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connectors . It shows the variety of con-
CUT360X06Fxyz0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 4-Port, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (1x) 696-960 | (1x) 1695-2700 MHz, Fixed Tilt
Feeder Cable - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
RF Feeder Cable for connection to a single component or a fully integrated RF transmission line system.
high power | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
AMPHENOL CORPORATION Amphenol Industrial Phone: 888-364-9011 191 Delaware Avenue Sidney, NY 13838-1395 Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors are UL recognized and CSA recognized.
Xpol | 65° Az | 16.5 dBi - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
• Single band antenna, dual polarisation, 2 connectors • Variable electrical tilt 0-10° • SlimLine profile for low wind load • MET and RET versions, AISG1.1 or 3GPP/AISG2.0 • RET module fully inserted inside the antenna (field replaceable) SlimLine Series Several patents pending regarding this product.
Helios H4 Panel Connector - Amphenol
The H4 Panel Connector in both male and female configura - tions provides a proven solution. Hardwire terminations can now be replaced with a simple low cost interconnect option. H4 Panel Connectors can provide a quick disconnection point for separating inverter and combiner box enclosures from DC wires. The use of a mated pair of H4 connectors
AB-AD05FL-ADFL-QD005: X-Lok Connector | Amphenol LTW
AB-AD05FL-ADFL-QD005, ALTW’s X-Lok mini size connectors (support metal) are presented in various sizes for power, signal and hybrid applications for fast, simple and reliable connections. It's the best M12 alternative solution. Featuring a push lock mechanism for intuitive mating with audibale and tactile feedback.
2fa1-nasp | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
2fa1-nasp-d46w | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol part no. 2fa1-nxsp-pcbc8 coding part no. color ral no. a 2fa1-nasp-pcbc8 jet black 9005 b 2fa1-nbsp-pcbc8 cream 9001 c 2fa1-ncsp-pcbc8 signal blue 5005 d 2fa1-ndsp-pcbc8 claret violet 4004 e 2fa1-nesp-pcbc8 leaf green 6002 f 2fa1-nfsp-pcbc8 nut brown 8011 g 2fa1-ngsp-pcbc8 blue grey 7031 h 2fa1
EBY Pluggable Headers - EBY Electro
See our LED Connector Overview Connectors for LED Lighting. EB3400 — Lowest profile in the industry! EB3400 Blanks; EB5400 — Takes up to 14AWG; EB3100 — Low profile connectors; EB430 3.5mm centerline block; EB401 5.0mm centerline block; Board-to-Board Jumpers. LED Connection Jumpers — for EB3400; Connector Tools. See our LED-SMD ...
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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Understanding Current Output Signals Webpage - PCB
Understanding Current Output Signals- RMS, Peak and True Peak. In process monitoring applications where a continuous 24/7 signal is needed for recording and trending by a PLC, DSC or SCADA system, a vibration transmitter with a constant 4-20mA output signal is ideal.
icro-D june 07 - Amphenol-Air LB
Metal connector, vertical PCB mount Compact in size, M83513 performance HI-DENSITY CARD CONNECTORS: SERIES 106 STRIP CONNECTORS (.050" CONTACT SPACING): SERIES 105 Compact in size, M83513 performance Sizes 50 thru 152 Sizes 50 thru 152 Metal connector, stranded wire termination FILTER MICRO-D CONNECTORS: SERIES M13 p45-46 p43-44 p45-46
Validator® AVS Software 2.0 -
Validator® AVS Software 2.0 -
Amphenol High Voltage Connectors - アンフェノールジャパン ...
Amphenol High Voltage Connectors Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems Amphenol Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd 20 Tianshan Road, Changzhou Jiangsu China.
Solutions - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Solutions Solutions OUR SOLUTIONS Amphenol Antennas is driving greater connectivity with coverage & capacity solutions for your world-class network Amphenol partners with our customers to ensure we’re designing innovative antennas to meet real-world environments. With our fluid building-block design, Amphenol can tailor solutions to
HYBRIFLEX Optical Fiber & Power Cables - Accessories
HYBRIFLEX® Hybrid Feeder Cabling Solution 6x12, 1-1/4”, 6 pairs 6AWG, Low-Inductance Coaxial Power Wire, 12 pairs Single-Mode Fiber, DLC Connectors
PWC-03BFMB-LL7MPP: PWC | Power Connectors | Amphenol LTW
PWC-03BFMB-LL7MPP, Carrying UL1977 & TUV approvals, PWC connectors comply with protection class IP68 and offer 3 contacts with a rated current of 20A. Available mating style: 2 points lock / 3 points lock. Products . M Series. Ceres. X-Lok. FLOS & FLOS+. Power. Single Pair Ethernet. NMEA 2000. RBL. HS-Lok. Heavy Duty Shielded. DeepTronica. RJ. USB.