Search Results for connector socket plug
10167520-121213CLF | Minitek ® Pwr Hybrid 3.0 Header | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Wire to Board Connectors. Contact us today for more details of Minitek ® Pwr Hybrid 3.0 Header, Part number 10167520-121213CLF Toggle Nav ... IC Socket. Memory & Media. Miniature Jack. Multicoax & Coaxial. Waterproof. Optics Solutions. High Speed I/O Solutions. New Products. Custom Products. By ...
FLHCTP102 - FLH | Amphenol
Fan Connectors. Filter. IC Socket. Memory & Media. Miniature Jack. Multicoax & Coaxial. Waterproof. Optics Solutions. High Speed I/O Solutions. New Products. Custom Products. By Product Name. Cables. Active Optical Cables (AOC) Card Edge. Commercial Rugged Harsh I/O.
SMPM Male Snap-In Connector for .085 Cable, SB
SV engineers designed the SMPM Male Snap-In Connector for .085 Cable, SB 3211-40005. Access the design resources to learn more about the product!
SMA Male Solderless PCB Compression Mount Connector, 2 Hole, with 6 ...
SV Microwave offers the SMA Male Solderless PCB Compression Mount Connector, 2 Hole, with 6.35mm Screws (CPW / Microstrip) SF2911-60973-2S. Check it out here!
RES-GMC-kuituliittimellä - Kuituoptiset mediamuuntimet | Amphenol ...
Amphenol Socapex MIL-STD-461 -kuituoptinen mediamuunnin RES-GMC, jossa on Butt Joint -kuituliitin, on kestävä ja luotettava mediamuunnin, joka mahdollistaa kuituoptisten yhteyksien käyttöönoton vaativissa ympäristöissä. Tässä muuntimessa on butt joint -tekniikka, joka takaa turvalliset ja luotettavat yhteydet, joten se soveltuu erinomaisesti taktisiin verkkoihin, kestäviin ...
Mounting hardware and accessories - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
with the appropriate connectors or the sensor and terination ends SENSORS are ounted to rotating euipent at each earing housing to easure the achines iration eves The sensor transates iration to an eectrica signa sent to a easureent deice. The ools you nd for ibation monitorin starts ere COMPLETE VIBRATION MONITORING SOLUTION WARE
M4067 Series -
Operating: –55°C to +85°C (at plug-in card edge, IAW VITA 62 CC4) Storage: –55°C to +125°C Humidity 810G Method 507.5 & VITA 47 Para. 4.6 Up to RH 95% Reliability > 314,000 hours, calculated per MIL-STD-217F Notice 2 at +65°C at wedge lock edge, Ground Fixed Altitude 810G Method 500.5, Procedure II (Operational) & VITA 47 para. 4.7 ...
AT04-3P - Amphenol Australia
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SS175 Medium Chirp, 1kW, 20° Tilt, Furuno 12-Pin, DT
Features. Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensing; 1 kW of power; Medium frequency: 85 to 135 kHz; 16° to 11° beamwidth; Maximum depth of 457 m (1500')
C-RTS016x4SHECxx Rev A5-Model) - Amphenol Sine
FLANGE,SIZE 16,4POS,SOCKET,END CAP B A5 NONE 1 1 Tommy ... SEALING PLUGS CAN BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY A4 UPDATE DRAWING Apr-10-2018 White Tommy A5 MODIFY WIRE RANGE Mar-1-2019 Flan Tommy. Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morle rive, Clinton Tonship, MI 48036 SA wwwamphenolsinecom 092021
7031xxx Catalog -
Connector type N-Female + 3m of RG213 cable Lightning protection DC grounded * Other frequencies available upon request. Mechanical Characteristics Materials Boom, 32 mm dia. aluminium, Elements, 19 mm dia. aluminium, Balun, fully moulded enclosure Dimensions (Length) 55 MHz: 1800 mm 70.9 in
1/4" CELLFLEX RF Feeder Cable | Low Loss Coax Cable | Superflex Foam
N Male Right Angle Connector for 1/4" Coaxial Cable, OMNI FIT™ Premium, O-Ring and compression sealing. Add to my e-catalog Download PDF datasheet. Tools. Hand tool kit for the installation of connectors and grounding kits on CELLFLEX® Cables. Add to my e-catalog Download PDF datasheet.
B60 Single Handle Flats Wrench -
B60 Single Handle Flats Wrench. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
5798485 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Hepta band antenna, dual polarisation, 14 connectors Integra compatible - ability to upgrade and recycle, saving 50% carbon emission Independent tilt on each band 2-12° / 2-12° / 2-12° / 2-12° / 2-12° / 2-12° / 2-12° MET and RET versions, 3GPP/AISG2.0, in multiple single RET (multiple device type1) or in Multi-RET (device type 17, with ...
BNC Male Compression for RG-59 -
Home / Antennas / Connectors / BNC Male Compression for RG-59. BNC Male Compression for RG-59. Part # 10-L. MFG # 13-01G-6-DGN. $2.93 / ...
4151 and 4152 Type 400 Card to MFT Mounting Adaptor and Family of MFT ...
trouble is encountered, verify that the 415X–** is making good connection with the MFT shelf card connector by removing and then reinserting it. If trouble persists, inspect the wiring of the 415X–XX adaptor assembly and compare it with the appropriate wiring scheme in Figure 3. If necessary, make a point–to–point resistance check
6888208 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
• Quad band antenna, dual polarisation, 8 connectors • Independent, continuously adjustable tilt on each band 0-10° / 0-10° / 0-10° / 0-10° • MET or RET versions available • 4 Integrated RET Units (fi eld replaceable) REV021518JJ 1 of 3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS R1 Frequency Bands 790-960 MHz Gain 16.0 dBi
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
Home | Amphenol Network Solutions
Amphenol Network Solutions is a leading provider of innovative connectivity solutions for MSO, OEM, MTU and Hyperscale Data Centers and Telecommunication networks. Explore our wide range of high-performance products, including fiber optic distribution, power distribution, cable management solutions, cable enclosures, optical passives, and network racks.
DMI Marine, Inc. | Electrical
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version