Search Results for connettori amphenol
Printed Circuit Board Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Connector Basics Terminology Guide Amphenol Connectors Cross Reference Guide Military and Commercial Electrification Part 3 – Building the Bridge to Fully-Electric Platforms Artificial Intelligence, C5ISR, Smart Weapon Systems, and More: Exploring The Next Generation of Defense Systems ...
Submit up to 5 competitor part number(s) below to search for equivalent Amphenol RF products. Use commas to separate multiple part numbers. Competitor Part Number. Competitor (optional)
Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems HVC 6.3mm 5 poles connector
Amphenol High Voltage Connectors Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems Amphenol Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd 20 Tianshan Road,Changzhou • Jiangsu • China • Phone +86/0519-85601880 • Fax +86/0519-85118840 HVC 6.3mm 5 poles connector High voltage, high current , 6mm2 wire ...
RF Cable Assemblies - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF has a wide variety of pre-configured coaxial cable assemblies designed to provide additional benefits in certain applications. The assemblies are engineered using connectors that meet special qualifications such as being optimized for higher frequencies or constructed to withstand external elements.
Contatti di segnale - Contatti di segnale | Amphenol Socapex
I contatti di segnale Socapex di Amphenol sono progettati per i connettori JD38999 I, II, III, EN3645 e EN4165. Questi contatti monopezzo sono prodotti al 100% in Francia e sono conformi agli standard europei EN3155 e statunitensi AS39029. Offrono diverse opzioni di terminazione, tra cui crimpatura, saldatura, coda PC e pin conformi.
AR - Amphenol Canada
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2 Amphenol • PCB Connectors
dans le but constant dameliorer ses produits, amphenol socapex se reserve le droit den modifier toute cote ou caracteristique. imp 036 a modifications bp 29 - 74311 thyez cedex a plan originel echelle amphenol socapex dessin: botoma le 1,000 technique: 1/ 1 dans le but constant dameliorer ses produits, amphenol socapex se reserve le
TACBEAM - Connettori in fibra ottica | Amphenol Socapex
Il connettore in fibra ottica TACBEAM di Amphenol Socapex è un connettore ermafrodita progettato per l'uso in ambienti difficili. È dotato di tecnologia a fascio espanso per la trasmissione senza contatto, con opzioni monomodali e multimodali e fino a quattro canali. Il connettore TACBEAM è qualificato M83526/20 e /21 e rappresenta una soluzione affidabile e ad alte prestazioni per ...
FS34 - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Amphenol Fiber Systems International has solutions and we specialize in fiber optic systems. Contact us now!
HVC3P63FS106 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for fs1-r38-20a2-11 hvc3p63fs106 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol HVC 2.8mm 2 Pos 180° High Voltage Connector - Hybrid&EV connector and ... As a member of Amphenol Automotive products group, Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., established in 2004, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amphenol Group in China.
Accessories - I/O Connectors | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol’s designation will always begin by TV01 or TVS01. Is mil c the same as mil dtl? MIL-C-38999 is now superseded by MIL-DTL-38999. This is a standard for high performance circular connectors designed for cable-to-panel I/O applications in military, aerospace and other demanding situations. There are four connector series in the family:
F31L-1A7H1-11050 | Flex 0.50mm | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Flex Connectors. Contact us today for more details of Flex 0.50mm, part number F31L-1A7H1-11050
spectra strip | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for spectra strip Amphenol ST Connectors - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI) Amphenol Fiber Systems International, Inc. AFSI-MIL-ST-F-04.28.05 Specifications subject to change notice. [email protected] 1300 Central Expressway North, Suite 100 Allen, TX 75013 Phone: 214.547.2400 - 800.472.4225 Fax
Positronic Becomes Part of Amphenol Corporation
“Positronic is a strong fit with Amphenol, aligning well with its technological expertise, manufacturing versatility, and customer support,” states David Kean, recently named General Manager for Positronic. “As part of Amphenol, Positronic will continue to provide the connector products and services our customers demand.”
AT Series™ - Amphenol Australia
Amphenol Sine Systems’ AT Series™ connectors are a high-performance, IP68/69K rated (mated), thermoplastic, cost-effective solution with superior environmental seals and seal retention capabilities. The connector design incorporates an integral latching system that ensures a definitive electrical and mechanical connection. All of our AT ...
Crimp Tool | CTL-3 - Amphenol RF
Tool Frame with Die Set, Hex Cavity Dimensions are 0.1, 0.213, 0.429
g4 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
PCTEL® scanning receivers are precision network testing tools. Designed for drive testing, walk testing, troubleshooting, and monitoring of cellular, WiFi, IoT, and critical communications networks worldwide, they provide the insights you need to improve coverage and quality of service throughout the wireless network lifecycle.
distributors | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
CONEC Corporation 307-2233 Argentia Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2X7 CANADA. Tel. +1 905 790 2200 Fax +1 905 790 2201 [email protected]
Contatti Octomax 1G26 - Contatti ad alta velocità | Amphenol Socapex
I contatti Octomax 1G26 di Amphenol Socapex rappresentano una svolta nel mondo dei contatti Ethernet. Questi contatti sono progettati per applicazioni Cat 5e e AFDX e sono equivalenti a due contatti quadrax in uno, il che li rende ideali per gli ambienti in cui lo spazio è limitato. I contatti Octomax 1G26 si inseriscono perfettamente in una cavità quadrax standard di dimensione 8 e sono ...
CTOL - Connettori in fibra ottica - Amphenol Socapex
La serie SOCAPEX CTOL di Amphenol è un sistema di connettori in fibra ottica ad alte prestazioni progettato per l'uso in ambienti difficili come i campi di battaglia militari. Dotato di tecnologia a raggio espanso per la trasmissione senza contatto, il connettore CTOL è in grado di supportare fino a 8 canali di cavi in fibra ottica monomodali o multimodali.