Search Results for control rc
Why Every Engineer Needs a Reliable Lowpass Filter Calculator
RC Lowpass Filter. RC filters suit low-power and low-frequency applications well, offering straightforward designs under essential performance requirements. Your chosen filter type and configuration must align closely with application-specific standards, which vary widely across defense, aerospace, and telecommunication fields.
Ardent Concepts
This fixture provides for independent X,Y and Z control of the components relative to each other. X, Y and angular alignment is established once at the beginning of a test
CZone Control X With Connectors -
Control X is the smartest and sleekest CZone module, and the first with a fully waterproof enclosure. Configurable input and output channels provide ultimate flexibility to optimize system design and installation.
Trex-Onics® 300V Control Cable - TPC Wire
Trex-Onics ® 300V Control Cable is a robust and versatile cable solution specially designed for use in A TPC's Quick-Connex® Micro cordsets but is a great solution for countless applications.
High Pass vs. Lowpass Filters: Which is Best for Your Application
RF and electrical engineers utilize high pass and lowpass filters to enhance signal clarity and accuracy for communication, radar, and navigation applications. These filters delineate and control frequency spectrums to reduce unwanted electromagnetic interference and sustain clear and precise communication channels.
Home - US Wire
We have a major presence in the value-added business of custom wire harness, cable and control panel assemblies for off-road equipment, emergency, heavy duty truck, communications, specialty electronics, and industrial industries.
Industrial Product Accessories Catalog - Temposonics
Models RH, RF and RD4 Rod-Style Sensors Mounting and Cylinder Installation References. Model RH Rod-Style sensor mounting. MoDel RH CylINDeR INStAllAtIoN. The position magnet requires minimum distances away from ferrous metals to allow proper sensor output.
Model 356B20 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 356B20:Triaxial, miniature (4 gm), ceramic shear ICP® accel., 1 mV/g, 2 to 7k Hz, titanium hsg, mini 4-pin conn.
Ardent Current Carrying Capacity Report June 05
The Purpose of this test is to determine the relationship between t-rise and current in an array of RC contacts. Part numbers Involved RC10-04 Contacts in Array
Infrared Sensor Application Note 4 Design of Electronics for Infrared ...
control which can be turned on and off at 4 Hz. When using low dropout regulators, it is important to follow the device manufacturer’s recommendations about input and output capacitors to maintain stability of the bulb voltage. Figure 3 shows some example circuits for driving the bulb.
General Signal Conditioning Guide - PCB
The main advantage of charge output sensors is their ability to operate under high temperature environments. Certain sensors . have the ability to withstand temperatures exceeding +1000 ºF (+538 ºC).
ControlPower - Amphenol Sine
The ControlPower™ line is a 6 pin/5 use option to support the ongoing requests from our customers seeking alternatives from other cable assembly providers. This system utilizes UL Dual-rated TC-ER STOOW and CSA STOOW cable.
Measurement and Model Results - Ardent Concepts
This fixture provides for independent X,Y and Z control of the components relative to each other. X, Y and angular alignment is established once at the beginning of a test
The Brain of Modern Vehicles: Understanding Car Computing
Transmission Control System: The transmission control system manages gear shifts and power distribution. The CCU coordinates with this system to provide a responsive driving experience, adapting to the driver's behavior and road conditions.
ComboStak® 0.50mm & PowerStak® 2.00mm | Board-to-Board Connector | Amphenol
ComboStak ® 0.50 mm combines existing, BergStak ® 0.5mm pitch HS signal pins with 2.00mm pitch power blades. ComboStak ® 0.50 mm provides high signal and current density with a wide range of stack heights. Have any questions? Talk with us directly using LiveChat.
Components of a Control Cabinet - Amphenol CS
Control cabinets are vertical enclosures with servo drives and other electromechanical components that control or monitor machinery and factory systems associated with it. The control cabinet is a stainless steel box, which can either be wall-mounted or a standalone module on the floor.
Interconnect Solution in Automated Test Equipment
When one of the top ATE manufacturers in the world was looking for an interconnect solution for mixed RF and high speed digital signals on their next generation tester platform (Figure 1), they found answers to all three of the aforementioned challenges with Amphenol Ardent Concepts’ TR Multicoax series.
Rubber caps - Accessories - Amphenol Socapex
With an IP67 rating, the caps offer protection against dust and water, ensuring that your connectors stay clean and dry. The Rubber Caps are available in six different sizes, ranging from 9 to 20, making them suitable for a wide range of connectors. The caps come with a nylon cord that makes it easy to attach and remove them from the connectors.
Ardent Concepts
This fixture provides for independent X,Y and Z control of the components relative to each other. X, Y and angular alignment is established once at the beginning of a test
RC Scrub-R™ - Amphenol Ardent Concepts
RC Scrub-R ATE test sockets from Ardent Concepts provide excellent AC performance, long lifecycle/durability, and ease of field maintenance. RC Scrub-R™ test sockets help IC test managers increase yields, decrease board wear and handler down-time, and improve reliability of test set-ups for high volume parts. This white paper provides