Search Results for correlation matlab
DigiDAQ™ Digital ICP® - USB Signal Conditioner - PCB
DigiDAQ’s USB Class 1 Audio Digital Output offers direct compatibility with MATLAB®, LabVIEW™, Python, and a variety of third party signal analysis programs running on Windows, iOS, Android, macOS, or Linux platforms.
What is the Difference Between Return Loss and VSWR? - Amphenol RF
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio or VSWR and Return Loss measure the amount of signal reflected by a connector. This is extremely important factor that contributes to the total signal efficiency of the connector.
present in the joint and identify possible causes of failure. SR1 is an enhanced calculation method based on the German engineering standard, VDI-2230, that is often used to close the loop between fastener design and application. SR1 can also be used to provide correlation between the results of the experimental testing described above.
TN-27 Measuring Static Overpressures in Air Blast Environments - PCB
Correlating on Ground Overpressure Measurements that if applied properly both quartz and MEMS technologies provide reasonable correlation when in this Mach stem, which grows in height as it moves outward. Measuremen
Problems Faced During Application - Amphenol Ardent Concepts
tested is a Cross-Point Switch. For this particular application, the engineer was faced with taking 64 differential pairs from PCB to test instrumentation. With SMP connectors, this would have meant having to place 128 in
Understanding the accelerometer noise specification
Understanding the accelerometer noise specification Accelerometer manufacturers use many different terms to specify the ability of sensors to measure low amplitude vibration signals. The most common terms for this important characteristic are:
High-quality, 24-bit, broad-frequency measurements 2-channel ICP (IEPE) sensor inputs (also available with voltage or mixed voltage/ICP inputs as Models V485B39 and IV485B39) Available with cable terminating in USB-A or USB-C Compatible with Python, MATLAB®, LabVIEWTM, and a variety of time and frequency signal analysis programs
Microsoft Word - engineering fundamentals.doc
Typically, the torque reading was obtained with a bending beam or dial indicator-type torque wrench. While this technique is still used today for non-critical applications, the readings obtained are known to have little or no correlation with the actual tension developed by the installation torque.
Load Cell Handbook - PCB
Shunt Calibration: Electrical simulation of transducer output by insertion of known shunt resistors between appropriate points within the circuitry. Shunt-to-load Correlation: The difference in output readings obtained through electrically simulated and actual applied loads.
NMEA/Smart Transducers -
Are you looking for a reliable and accurate way to measure your boat's speed, depth, and temperature? Look no further than the Airmar Technology NMEA/Smart Transducer. This innovative device is designed to provide precise and reliable measurements, even in challenging conditions. With its advanced NMEA 2000 connectivity, you can easily integrate it with your existing onboard systems, such as ...
An Android phone and MATLAB make for an easy solution to acquire data in the field and analyze in the comfort of the office. ion measurements often occur in hard-to-reach places, lugging a laptop to acquire data may not be a convenient option. Recording data direc interface (GUI) in MATLAB optimized to read .WAV files with Model 63
Ready to meet the new additions? - PCB
Together with your favorite microphone or accelerometer, it can handle a variety of applications such as binaural recordings, transmissibility studies, impact testing, correlation methods, and educational laboratory experiments.
Microsoft Word - IMAC2001_368_A Smart Sensor Signal Conditioner.doc - PCB
The core of digital signal processing capability of the signal conditioner is a floating point programmable Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The DSP is low-power floating-point unit and is programmable in C, C++, and utilizing 3rd party packages in MATLAB® Simulink®.
MEMS Shock Accelerometers - PCB
[Plot #12] As predicted, the PFI LP8P Filtered data (10 feet of cable) shows excellent correlation in the time domain indicating both Test and Reference Sensor agreement to 10 KHz.
Measuring Mechanical Shock - PCB
Next, assume it is desired to limit data frequency content as much as possible to 2000 Hz to enable model correlation. I can first perform a Fourier transform on this data and note its spectral content.
Collecting Vibration Data With a USB Digital Accelerometer and an ...
An Android phone and MATLAB make for an easy solution to acquire data in the field and analyze in the comfort of the office. ments often occur in hard-to-reach places, lugging a laptop to acquire data may not be a convenient option. Recording data directly onto a
Impact and Drop Testing - PCB
Abstract Test engineers are often tasked with providing impact energy data on various components. Design engineers request data in energy units such as Joules, yet the data must be recorded using force, velocity, acceleration, distance, and time units. The purpose of this paper is to present the test engineer with a guide for using force measurements obtained during impact testing to compute ...
Understanding Torque-angle Signatures of Bolted Joints
Torque-angle curve analysis is known to be one of the most basic and practical methods of determining not only what the fastener went through during the tightening process, but also the integrity of the joint itself. The ability to interpret the resulting signature of the tightening path gives an understanding of the installation, and in some cases the failure characteristics of a bolted joint.
Microsoft Word - TN-14_BFD_682A05_White_Paper.doc - PCB
This paper discusses case studies establishing the correlation of the peak g-levels with fault detection and severity assessment based on the peak value (PeakVue) analysis methodology introduced by Emerson Process Management2, CSI in 1997. The 682A05 is then presented with controlled test results and compared to data obtained with PeakVue.
Microsoft Word - SAE95.doc - PCB
The cross-correlation data was processed using a MatlabTM program, which calculated the SPF map from the cross-correlation functions in a few seconds. The cross-correlation functions were not normalized, and planar wave propagation was assumed.