Search Results for cotton detecting sensor
Charge Mode (Up to 1200 F) | PCB Piezotronics
The sensor’s charge output signals can be conditioned with an in-line, fixed charge amplifier. Since there are no electronics built into charge accelerometers, they can operate and survive exposure to very high temperatures (up to +1200 °F/+649 °C for some models). ... Resistance Temperature Detection. 4-20 mA Transmitters. Vibration ...
Model EC | PCB Piezotronics
Model EC:2-socket high temperature connector w/environmental boot, SS ring, & adaptor (MIL-C-5015 compatible)
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Model 2007E | PCB Piezotronics
Model 2007E:Miniature Shaker, 7lbf rated sine force, 0.5" pk-pk stroke, weighs only 6 pounds and can support payloads up to 2 lbs. Includes trunnion m
Datenblatt R-Serie V RH5 Profinet 551962 -
Sensors. Zudem ist der Sensor mit interner Linearisierung verfügbar. Diese Option bietet eine nochmals verbesserte Linearität und somit eine höhere Genauigkeit in der Positionsmessung. Neben dem gemessenen Positionswert können über das PROFINET-Protokoll auch weitere Informationen über den Status des Sensors, wie der
Accessories and Other | Products - Amphenol
Optional diagnostic capability of our oil pressure switches enables the detection of fault conditions such as line breakage or short circuits. ... Functional precision plastic parts for complex assemblies including gears, toothed wheels, guidings, and sensor elements. Subassemblies with small molded components for active and passive safety ...
Thermometrics Surface Mount Devices -
Advanced Sensors. 2 Type NHQ Specification Surface mount chip 1206 size Description A range of 1206 size surface mount NTC chip thermistors.The terminations are nickel barrier with tin plating. General Soldering Recommendations • Maximum storage time in closed package: One year
NPI-19 Series NovaSensor Low Pressure Sensors
Pressure Sensors Features • Solid state, high reliability • 316L stainless steel, ISO sensor design • ±0.5% static accuracy • Temperature compensated 32°F to 158°F (0°C to 70°C) • 125 mV typical FSO on current version • 75 ±1 mV FSO on voltage version • Thermal errors less than 2% FSO • Two standard ranges:
Model 336C04-SU | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Model ADP064 | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Model 300A31 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 300A31:End of Line Testing Kit, 353B18 Accelerometer + 080A245 probe, BNC connection.
Ultra-High Temperature Pressure Sensor Ideal for Combustion ... - PCB
The 176A31 pressure sensor has a high sensitivity of 6 pC/psi, a measurement range of 3,000 psi (207 bar), and a maximum pressure rating of 5,200 psi (359 bar). “This new design eliminates the need for helium bleed gas and the requirement for water cooling up to 1400 °F,” said Bob Metz, director of sales and marketing for aerospace and ...
PCB Search Results (482C05)
Resistance Temperature Detection; 4-20 mA Transmitters. Vibration Transmitters; Reciprocating Machinery Protector; DIN-Rail Mount Module; Displays & Alarms ... line-powered, ICP ® sensor signal cond., unity gain, BNC input/output conn. DC Power: <0.25 Amps; Product Manual. Product Datasheet. Model: 488B04. Universal AC power adapter, 100-240 ...
Model 1204-12A/084A101 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 1204-12A/084A101:PCB L&T load cell, low profile, 25,000 lbf rated capacity, 50% overload protection, 4.0mV/V output 1 1/4-12 UNF thread, PTO2E-10
Model 044AP010AC | PCB Piezotronics
Coiled polyurethane cable, 2-conducter, twisted pair, shielded, 10-ft, 2-socket MS3106 connector w/strain relief (meets MIL-C-5015) to BNC plug
Model K2025E013 | PCB Piezotronics
Model K2025E013:Modal Shaker Kit, 58 N (13 lbf) pk sine force, 18 mm (0.7") pk-pk stroke, includes 2025E modal shaker with 2100E23-400 power amplifier
Model 903B02 | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
2 SENSORS TO MEASURE. AERODYNAMICS: n. Dynamic ICP® Pressure Sensors n Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors n Piezoelectric ICP ® Force Sensors SENSORS TO MEASURE . AERO-ACOUSTICS: n Piezoelectric Microphones n Piezoelectric Acoustic Pressure Sensors n ICP® Acoustic Pressure Sensors n Prepolarized Microphones n Mini ICP® Accelerometers PCB Piezotronics and Endevco offer a comprehensive
SGX - Industrial
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