Search Results for cpo-1000
B4 VOLTAGE UPDATE AND ADD KEY ICON Nov-28-20 Ronald Tommy - Amphenol Sine
Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morle Drive, Clinton Tonship, M 48036 USA amphenolsinecom 092021 Crimp Contacts, Machined Crimp Contacts, Stamped & Formed Part Number AWG Wire Range (mm²) Plating Part Number AWG Wire Range
Load Resistance (0-5/10 V, minimum) 1000 Ohm 1000 Ohm Electrical Isolation (input/output) 500 VDC 500 VDC Excitation Voltage (delivered to sensor) 23 to 25 VDC 23 to 25 VDC Constant Current Excitation (delivered to sensor) 3 to 5 mA 3 to 5 mA Zero Measurand Output (± 2% of Span)
Trex-Onics ControlNet RG-6U Quad-Shield Coaxial Cable
PER 1000' 60090 20 AWG 105/40 0.182 0.027 0.300 29.5 FLEX TESTED Tested to over 1,000,000 electrical failure! cycles without 1 2 4 Abrasion | Chemicals | Extreme Temperatures | Flexing. Created Date:
T6615 Dual Channel CO2 Sensor Module - Amphenol Sensors
T6615 Dual Channel CO2 Sensor Module - Amphenol Sensors
AT04-12PD-P075 12-way receptacle, (3) 4 pin busbar=26 amps, - Amphenol Sine
AT04-12PD-P075 12-way receptacle, (3) 4 pin busbar=26 amps, nickel plating, keyed D, brown. Contacts included. Comparable to PN# DT04-12PD-P075
Control/Instrumentation Thermo-Trex 2800 Cable - TPC Wire
Per 1,000 ft. Standard Cable Gland** 41213 16/3 31 0.332 78 55002 41214 16/4 31 0.366 107 55002 41215 12/4 55 0.448 168 55004 41204 14 AWG 51 0.190 30 55001 41205 12 AWG 68 0.208 42 55001 41206 10 AWG 94 0.261 63 55001 For complete product ordering information, please scan the QR Code or contact your TPC sales representative
Mid Bulk Cable, Blue, Sold Per Meter -
Mid bulk cable is primarily used as drop cable, but it can also be used at the trunk line depending on network power requirements. Bulk cable with field-attachable connectors allows for maximum flexibility as cables can be made on the job to exact lengths.
TPC Wire
TPC Wire
AT06-08SA-RDBLK | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
b at06-08sx-rdxxx a3 22 d.parks 11dec13 none grey black brown color part number key-a configuration green at06-08sa-rd01 at06-08sa-rdblk at06-08sa-rdgrn at06-08sa-rdbrn * note: an asterisks ( *) placed before the color denotes the standard molded color of the connectors shown above. other colors shown are available via special order. grey black ...
Scoop Proof Junior Trilock Type 1 -
N 300 450 1000 VRMS 400 VRMS 260 VRMS 200 VRMS I 600 850 1800 VRMS 600 VRMS 400 VRMS 200 VRMS II 900 1250 2300 VRMS 800 VRMS 500 VRMS 200 VRMS Contact Size Crimp Well Data Well Diameter mm Min. Well Depth mm 22D 0,88 ±.0,03 3,58 20 1,20 ± 0,03 5,31 16 1,70 ± 0,03 5,31 12 2,54±.0,05 5,31
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Type: TX15AQ60/40-V (CATVR) Black
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Type: TX15AQ60/40-V (CATVR) Black Document: tx15aq6040-v (catvr) black_1.8ghz18.docx Revision: 01.08.2019 Page: 2 of 2
Model M628F01 | PCB Piezotronics
Model M628F01:Platinum Stock Products; General purpose, industrial, quartz shear ICP® accel., 100 mV/g, 0.3 to 12k Hz, top exit, 2-pin conn., frequenc
AT04-12PC-P030 12-way receptacle, (4) 3 pin busbar=13 amps,
AT04-12PC-P030 12-way receptacle, (4) 3 pin busbar=13 amps, nickel plating, keyed C, green. Contacts included. Comparable to PN# DT04-12PC-P030
RJ45 Middle Size | Amphenol LTW
The Middle Size RJ connectors sharing the same panel cut out as Ceres Middle Size. These connectors comply with protection class IP67 and offer Cat.5e & Cat.6A transmission speed with a rated current up to 1.5A.
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
10-72628 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 10-72628 P51 Pressure Sensor – Amphenol Sensors p51-pressure-sensor-p51-ds-rev-1-10-722 Download. 967 Windfall Road St. Marys, PA 15857, US Ph: (814) 834-9140 [email protected] At Amphenol Sensors, we make Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection a top priority.
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Type: T10875JB - Amphenol Broadband Solutions
1000 1.53 5.02 1100 1.61 5.28 1200 1.69 5.54 1218 1.70 5.58 1300 1.76 5.77 1400 1.84 6.04 1500 1.93 6.33 1600 2.00 6.56 1700 2.05 6.73 1794 2.12 6.96 1800 2.13 6.99 . Author: Timothy Cooke Created Date: 11/2/2017 9:58:08 AM ...
Model M627A01 | PCB Piezotronics
Model M627A01:Low-cost, industrial, quartz shear ICP® accel., 100 mV/g, 0.3 to 10k Hz, top exit, 2-pin conn., M6 mounting stud, single point ISO 17025
Holland Electronics
Holland Electronics
USB Type-C connection system for harsh environment - Amphenol Socapex
Designed by Amphenol Socapex 4 USB3CFTV C ⌀ ⌀ AMPHENOL SOCAPEX _____ ⌀ ⌀ AMPHENOL SOCAPEX _____ ⌀ ⌀ AMPHENOL SOCAPEX _____ Jam nut receptacle ...