Search Results for cs2 20 fps
SV's Reflow Stable Multiport PCB Connectors Are Now In Stock!
SV Microwave has launched a new series of 2- and 4-port SMP, SMPM, and SMPS PCB connectors engineered to endure the extreme temperatures present in solder reflow ovens. With the ability to withstand temperatures up to 500°C, these connectors maintain their internal structures while preserving both electrical and mechanical performance even after the solder reflow process.
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Temposonics® R-Series V RF5 Position Sensors
The fi rst magnetostrictive sensor with a flexible sensor rod was developed and introduced to the market by Temposonics over 25 years ago. With this experience, we have further developed the sensor to improve handling in your application. The R-Series V RF5 offers you the following advantages: - Shortened non-fl exible area - Smooth transition - Reduced outer diameter and bending radius ...
Model 9155-mnt94 | PCB Piezotronics
Calibration System Mounting Adaptor. For sensors with 2-56 UNF male mounting thread. For use on 10-32 shakers. Includes 2-56 SHCS and hex wrench.
ms3102a-20-15s | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for ms3102a-20-15s Amphenol R Amphenol MIL-C-5015 Connectors MS3102R ... Electrical Connector MS3102A-14S-5P MS3102A-14S-5P Torsional Stiffness 204,000 in-lb/radian 23,000 N-m/radian Rotating Inertia 0.0052 in-lb sec2 0.0006 N-m sec2 Maximum Speed 15,000 RPM 15,000 RPM All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwise ...
Catalog - Amphenol CS
Our catalog section delivers all necessary information related to our products. Rich in content, catalogs are frequently updated with latest market studies and trends, including new products launched, upcoming launches and much more.
18.0 ± 0.2 -
r o h s c o m p l i a n t p r o d u c t d ata d r aw i n g 18.0 ± 0.2 m at e r i a l c o n n e c t o r s : smps straight female ( 3821-40029 )
202112 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
SMA Male Cap With wire Chain IP67 202112-13. AMC Right Angle Plug to FAKRA Straight Bulkhead Plug IP67 1.37 mm 50 Ohm 300 Millimeter Z Key Code 095-820-109-30Z. shielding, environmental sealing and with cable sizes from 2.5mm to 10mm.
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APXVBB34L20AB 43-C-I20 - 12-Ports, X-Pol, Hybrid Beam Antenna, 2.0m, 2x ...
F/B at +/-30deg Total Power dB 23.7 24.2 22.9 20 20.6 First Upper Side Lobe Suppression dB 15.2 16.3 17.8 20.2 17.3 Electrical Downtilt Deg 2 to 12 Cross Polar Isolation dB 26 Interband Isolation dB 26 Beam Isolation dB 14 VSWR - 1.5 Passive Intermodulation (3rd Order, 2 x 43dBm) dBc -150 Maximum Effective Power per Port Watt 250 PRODUCT DATASHEET
.0080.20 board pin detail a scale 12 : 1 material: bodies & coupling nut: stainless steel per ams-5640, alloy uns s30300, type 1; or astm a582 type 303, cond. a lock ring & contact: beryllium copper per astm b196, alloy no. uns c17300, td04 beads: ultem 1000 per astm d5205 ...
6 Temposonics® R-Serie SSI Betriebsanleitung Messwertinhalt (optional: Feld Nr. 20) Beachten Sie: In Feld 18 und 19 muss jeweils „9“ gewählt sein. 1 Positionsmessung 2 Differenzmessung 3 3 Geschwindigkeitsmessung 4 Positionsmessung + Temperaturmessung (nur mit Datenlänge = 24 Bit)
Impact Hammers | PCB Piezotronics
PCB offers Modally Tuned®, ICP® instrumented impact hammers for structure health testing, resonance determination, and modal analysis.
ASVG020A36 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ASVG is an enhanced version of the MS5015 standard connector but remains completely intermateable with the MS5015 reverse bayonet connectors. • In conformity with the French railways standard NFF 61030.
SHRINK BOOT ADAPTER BACKSHELLS Straight M22992, Class C, J, & R M85049 59 W 12 SERIES SLASH # FINISH ADAPTER SIZE 59: Straight A: Aluminum, Black Anodize
steam unlocked | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Hospital steam sterilizers: ANSI/AAMI ST8:2013/(R)2018: Sterilization of health care products - Radiation: ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137-03: 2017: Sterilization of health care products—Biological indicators—Part 5: Biological indicators for low-temperature steam and formaldehyde sterilization processes: ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11138-5:2017/(R)2024
APXVLL21B_43-C-I20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Wideband X-pol Antenna, 1710-2690/1710-2690 MHz, 65deg, 19.4/20 dBi, 2.1m, 2-10deg, Integrated RET
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BLVR Series Low Voltage Pressure Sensors
BLVR-L20D ±20 inH2O 200 inH2O 500 inH2O BLVR-L30D ±30 inH2O 200 inH2O 800 inH2O Supply Voltage (Vs) 6 Vdc Common Mode Pressure 5 psig Lead Temperature (soldering 2-4 sec.) 270 °C Temperature Ranges Operating -25 to 85 °C Storage -40 to 125 °C Humidity Limits 0 to 95% RH (non condensing) Standard Pressure Ranges Equivalent Circuit Vs-Out ...
examax | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
10128419-101lf | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 2X6 10128334-101LF 2X8 10124412-101LF 2X10 10124414-101LF 23.68 DIMA DIMB 17.00 27.00 DIMA 19.00. 2x 2x10 RA Header 2x20 RA Shroud 2x20 Cable Connector 5G Applications 8 TheIdeaBook ExaMAX 2x18 housing 2x18 dual port frame Pairs per Column 2Pairs Columns per Connector 4–20 DiffPairs Per Cable