Search Results for csv read matlab
Introduction -
Read this section before using the product. About Door Pro Sensors. About Trawl Positioning . This topic explains how the position of the trawl is calculated. Description. Introduction. The Door Explorer and Door Sensor Pro sensors are part of a new generation of Marport sensors. They send the spread distance between the doors and clumps, depth ...
Principle of Operation -
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ROHS Information - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF has RoHS certified products. You can learn more about our complaint products under our Product Compliance Search Page.
RET Control Units - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
possible (manual override, the controller will read the new tilt setting). Technical Data Input control port Two male AISG 8 pin connectors (type IEC60130-9 Ed 3.0) for control data and power supply of each internal sub-unit. Daisy chain port None (daisy chain of RET units by external splitter)
R-Series Brief Instructions - Temposonics
sensors, read this documentation thoroughly and follow the safety information. Keep this manual for future reference! The content of this technical documentation is intended to provide information on mounting, installation and commis-sioning by qualified automation personnel 1 or instructed
LT-5000SP-1_PR6 - Charles Industries
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Public Safety Network Testing Solution - PCTEL
Features. Uplink testing – automatically measure P25 uplink signal quality by synchronizing with SeeHawk® Monitor or an uplink test kit; BDA commissioning tests – automated testing and reporting for Isolation, Leakage, BDA Sweep, and Signal to the Building Tests Simultaneous measurements – automatically test multiple public safety, cellular network, WiFi and private radio frequencies
Pump cavitation detection - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies 8435 Progress Drive Frederick, MD 21701 USA Tel: +1 (301) 330-8811 Fax: +1 (301) 330-8873
CTOL - Fiber Optic Connectors - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol SOCAPEX CTOL series is a high-performance fiber optic connector system designed for use in harsh environments such as military battlefield. Featuring expanded beam technology for contactless transmission, the CTOL connector is capable of supporting up to 8 channels of singlemode or multimode fiber optic cables. The protective window also allows for easy cleaning in the field, ensuring ...
Model 357B53
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User Guide MANUAL - Marport
Read this section to get a basic knowledge of your . M6 system. Introduction. The . M6 Pro system works with an Apple Mac mini, an Mx computer and two Mx receivers. The Mx computer processes the signal and displays the data on a screen connected to the Mac. You can configure the sensors and display data to suit your
SC39 Quick-Release - 38999 Series - Amphenol Socapex
The SC39 connectors are ideal for applications which required a fast and easy connection/disconnection. The SC39 connector from Amphenol Socapex is a high-performance solution designed for use in demanding applications. Based on the MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connector, the SC39 is a lightweight, small, and strong push/pull connector that provides the reliability and strength necessary for use ...
4-20 Installation Guide 78001 - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Caution: This guide should be read carefully before installation . 78001 Rev A.1 Page 2 of 8 Safety section PC420-series vibration transducers can be safely installed when the instructions in this manual are carefully followed. This section summarizes the safety considerations. Reminders in the form
Brief Instruction MH-Series - Temposonics
read this documentation thoroughly and follow the safety information. Keep the manual for future reference! The content of this technical documentation and its appendix is intended to provide information on mounting, installation and commissioning by qualified technical personnel 1 or in-structed service technicians who are familiar with the ...
Handportable Antennas FLX 2412/...-FME - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Read more. Explore all Body-Worn Antennas. Portable Antenna Connectors . Amphenol Procom offers BFME-connectors which are applicable for the entire product line of the black portable antennas or other equipment with FME-connectors. Explore all Portable Antenna Connectors . to product finder.
8500–00 30Hz Ringing Generator -
Refer to Figure 2, the 8500–00 schematic diagram, while reading the following description. The 120Vac input is routed through the power cord an fuse F1 to the magnetic frequency converter (transfluxor) which is comprised of T2, R1, and C8. The transfluxor converts the incoming 120Vac 60Hz input voltage into a 100Vac 30Hz output voltage.
MachineryMate 200 operating guide - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
The reading is shown in units of g (Earth’s gravitational constant, 1 g = 9.81 m/s2). 91397 Rev B 09/17 Page 5 of 7 2.2.2 Vibration analysis Press the SQUARE button again to display the readings of vibration velocity (mm/s or inch/s) broken down into each of three bands. The display shows the vibration level in frequency ranges based on ...
3658–02 2-Wire Foreign Exchange Office (2W FXO) Channel Units
Refer to Figure 3, the 3658–02 (Issue 1) Block Diagram, and Table 1 as needed while reading the following circuit description. 4.1 Transmit VF Path Voice Frequency(VF) signals applied to the input T&R (pins 48 and 50) are routed through the DROP and LINE breaking-jacks to the 2W/4W HYBRID circuit.
TULC Combination Sensor -
13 = Fluid reading is out of range 14 = No readings available. PGN 18FE56A3H Name Level Units % Scale Factor 0.4 Offset 0 Start Bit 0 Bit Length 8 Minimum 0 Maximum 102 OBD Sensor Failure Detected Output set to 0xFE (101.6 scaled) No Echo Condition Output set to 0xFB (100.4 scaled). No echo conditions occur when the
Level Plus - Temposonics
Before starting the operation of the equipment read this documentation thoroughly and follow the safety information. The content of this technical documentation and of its various annexes is intended to provide information on mounting, installation and commissioning by qualified service personnel according to IEC 60079-14