Search Results for d38999 20wb35pn
D38999 Connectors with Quadrax, Differential Twinax Contacts
Transition adapters for use in attaching D38999 Series III connectors with high-speed quadrax or differential contacts to PCB boards A wide selection of connector shell styles and sizes Scoop-proof recessed design in LJT-R, TV-R and SJT-R connectors provide protection for contacts
CF38999 Multi-Channel Fiber Optic Connector - Amphenol Aerospace
The Industry Standard for Fiber Optics. Meets or exceeds MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements; EMI Shielding-solid metal-to-metal coupling, grounding fingers, electroless nickel plating, and thicker wall sections provide superior EMI shielding capability of 65dB min. at 10 GHz.
D38999 Series III - TV Breakaway Fail-Safe Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol is qualified to provide D38999/29, /30. and /31 Types 1, 2, and 6 breakaway connectors. The D38999/31 connectors are also available in a hybrid design which have a composite outer operating sleeve over a metal shells for greater durability. Amphenol is also qualified to provide MIL-STD-1760 Type II rail launch connectors.
MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol® Tri-Start connectors provide EMI/EMP shielding capability which exceeds MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements. The TV and CTV Series III connector with standard solid metal-to-metal coupling, EMI grounding fingers and conductive finishes have proven to be the ultimate in EMI/EMP shielding effectiveness.
38999シリーズ - MIL-DTL-38999 SERIES I, II & III, V & EN3645 コネクタ|Amphenol ...
- d38999/26a35snはソケットコンタクト付きです。 - d38999/26a35anはピンコンタクトなしです。 - d38999/26a35bnはソケットコンタクトなし コンタクトなしでご注文いただいたコネクタには、mil-dtl-38999規格の要求に従い、pまたはsコードが表示されますのでご注意 ...
38999 系列 - MIL-DTL-38999 系列 I、II 和 III、V 和 EN3645 连接器 | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex是提供高性能圆形连接器(包括 D38999、2M Micro Miniature、Rugged Ethernet、USB、Display、RFM 和 PT/451 连接器)的知名领先企业,专为国防和航空航天领域的各种关键应用而量身定制。这些电气连接器专为满足工业和军事环境的严格要求而设计,具有卓越的耐用性、可靠性和数据传输能力。
D38999 Coaxial Contacts -
D38999 Coaxial Contacts O: 561.840.1800 • True float mount for optimal performance • D38999 contacts available in size 8, 12, 16, and 20 • Available in series I, II, III, and IV • DC to 65 GHz Features & Benefits Rev. 0 (10/24) Applications
D38999 Series III PCB Hermetic Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999 Series III-Type PCB Hermetic Connectors offer an airtight hermetic seal with PC tails, ideal for applications where board-level protection is a priority.
D38999シリーズIII TV-CTV - 38999シリーズ|Amphenol Socapex
38999 TRI-POWER CONNECTORS - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol has combined the reliability of D38999 connectors with the high-current RADSOK & Temper-Grip contact designs. The Amphenol Tri-Power Connectors incorporate the proven design of the MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Tri-Start connectors with Amphenol RADSOK & Temper-Grip high current contacts. This newly designed product is the future of power
D38999 계열 III TV-CTV - 38999 계열 - Amphenol Socapex
d38999 시리즈 III과 IV의 차이점은 무엇인가요? MIL-DTL-38999 시리즈 III 커넥터(Amphenol TV/CTV 시리즈)는 100% 스쿠프 방지 설계를 갖춘 나사 결합 커넥터입니다. 금속 및 복합 셸 버전을 사용할 수 있습니다. EN3645는 이 시리즈에 해당하는 유럽 표준입니다.
High Voltage 38999 Connector | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Shells are standard MIL-DTL-D38999 and will accommodate standard MIL-DTL-D38999 accessories; Technical Information Insert Arrangements How to Order. Documents Request Quote. Insert Arrangements. How to Order. More Voltage & Power
D38999 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The TV-CTV D38999 Series III is a MIL-DTL-38999 series III qualified connector designed for use in harsh military and industrial environments. This series offers a wide range of contact arrangements and shell types, making it an ideal choice for applications that require maximum weight and space savings.
High Power 38999 Connectors with High Current Contacts
The Amphenol Tri-Power connector series incorporates your choice of RadSok contacts, Temper-Grip High Current contacts, or standard high power contacts. Paired with the proven performance of the MIL-DTL-38999 connector series, the Tri-Power series offers a variety of tooled arrangements specifically designed to carry high current (70 to 250 amps per contact, 240 to 1000 amps per connector).
D38999 Pin and Socket Contacts - SV Microwave
SV Microwave has released a line of D38999 pin and socket contacts that are aligned to the latest specification set forth by SOSA™. These coaxial contacts fit both standard and series III housing and are offered in BMB size 8 and SMPM size 12. These contacts are ideal in an embedded system that transitions from the chassis to an out-of-the ...
d38999 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
D38999 Series III connectors are circular connectors with PC Tail contacts for printed circuit board applications. They meet MIL-DTL-38999 and AS39029 standards and have various shell styles, service classes, contact types and pre-tinning options.
D38999 Series II - JT Hermetic Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
D38999 Series II Hermetic D38999 Series II - JT Hermetic Connectors Contact: Leandro Curran Assistant Product Manager- Hermetics/Sealed 607-563-5100 Description: Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999 Series II Hermetic Connectors offer the highest performance capabilities for both general duty and severe environment applications and ...
Circular Connector Contacts | D38999 Contacts | SV Microwave
SV Microwave’s D38999 RF circular connector contacts deliver high-frequency performance and durability for demanding military, aerospace, and rugged applications. Available in sizes 8, 12, 16, and 20 and compatible with MIL-DTL-38999 standards, these contacts ensure reliable connectivity and optimal performance, even in harsh conditions.
9-2020 MIL-DTL-38999 Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
^ Supplied with D38999/62-A for Twinax, D38999/62-B for Coax * Hermetic inserts - solder termination standard. (Contact Amphenol Aerospace for optional PCB or eyelet termination). ** Two size 16 contacts dedicated to fiber optics. See the Fiber Optic section for more information. *** For use in MIL-STD-1760 applications (see pages 75 and 76). ...
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