Search Results for d38999 series 4 panel cut out
SMPM Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency SMPM Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of SMPM Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
High POWER - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
4 Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more information at 800-678-0141 POWER 5015 Step files available for most configurations in under 48 hours! High Power 5015 Series Introduction Models and drawings available online at by selecting the configurator tool.
DWG NO - Amphenol Sine
PANEL CUT OUT REFERENCE 30.6 +0.2 0 Ø32.1 +0.2 0 1" 1/16-18 UNEF THREAD 33.4 RTS718*32Sxx XXXX MASTER KEYWAY 41.3 41.3 A2 -- UPDATE NOTES Jul-06-2017 Nick Tommy A3 -- UPDATE DRAWING Mar-21-2018 White Tommy. Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morle Drive, Clinton Tonship, M 48036 USA amphenolsinecom 092021 Crimp Contacts, Machined Crimp Contacts ...
RUGGED MULTI-CHANNEL RS-422 - Amphenol Aerospace
MIL-DTL-38999 with power and RS-422 interfaces (all copper) Rugged and stand-alone unit for plug and play system solution Fiber MIL-DTL-38999 for ... J2 16 Port 4 out P , RS422 Port 4 Tx Pos J2 17 Port 4 out N , RS422 Port 4 Tx Neg J2 18 Port 4 in P , RS422 Port 4 Rx Pos J2 19 Port 4 in N , RS422 Port 4 Rx Neg
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
In-line junctions 1119 series are available in 1 to 4 contacts versions, for copper cable contacts, and also exist in components carrier versions (diodes, resistors, or fuses inserted). These Amphenol Air LB France's splices are fully sealed, compact, thin, and easy to use. Perfectly suited in a cable harness, to easily insert a component and ...
Cross Reference Products | Part Number Search - Amphenol CS
Search for an Exact Competitor Part number or type an “*” to search by partial Part Number. For example: 1234* or *234* To Search Multiple Parts at once, copy/paste or type one part number per line. Example: Part number 1 Part number 2 Part number 3 Part number with “*” will be considered invalid
4 Channels 1G-Base-T Copper/Fiber Conversion Copper/Fiber Conversion MIL-DTL-38999 with Embedded CTF-Quadrax Contacts 4 Channels 1G-Base-SR MIL-DTL-38999 with Embedded CTF-Quadrax Contacts 4 Channels 1G-Base-SR Power and Diagnostics Power and F Diagnostics Standard MIL-DTL-38999 Standard MIL-DTL-38999 Marvell 88E6390X Switch Channel Mapping ...
USB3CF TV Memory Keys -
Its design, based on MIL-DTL-38999 series III can only be mated to our USB3CF TV receptacles and is available, as standard, in capacities from 16 to 256Gb. Electronics used in our reinforced USB keys are from the latest generation, using TLC 3D flash technology
38999 INTEGRATED BACKSHELLS - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
38999 INTEGRATED BACKSHELLS How to order Integrated backshells for TV (MIL-DTL-38999 Series III) - Crimp contacts only Integrated backshells for LJT - Crimp contacts only Series TV 07 R F 09-09 P - - F472 TV: Metallic shell Shell type P00: Square flange receptacle: 175°C (O.D. cadmium, b.zinc nickel) PS00: Square flange receptacle: 200°C (nickel)
Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace bietet eine umfassende Auswahl an Steckverbindern und Zubehör für die Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie.
9 Channel – 10GBASE-T Ethernet Switch - Amphenol Aerospace
and a rectangular panel mount connector • Copper protocols are auto negotiatedand compliant to 802.3an • Compact size and package, total volume = 40 in; 3 ... 38999 interface with up to 10-5 cc/sec performance . SHOCK AND VIBRATION: • Sine Vibration - 10g Peak, 5-2,000Hz
PRODUKTPASS | ARINC801 - Amphenol-Air LB
Related to the commercial ARINC 801 specification, the 801 Arinc series offers a removable orientation housing (ASR) as well as guide rods for precise orientation for light, easy and clean plug connections. This plug connection offers 2 to 32 channels. PC as well as APC terminals can be used within a standard D38999 housing.
MIL-DTL-38999 シリーズIII パネルカットアウト寸法
mil-dtl-38999 シリーズⅢ ~パネルカットアウト寸法~ (mm) aaab c t シェルサイズ dia dia 0 +0.25 r1 r2 dia min. min. -0.25 0 ±0.13
Centaur - Solder Tail | Centaur ExaMAX for Military | High Density ...
Ruggedized lightweight aluminum MIL-DTL-38999 style shells Available in 40, 32, and 12 100-ohm differential pairs (DP) depending on shell size Shell size 25 - 40 DP plus 10 single ended
RF Connectors by Size - Amphenol RF
N-Type to 4.1-9.5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.3-10 Adapters; N-Type to 7-16 Adapters; N-Type to AMC Adapters ... options also provide easy assembly, and aid in blindmate and board to board applications. RF performance varies by series, with options working to 65 GHz in some optimized cases, and primarily 50 Ohm. ... Login / Log Out; My Parts List ...
Products - Amphenol
Our wide array of electrical and electronic connectors come in multiple form factors and are designed to meet the latest market needs, including high power requirements, higher speeds, size and weight reduction, EMI shielding, hermeticity, high pressure, and improved board retention.
D-sub Connectors - Positronic The Science of Certainty
These products are separate and distinct from D-sub connectors. D-subs are sometimes referred to as “rectangular rack and panel” connectors and often carry vernacular references such as DB9, DB15, DB25, DB37 and DB50 where the numbers refer to the connector’s pin count. USES. D-sub connectors work with a wide variety of electronics.
Reduced Flange 38999 Jam Nut Receptacles - Amphenol Socapex
13 38,4 28,1 46% 15 41,6 32,1 40% 17 44,8 36,1 35% 19 49,5 38,1 41% 21 52,7 41,1 39% 23 55,9 44,1 38% 25 59 48,1 34% 38999 Standard 38999 Reduced Flange F312/F059 K Average 20% weight reduction: Examples : 38999 Series III stand off version: TV07WCI15-35P F459 = 40,7 g 38999 Series III Reduced flange stand off version : TV07WCI15-35P F059 = 32 ...
Amphenol Aerospace
The High-Speed Contact Product Guide from Amphenol Aerospace provides information on high-speed contact solutions for military and aerospace applications.
MIL-DTL-83723, Series III, Pyle K - アンフェノールジャパン ...
83723 III 20 Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more information at 800-678-0141 • www .amphenol-aerospace .com K Pyle MIL-DTL-83723, Series III, Pyle ® Sq. Flange Receptacle, Threaded - Quick Reference SQUARE FLANGE RECEPTACLE THREADED Military: M83723/82 with Sockets, Classes G, K