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HIGH VOLTAGE 38999 - Amphenol Aerospace
randon ron Phone: 1 (607) 563-5685 • mail: PDS-229-2 Test Voltages ALTITUDE DWV Test Voltages A/C (RMS) PDIV Test Voltages A/C (RMS) PDIV Test Voltage D/C Unmated Mated SEA LEVEL 2600V 4500V 1550V 2000V 20,000 FT N/A 3850V 1250V 1700V 30,000 FT 3700V 1100V 1400V 50,000 FT 3000V 850V ...
3632-80 12 Channel and 3632-81 6 Channel Office Channel Unit—Data Port
3632-80 12-Channel Office Channel Unit—Data Port Figure 1 3632-81 6-Channel Office Channel Unit—Data Port Figure 2 1.2 Document Status This document is reprinted to add information regarding E1 functionality. 1.3 Equipment Function The OCU-DP is part of the 360-80 Intelligent Channel Bank (ICB). This unit is used to provide digital data service
The Android app makes it easy to record data with a phone instead of toting a computer around. This is especially appealing userfor s taking several tests at several different sites. The luxury of using the phone for recording is convenient and the GUI allows for a quick analysis in the comfort of one’s own office.
Amphenol Network Solutions > 2 POST 44RU RACK WITH 5" BASE, C-CHANNEL ...
Overview. Amphenol Network Solutions engineered the 17.75-inch rack to respond to the dynamic needs of the telecom industry. This rack is the solution for customers who require a smaller earthquake-safe data center rack with wide rail-to-rail clearance to fit a variety of equipment.
XFBL-554996-80DA | 10G XFP | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Transceivers. Contact us today for more details of 10G XFP, Part Number XFBL-554996-80DA
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 4/13/2009 1:25:53 PM
Model 083200-01000 LabMaster Professional 3200 (data acquisition ... - PCB
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Amphenol Network Solutions > Run fiber cable from overhead trough with ...
The WaveTrax two-Inch Center Drop creates an inline downspout in a fiber cable run, minimizing the components to transition from a horizontal run to a vertical cable drop. The snap-together WaveTrax raceway system from Amphenol Telect reduces time spent on installations and retrofits.
Technical Support - PCTEL
Phone: +86-22-26666741. Test & Measurement Products. Support Hours Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, except holidays. PCTEL, Inc. 22600 Gateway Center Drive Suite 100 Clarksburg, MD 20871. Note: The Return Materials Authorization (RMA) form must be completed before sending test and measurement equipment to PCTEL. Phone: 1-240-460-8833. Email:
2046-6050-23 - XMA
Phone. Message. CAPTCHA. Email. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Send Message. 23893. 7 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103 Phone: +1-603-222-2256 • Fax: +1-603-222-2259. XMA Corporation-Omni Spectra® is a Manufacturer of Passive Microwave Components. With Design and Manufacturing in the United States, XMA ...
4880-5523-dB-CRYO - XMA
Phone. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Send Message. 52252. 7 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103 Phone: +1-603-222-2256 • Fax: +1-603-222-2259. XMA Corporation-Omni Spectra® is a Manufacturer of Passive Microwave Components. With Design and Manufacturing in the United States, XMA supplies products of the ...
About Us - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF, a division of Amphenol Corporation and one of its original core business groups, is the world's largest manufacturer of coaxial interconnect products for radio frequency, microwave and data transmission applications.
Amphenol Network Solutions > Save hours in retrofitting your fiber ...
The two-inch WaveTrax Threaded Rod Bracket provides a low-profile mounting attachment to the threaded rod. The snap-together WaveTrax overhead cable raceway system from Amphenol Telect reduces time spent on installations and retrofits.
Application Note - Temposonics
Phone: +49 2351 9587-0 E-Mail: ITALY Branch Office Phone: +39 030 988 3819 E-Mail: FRANCE Branch Office Phone: +33 614 060 728 E-Mail: UK Branch Office Phone: +44 79 21 83 05 86 E-Mail: SCANDINAVIA Branch Offi ce Phone: + 46 70 29 91 281
Valued Customer Partners Letter - Charles Industries, LLC
Our sales, customer service, technical support, product management, engineering, and back office teams remain available to serve you,our valued customers, in fulfilling your critical network communication systems’ needs. We continue to operate with all non-manufacturing related employees performing their duties remotely.
'Push-Button' coil squib connector -
Phone +86/0519-85601880. Fax +86/0519-85118840. Title: Microsoft Word - Ø10mm Retainer 060403.doc Author: rdaum Created Date: 5/25/2017 9:08:44 AM ...
CFP8 | High Speed Interconnects | Amphenol
Amphenol CFP8 interconnect system has 124 contacts per port, with a 0.5mm contact pitch and 16 high speed channels. It is rated for 28Gb/s per channel with resonance dampening for improved signal integrity. It is comprised of insert molding assemblies for
65239-004LF | Dubox®-254mm | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Wire to Board Connectors. Contact us today for more details of Dubox ® , part number 65239-004LF
65239-020LF | Dubox®-254mm | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Wire to Board Connectors. Contact us today for more details of Dubox ® , part number 65239-020LF
FO bubnjevi - Fiber Optic Pribor | Amfenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapek FO bubnjevi su serija optičkih bubnjeva koji su specijalno dizajnirani da budu raspoređeni u teškim uslovima kao što su komunikacija na bojnom polju, uzemljena vozila, vojna avionika i industrijska okruženja. Bubnjevi su dostupni u različitim veličinama, materijalima i kapacitetima do 2200 metara, što ih čini veoma svestranim i pogodnim za niz različitih primena.