Search Results for db78
DB78 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Find various products related to DB78, a 78-pin high density D-sub connector, from Amphenol and its affiliates. Compare prices, specifications and features of different cable assemblies, connectors and shielding options.
78-Pin HD D-Sub Cable (HD78) Cables for Sale | Cables on Demand - Amphenol
78-Pin High Density D-Sub cable assemblies by Amphenol provide the perfect I/O solution for your HD78 (DB78HD) d-sub equipped devices. All of our 78-pin HD d sub cables come fully populated with 24K Gold plated contacts, molded HD78 connectors, and offer double shielding for excellent EMI suppression.
db78 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Your search results for "db78." Display Type Results Per Page Sort By Amphenol CS-DSDHD78MM0-025 78-Pin (HD78) Deluxe HD D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 25ft; Code: CS-DSDHD78MM0-025; Buy 25ft Amphenol CS-DSDHD78MM0-025 Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. 78-pin (HD78) Copper Shielded High Density Male/Male D-Sub ...
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Buy 10ft Amphenol CS-DSDHD78MM0-010 Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. 78-pin (HD78) Copper Shielded High Density Male/Male D-Sub Cables by Amphenol provide exceptional performance in commercial, industrial or enterprise applications where longevity and repeated disconnects are required. Our fully assembled Deluxe HD …
D-Sub High Density | Input Output Connectors | Amphenol
Amphenol's D-Subminiature high density product line offers a wide range of termination options for board and cable ends, bringing down the overall cost of cable assembly and connectors significantly.
Our value-added cable assemblies include cable assemblies and harnesses, cable management products and backplane interconnect systems. Our cable solutions include coaxial cable, power cable and specialty cable. We also provide combiner/splitter products, flexible and rigid printed circuit boards, hinges and molded parts.
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