Search Results for deliver electrical pulses to the fusion site
FIBER OPTICS - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
light pulses making them immune to electromagnetic or RF interferences, which are a threat to the integrity of the transmitted information. Fiber optic links suit battlefield communication systems exceedingly well where secrecy and data integrity are paramount.
TEDS Sensors and technology - Introduction - PCB
The TEDS signal conditioner generates the reverse bias, or negative voltage pulses. These pulses interrogate the memory and the contents are then transmitted, via the same two wires, back to the signal conditioner and controlling PC.
Fundamentals of Board-to-Board Connectors - Amphenol CS
Board-to-board (BTB) connectors are one of the most popular forms of connectors that connect signals between two printed circuit boards (PCBs) without a cable. At Amphenol, we offer a variety of high-performance board-to-board options to fit your specific application requirements.
Model 422E54 | PCB Piezotronics
Electrical: Excitation Voltage: 18 to 28 VDC: 18 to 28 VDC: Constant Current Excitation: 2 to 20 mA: 2 to 20 mA: Output Voltage: ±5.0 V: ±5.0 V: Output Impedance: 100 Ohm: 100 Ohm: Output Bias Voltage: 9 to 13 VDC: 9 to 13 VDC: Maximum Input Voltage: 40 V: 40 V: Broadband Electrical Noise (1 to 10000 Hz) 33 µV-90 dB [2] Spectral Noise (1 Hz ...
TEDS piezovelocity transducer - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Electrical noise, equiv. in/sec: Broadband 2.5 Hz to 25 kHz Spectral 10 Hz 100 Hz 1,000 Hz 100 µin/sec 10 µin/sec/√Hz 0.8 µin/sec/√Hz 0.1 µin/sec/√Hz Output impedance, 4-20 mA supply the greater of: 100 Ω or 5,000/f Bias output voltage 10 VDC Grounding case isolated, internally shielded
Model 1381-01A rod end load cell Installation and Operating Manual - PCB
5.0 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 5.1 Electrical Drawing / Western Regional Std. All load cells are wired following the Western Region Standard. All models utilize strain gages configured into a Wheatstone Bridge Circuit to produce the primary sensing element. The four-arm Wheatstone bridge configuration is shown below in Figure 3.
CTF-QUADRAX BASED - Amphenol Aerospace
Quadrax is a size 8 keyed contact with 4 or 8 pins used in high speed copper signaling applications. The embedding of a TOSA/ TOSA into this component provides the ability to utilize a Quadrax connector for media converter applications.
C2X: Industry-Leading Flexibility for Fiber Distribution
With a comprehensive range of options, compatibility with any standard equipment rack or cabinet, a compact yet expandable footprint, and a broad selection of function modules for advanced capabilities, C2X provides users with a single platform for multiple locations and topologies. Flexible and Customizable.
CE23-0106 MHD2 Connector Design Guidelines Revision
1.4. General Product Description 1.4.1. The standard XHD2 differential interconnect platform consists of connectors featuring 3, 4, or 6 differential pairs, with an optional extra ground lead available on the A wafer. 2 Pair and 8 Pair
Optical Sub-Assembly Based Media Converters Using Quadrax
CTF-Quadrax technology is the embedding of a transmit or recieve optical subassembly into a Quadrax contact. Have any questions? Talk with us directly using LiveChat.
Nex10 Between-Series Adapters
Amphenol RF offers a variety of between-series Nex10 adapters capable of superior low PIM performance up to 6 GHz. This lightweight, threaded interface features a compact design that allows for more connection density in comparison to other connectors or adapters.
D-Sub Economy Range Board-Mount Connectors
Amphenol's D-Sub Economy Range Board-Mount Connectors are proven solutions designed to meet less demanding applications while meeting all their design requirements. These connectors have a guaranteed durability of 50 mating cycles.
Model 653A01 Loop Powered, Current Output, Industrial ... - PCB
maintenance. Clean electrical connectors, housings, and mounting surfaces with solutions and techniques that will not harm the material of construction. Observe caution when using liquids near devices that are not hermetically sealed. Such devices should only be wiped with a dampened cloth—never saturated or submerged.
Rear Transition Module | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Zone 3 connections between a front board and rear transition module in ATCA ® systems. The offering provides flexibility in the number of differential pairs per column to address signal density, connector profile or airflow requirements.
Circular Medical Cable Connector | Pulse-Lok Connector 341399
The Pulse-Lok® series of products offer field-proven interconnect & cable assembly design solutions for your needs. Shop our Medical Connector 341399.
Standard Medical Cable Connector | Pulse-Lok Connector 360017
The Pulse-Lok® series of products offer field-proven interconnect cable design solutions for your system’s needs. Medical Cable Connector 360017
Standard Medical Cable Connector | Pulse-Lok Connector 356095
The Pulse-Lok® series of products offer field-proven interconnect & cable assembly design solutions for your needs. Shop our Medical Connector 356095
38999 Connectors with Power Contacts - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol has increased its D38999 power options, creating a contact system for every application. Increase ampacity up to 50 percent when pairing Temper-Grip with HCP pins, helping your connection get as close as possible to the efficiency of uncut wire.