Search Results for digital penetration rate
Model 208A24 | PCB Piezotronics
Penetration ICP® force sensor, 2500 lb comp., 1 mV/lb, integral hemispherical cap. Measurement Range: 2500 lb (11.12 kN) Sensitivity: (±15%)1 mV/lb (224.8 mV/kN) Low Frequency Response: (-5%)0.0003 Hz
Model 208A33 | PCB Piezotronics
Penetration ICP® force sensor, 1k lb comp., 500 lb tension, 5 mV/lb, removable hemispherical cap. Measurement Range: 1000 lb (4.448 kN) Sensitivity: (±15%)5 mV/lb (1124.1 mV/kN) Low Frequency Response: (-5%)0.0003 Hz
Pyroshock Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
PCB has several shock accelerometer designs that improve measurement of both high-level (e.g., gun launch and penetration events) and pyrotechnic shock. Pyrotechnic shock, often called pyroshock, is a measurement challenge due to its associated high frequency content, which typically excites the resonant frequency of any measuring accelerometer.
Industrial Sensor Resource Hub | Amphenol Advanced Sensors
From building automation to electronics and HVAC, advanced industrial sensors provide the all-important data for operation and efficiency across a variety of metrics, including temperature, humidity, pressure, and air quality.
SS510 EchoRange+™ 200kHz Portable Survey, DT - 20m Cable
Airmar’s Smart ™ sensors feature embedded microelectronics that process depth and temperature inside the sensor that can be instantly displayed on any device that accepts NMEA data. EchoRange technology transfers NMEA 0183 data in real time to a computer via the RS422 standard.
PS1&PS4-VOC-2000-MOD TotalOrganicVolatileModule Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
The module is equipped with a standard UART digital output, allowing operation by anyone without knowledge or understanding of the sensor application and the tedious work of calibration. • Commercial VOC emissions monitoring
PS1&PS4-H2S-500-MOD HydrogenSulfideModule Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
• When using the sensor in the pumping detection mode, the gas flow rate must be controlled within 500ml per minute, and the flow rate must be stable. The change of flow will cause the signal to fluctuate.
Pyroshock Sensors Videos | PCB Piezotronics
PCB® has several new shock accelerometer designs that are contributing to the improved measurement of both high-level (e.g., gun launch and penetration events) and pyrotechnic shock. There is no single accelerometer technology that is optimum for every measurement application.
Acceleration Sensing Technologies for Severe Mechanical Shock - PCB
Next presented is a summary of lessons learned over the years, and pitfalls discovered, with ac-celeration sensing technologies used in past measurement attempts of these types of shock. Based on these lessons, a description of current sensing technology approaches and their integration into accelerometers is provided.
CRATE | Analog-to-Digital, Extenders, and Data Concentrators | Media ...
Up to 10 Gsps sample rate on 14-bit DACs on each channel; Distinct control of interpolation and decimation on all channels; Independent digital step attenuators for each receive channel; Run-time configuration of sampling rates, decimation, interpolation, center frequencies, Nyquist band selectivity, etc.
Hermetically Sealed Connectors | Products - Amphenol Aerospace
With a hermetic seal built to sustain strict leak rates, hermetic connectors prevent seal penetration and can withstand high pressures and maintain stable pressure differentials. Both glass-to-metal seal and epoxy seal connectors offer an excellent airtight seal.
OverPass™ Cabled Backplane | High Speed - Amphenol CS
Supports data rates beyond 112G PAM4; industry leading signal to noise performance; Consistent signal integrity performance over the entire mating range; Flexible connector architecture supports cable mating with press fit headers, right angle and orthogonal configurations
Accelerometers / Vibration Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
PCB Piezotronics supports design, research, and development efforts with precision accelerometers for the measurement of vibration, shock, acceleration, and motion. PCB® provides ICP® (IEPE), PE, MEMS, and capacitance sensing technologies to satisfy these various measurement requirements.
Reimagining the Future of Data Computing with Compute Express Link (CXL ...
Compute Express Link (CXL) is emerging as a pivotal technology in addressing the performance demands of artificial intelligence (AI), high-performance computing (HPC), and big data applications.
Model 352A26 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 352A26:Miniature, lightweight (0.2 gm), ceramic shear ICP® accel., 10 mV/g, 2 to 10k Hz, 10-ft detachable cable.
Model 7284A-60K-360 | PCB Piezotronics
PCB® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news & product updates from PCB®. . . . Why PCB?
Custom Sensors for Product Integration | PCB Piezotronics
PCB Piezotronics, Inc. has a proven track record in supporting mission- critical applications with sensors designed to detect, monitor, and quantify vibration, shock, force, pressure, torque, strain, acoustics, load and blast. We support custom product development for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMS) in industries such as:
Force Sensor Mounting Accessories | PCB Piezotronics
PCB provides mounting accessories for our force sensors, including studs and screws, anti-friction washers and pilot bushings, and impact plates.
Dynamic Strain Sensors and Accelerometers for Structural Testing
Ground vibration testing (GVT) is a critical process in aircraft development, aimed at gathering experimental data to validate and update structural dynamic models for predicting behaviors like flutter. Typically, standard accelerometers are used to identify displacement mode shapes.
Press Release: PCB Model 354A14 Case Isolated Cryogenic ICP® Triaxial ...
It has exceptional frequency response from 2.5 to 10k Hz throughout the broad operating temperature range all the way down to -320°F (-196°C). It is the first triaxial accelerometer to complement PCB's 351 family of single axis cryogenic accelerometers. Model 354A14 features: