Search Results for do160 parallel to serial ics
20191227安费诺年会_Amphenol Assembletech
Borne de charge | Recharge électrique de moteur
Principe et fonctionnement Nous développons, adaptons et diffusons des composants individuels jusqu'à des solutions intégrales façonnées aux obligations de votre instrumentation du moteur, telles que les capteurs de moteur industriels, les systèmes de câblage, le système de surveillance des alarmes, le système de contrôle moteur, couvrant toutes vos applications d'alimentation.
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Amphenol Aerospace
Created Date: 12/11/2000 8:12:21 AM
Amphenol Socapex
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公司新闻-新闻中心 - 安费诺汽车连接系统(常州)有限公司
K140 and K150 Ice Point Reference - KAYE
Die Eispunkt-Referenzen K140 und K150 bieten genaue, stabile und zuverlässige 0 ° C-Referenzen für den Einsatz in Ihren Kalibrierlaboren. Das patentierte Design der Meßzelle bietet unvergleichliche Genauigkeit (0,02 ° C) und Stabilität (0,01 ° C) ohne Langzeitdrift. Die Modelle K140 / 150 eignen sich ideal zum Kalibrieren von Thermoelementen oder Temperatursensoren aller Art.
High Performance RF PCB Thru-Hole Connectors - SV Microwave
Impedance (Ω) 50; Frequency GHz: 40 GHz; Shielding Effectiveness: ≥ -80 dB DC - 3 GHz ≥ -65 dB 3 - 26.5 GHz; Dielectric withstanding Voltage: 500 VRMS
OCTONET™ -Kontakt, Doppeltquadrax für D38999/SIM/ARINC600 Stecker für 1GBit und 10 GBit Ethernet.
1/4” PHONE CONNECTORS - Amphenol Sine
96 ENTERTAINMENT INTERCONNECT CATALOGUE - Amphenol Australia Pty Ltd 61 3 8796 8888 Plugs & Jacks PRODUCT - FIGURE DRAWING Dimensions in mm (inches) DESCRIPTION VARIATIONS PART NUMBER 1/4” (6.35mmø) JUMBO Mono Phone plug,
Japan | Amphenol Socapex
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L-1107-N - Amphenol Aerospace
inspection hole crimp inner pin contact outer socket contact retainer must bottom front insulator rear insulator expander tool 3 2 1.050 crimp .010 trim shield
2019年8月2日 高效率时间管理工具培训_Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺
6.3mm 2 poles 180°Plastic High Voltage Connector (Flange Version ...
As a member of Amphenol Automotive products group, Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., established in 2004, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amphenol Group in China. Through more than 10 years of efforts, our company has formed six major business units and ten major product groups, including airbag connectors and harnesses, automotive buckle harnesses, automotive ...
Changzhou Amphenol Fuyang Communication Equipment-常州安费诺福洋通信设备有限公司
Contact us. Add: No.6,Fengqi Road,Wujin High-Tech District, Changzhou,Jiangsu Tel: +86-519-86520303
DSEI 2025 | Amphenol Socapex
A Amphenol Socapex participará na feira Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI), de 9 a 12 de setembro de 2025, em Londres, Reino Unido.. Na DSEI 2025, apresentaremos a nossa vasta gama de conectores e soluções de interligação, incluindo:. Conectores de alimentação para aplicações de alta potência.; Conectores miniatura para ambientes com restrições de espaço.
安费诺(常州)电子有限公司 -
首页; 关于我们. 公司介绍. Terms; 企业文化; 资质荣誉; 发展历程; 标准产品. 标准产品. POWERLOK 一代系列. 插座. 120安培. 1芯. 180 ...
Model 080a125 | PCB Piezotronics (de)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +49 2433 4444 400
Vi presentiamo il modello 176A07 della PCB | PCB Piezotronics
13 giugno 2023 DEPEW, NY - PCB Piezotronics (PCB®) presenta il nuovo modello 176A07, sensore di pressione ad alta temperatura UHT-12TM. Il modello 176A07 è approvato per le aree pericolose UHT-12 con una temperatura nominale di 1200°F (650°C). Il modello 176A07 è dotato di: