Search Results for do160 parallel to serial ics
01 preliminary 10/19 gpf - nrn 44412 11/19 stw approved: checked: drawn: gpf 10/29/19 gpf 10/29/19 sj 10/29/19 rohs compliant.3127.92 hex..49912.67.1854.70
a1 release number 30/nov/18 rookie of: sh: rev: dwg no: title: rev description date revisions eco by appr 2 1 a3 at04-2p-l012 2p receptacle, flange mount, gray
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance - Amphenol Aerospace
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance October 24, 2018 Dear Customer, In response to your compliance status inquiry regarding the following product, Amphenol Aerospace Operations (AAO)
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
Product description: EL3.5 Right angle Open THR type: 3.5: 2P-24P: ELxx110B0000G: Please refer to the pdf file. The website drawing is for reference only.
Accessoires fibre optique - Amphenol Socapex
Lancement de la série PS : équipements de puissance électriques renforcés pour les applications militaires critiques
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Cold Chain Monitoring - KAYE
Una catena del freddo ininterrotta garantisce la costanza delle temperature per i prodotti sensibili alla temperatura, dalla produzione all'utilizzo, il che è fondamentale in settori come quello alimentare e negli ambienti regolamentati dalle GxP in ambito farmaceutico e biotecnologico. In particolare, il mantenimento di una catena del freddo è fondamentale, come dimostrano le sfide nella ...
Germany2 -
Kaye ValProbe RT {Overview} Kaye ValProbe RT {Base Station} Kaye ValProbe RT {Flexible Temperature Logger} Kaye ValProbe RT {Bendable Temperature Logger}
2014年8月17日 安费诺《幸福密码-个人与家庭成长》员工大型培训_Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺
LENGTH TABLE AT06GY-3S-N-TPE-M1 1 (3.28FT) AT06GY-3S-N-TPE-M2 2 (6.56FT ...
Title: G:Engineering1AAA ENGINEERING SYSTEMRyanAT OM Project3 Position3 Position Final Customer+MFG PrintsAT06GY-3S-N-TPE-MX Cu Author: rorman Created Date
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering 40-60 Delaware Ave, Sidney NY 13838 Amphenol Aerospace Operations (AAO) and Commercial Air Division (ACAD)
Thermometrics ZTP-148SRC1 Thermopile IR Sensor
2 ZTP-148SRC1 Specifications Thermopile Chip Parameter Limits Unit Condition Min Typ Max Chip Size 1.8 X 1.8 mm2 Diaphragm 1.0 x 1.0 mm Active Area 0.7 X 0.7 mm2 Absorber area Internal Resistance 60 85 110 kΩ @25°C
Amphenol-Air LB | PRODUKTPASS | Bus Bars
Amphenol Sammelschienen bieten ein Mittel zur Stromverteilung zwischen den Stromerzeugungskästen, Klemmleisten und kleineren Klemmverbindungen.
Switch Ethernet e convertitore di media | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex propone robusti switch Ethernet militari con le massime prestazioni. Progettati per applicazioni militari e in ambienti difficili, gli switch MIL-STD di Amphenol Socapex supportano le interferenze elettromagnetiche (EMI) condotte e irradiate secondo MIL-STD-461. Sono inoltre conformi a MIL-STD-704 e MIL-STD-1275 per la protezione da sovratensioni e picchi.
Uncategorised -
Kaye offers industry-leading thermal validation system for accurate monitoring and compliance in pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Discover advanced wired and wireless solutions for temperature validation.
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
Product description: H45.0 Hook on entry side: 5.0: 2P-24P: H4xx705A0000G: Please refer to the pdf file. The website drawing is for reference only. For details, please contact sales.
Voltarius High Power Interconnect | Power Products | 38999 Plus ...
Voltarius is a high-power interconnect system optimized for high-voltage applications. This high-power connector series is designed to provide performance up to 1000VDC and 450A and features proven RADSOK® technology.