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2013年12月24日AST部门分享后两轮—“七彩云南、美丽AST”和“火箭冲空”比赛_Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺
PL01X-200-50-G06 单芯直头插头组装规范 PL01X-200-50-G06 1POS 180D Plug Assembly Manual
provided may exceed the limit of other components/materials used on the cable assembly or device. PL01X-200-50-G06 单芯直头插头组装规范 PL01X-200-50-G06 1POS 180D Plug Assembly Manual Manual P/N:8P1156 _ Rev.00 20210830 ①Alloy Shell 合金外壳 ④End cap 尾盖 ...
Temperature Calibrator - LTR-150 Dry Block and Liquid Bath - KAYE
O Kaye LTR-150 é o calibrador multifuncional mais avançado projetado especificamente para atender às necessidades de capacidade e flexibilidade para validação térmica. Capacidade de calibrar até 48 termopares, a sua versatilidade para funcionar como um calibrador Bloco Seco, Banho Líquido ou Superfície, o LTR-150 economiza horas de tempo e esforço ao calibrar ou verificar os sensores ...
mps02-bsfa032s | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MPS02-BSFA032S - 32孔低压信号连接器 产品型号: 插头: MPS02-BSFX032S 插座: MPS02-BSMX0320 ( “X” 表示 code A/B/C) 对配 设计: 锁定机构 CPA确认锁定结构 端子二次锁机构 端子规格: 26 根1mm信号端子 6 根2.8mm电源端子 常规特性: IP68/IP6K9K级防水 互配次数: 最少100次 性能
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Kaye ValProbe RT {Overview} Kaye ValProbe RT {Base Station} Kaye ValProbe RT {Flexible Temperature Logger} Kaye ValProbe RT {Bendable Temperature Logger}
%PDF-1.5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 20 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792 ...
SIZE TYPE B C- - Amphenol Sine
view from components side of pcb thickness 1.60mm housing interface seal contact atp04-6p-bm0x seal retainer 27.0 33.5 4.5 Ø3.0 2x 1.70 6.70 6.70 9.90 20.25 16.70 2xØ3.30 6xØ2.60 Ø3.20 10.15 6.70 6.70 9.90 16.70 20.25 10.15 44.6±0.5 6x Ø2.38 6x 3.7 28.6 no potting potting or not in reservoir potting atp04-6p-bm01 part number atp04-6p-bm02 ...
RUGGED VPX - Amphenol Aerospace
product suite includes the components needed to quickly integrate this unit into a new sub-system, as well as install and field in rugged environments. By utilizing this architecture as a starting point, new derivatives that support specific requirements can easily be made, ensuring high-technology readiness and low-development costs. DESCRIPTION
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Kaye ValProbe RT {Visión general} Kaye ValProbe RT {Estación base} Kaye ValProbe RT {Sensor de Temperatura Flexible} Kaye ValProbe RT {Sensor de Temperatura Maleable}
2020年7月1日 产线内训师启动会_Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺
For the Simple Way to Maximize Rack Space, Look Up
Users mount Summit Racks directly to wire tray, or to ladder rack via all-thread components. Additional key features include: 3 RU or 5 RU configurations; Standard 19-inch mounting; Ladder rack version available with or without rear plate for cable management;
SC39 Pikaliitin - 38999-sarja | Amphenol Socapex
SC39-liittimet soveltuvat erinomaisesti sovelluksiin, joissa tarvitaan nopeaa ja helppoa kytkentää ja irrottamista. Amphenol Socapexin SC39-liitin on suorituskykyinen ratkaisu, joka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi vaativissa sovelluksissa. SC39 perustuu MIL-DTL-38999-sarjan III-liittimeen, ja se on kevyt, pieni ja vahva push/pull-liitin, joka tarjoaa luotettavuuden ja lujuuden, joita ...
Kaye Validatör AVS
Kaye Validator AVS (Gelişmiş Validasyon Sistemi), kalibrasyon ve izlenebilirlik için GMP gereksinimlerine uygun hassas ölçümleri sağlarken uygun raporlama ile valide edilen varlıkları ve validasyon ekipmanlarını yönetir. Validator AVS gelişmiş donanım özellikleri, kullanımı kolay veri işleme konseptiyle kullanıcı dostu bir yazılım arayüzü sunar.
Vanlige spørsmål - Amphenol Socapex
tilbake PS-serien: Power Devices-løsninger. Strømomformere; Strømfordelingsenheter; USB-nøkler og forlengere
P30765-Mxxx 1 3/8" Double-ended 3 Position Trunk Cable Assem
Distributors. Newsletter. Virtual Handshake Request. Home; Our Product Lines; Distributed Power & Control / Factory Automation; Power Distribution; PowerBOSSlite M35 (1 3/8") M35 (1 3/8”) - 3 POSITION TRUNK CABLE ASSEMBLIES; P30765-Mxxx 1 3/8" Double-ended 3 Position Trunk Cable Assembly, Male Str-Female 90, Single-rated, Black.
Backshell for components (2) 4 45° (3)backshell 5 Conductive (4)seal 6 (receptacle panel mounting for PCB) 90° backshell reduced size (5) 7 protect Ion Asr - * - * - * Métallisé Non métallisé tAIlle De BoîtIer Taille A Taille C Assocce Ires Serre-câbles Capot droit Capot coudé à 90° Capot de protection d’embase (2) Capot (2)pour ...
AT06-6S-RD01GRN 6-Way Plug, Black Female Connector with Red - Amphenol Sine
AT06-6S-RD01GRN 6-Way Plug, Black Female Connector with Reduced Diameter Seal (E-Seal), Green
TEst | Amphenol Socapex
powrót Seria PS: Rozwiązania dla urządzeń zasilających. Konwertery mocy; Jednostki dystrybucji zasilania; Klucze i przedłużacze USB
2M805 - 2M Micro Miniatura | Amphenol Socapex
El conector 2M805 es un conector circular microminiatura que incorpora el mecanismo de acoplamiento rápido Tri-Start, que permite acoplarlo y desacoplarlo de forma rápida y sencilla. Ofrece más de 45 disposiciones de contactos, de 1 a 85 contactos, lo que lo hace adecuado para una amplia gama de aplicaciones. El conector también ofrece un excelente apantallamiento EMI, lo que garantiza una ...