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SIMM1602SNC - Amphenol Air LB
Rectangular connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Plugs; SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Receptacles; SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Backshells; SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Accessories; SIM - EN4165 series 2 connectors.
Custom Stainless Steel Braid Sleeving - TPC Wire
Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable is a leading supplier of high-performance wire, cable, connectors, and assemblies designed and engineered to withstand harsh industrial environments. Contact. 9600 Valley View Rd. Macedonia, OH 44056 (800) 211-4520. Contact Us Subscribe.
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25/100-Gigabit Ethernet Tech - Amphenol
QSFP28 connectors add an extended EMI cage and upgraded PCB to meet strict new 100-Gigabit Ethernet specifications. 100G QSFP28 to SFP28 Splitter 100G QSFP (QSFP28) to 4 x SFP28 Splitter Cables [25% OFF SALE] Now Available from Amphenol Cables on Demand. Amphenol’s revolutionary 100G QSFP28 to 4 x SFP28 Splitter Cable offers IT professionals ...
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ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and connector. 请使用高版本的浏览器 English| 中文 ...
RF Connector - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
RF Connector AC-38HF-4PM-F 4.3/10 Male Push Pull Connector for 3/8” Superfl exible Coaxial Cable Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions. Extreme
KAYE - Thermal Validation System & Environmental Monitoring
Kaye ValProbe RT CO 2 记录器. The 3-in-1 data logger from the Kaye ValProbe RT product line offers the capability to measure critical parameters such as CO 2 (carbon dioxide), relative humidity (RH), and temperature with a single device. For applications where these measurements are quality-critical, the Kaye ValProbe RT CO 2 Logger provides economical, accurate, and GxP-compliant recording ...
信号触点 - 信号触点 | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 信号触头专为 JD38999 I、II、III、EN3645 和 EN4165 连接器而设计。这些一体式触头 100% 由法国制造,符合欧洲 EN3155 和美国 AS39029 标准。它们提供多种端接选择,包括压接、焊接、PC 尾端和兼容引脚。
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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SIMEO06LUSA - Amphenol Air LB
Rectangular connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Plugs; SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Receptacles; SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Backshells; SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors - Accessories; SIM - EN4165 series 2 connectors.
220WX WeatherStation® Instrument - Airmar
Certs And Standards: CE, IPX6 (IPX4 with optional Relative Humidity sensor), RoHS, IEC61000-4-2, IEC60945, IEC60950_1C, IEC60950_22A, EN55022, EN55024, EN14982
ST800 Speed and Temperature Analog Output - Airmar
The ST800 is an analog, retractable speed and temperature sensor. The sensor fits inside a low profile plastic or bronze thru hull housing that is nearly flush to the hull, with only 5 mm (3/16”) extending outside of the hull.
TV-CTV sa 75 oma koaksijalnim kontaktima - Amphenol Socapex
TV-CTV konektor sa koaksijalnim kontaktima od 75 oma kompanije Amphenol Socapek je robustan konektor dizajniran specijalno za aplikacije za prenos video zapisa. Izveden je iz MIL-DTL-38999 serije III i nudi više od 50 umetaka, uključujući opcije velike brzine i miksa signala, i 9 veličina školjki u rasponu od 09 do 25. Konektor ima 75 Ohm koaksijalne kontakte, što ga čini idealnim za HD ...
Marine Antennas CXL 230-1/DAB -
This 0 dBd omnidirectional base station and marine antenna covers the terrestrial DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast) Band. The antenna is a ½ λ design and this means that it needs neither loading coils, ground-plane, radials nor other auxiliary arrangements.
Soluções de fibra ótica | Amphenol Socapex
A Amphenol SOCAPEX oferece uma vasta gama de soluções de fibra ótica: terminais ópticos, conectores FO, montagem de cabos. As nossas soluções de fibra ótica robustas podem ser utilizadas em ambientes difíceis em aplicações como: comunicações no campo de batalha, comunicações C5ISR, veículos terrestres, equipamento militar, marinha, aeroespacial militar e comercial.