Search Results for esto connectors
SMP Straight Solder Plug 0.085-inch Conformable 0.086-inch Conformable ...
RF Connector SMP Straight Solder Plug 0.085-inch Conformable 0.086-inch Conformable RG-405 50 Ohm. Downloads. SMP-FS-C07-5 PDF Customer Drawing (Size: 120 kb) SMP-FS-C07-5 STP 3D Model (Size: 135 kb ) 349-50685 Assembly Instructions (Size: 76 kb) Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle; Part Status: Active:
RF Coaxial Connectors, Adapters and Cable Assemblies | Amphenol RF
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109 Series Connectors | Hermaphroditic Connector
The 109 Connector line meets or exceeds the requirements of SMPTE it is used for broadcast networks, HDTV, ship-to-shore communications
What’s the Difference Between 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable?
The Impedance of the various devices being connected as well as the Coaxial Cable itself must match. So if you are, for instance, connecting a 75 Ohm video camera connection to a studio monitor, the coaxial cable must also be 75 Ohm AND the connectors on the coaxial cable (i.e. BNC connectors) must be 75 Ohm in Impedance.
TACBEAM - Száloptikai csatlakozók | Amphenol Socapex
Az Amphenol Socapex TACBEAM száloptikai csatlakozó egy hermaphrodita csatlakozó, amelyet zord környezetben való használatra terveztek. Az érintésmentes átvitelhez kiterjesztett sugártechnológiával rendelkezik, egy- és többmódusú opciókkal és akár négy csatornával. A TACBEAM csatlakozó M83526/20 és /21 minősítéssel rendelkezik, így megbízható és nagy ...
Fém önzáró kupakok - Tartozékok | Amphenol Socapex
Az Amphenol Socapex fém önzáró kupakok hatékony védelmet nyújtanak a csatlakozóaljzatoknak a por, a víz, a nedvesség és az EMI ellen. Az IP67-es tömítéssel ezek a kupakok biztosítják, hogy a csatlakozók biztonságban maradjanak a vízpermet és a por ellen, ezáltal alkalmassá téve őket katonai és kereskedelmi repüléstechnikai alkalmazásokhoz.
TFOCA-II - Amphenol Fiber Systems Products
The TFOCA-II® 12-channel RigLinQ fiber optic connector is ideally suited for environmentally harsh conditions.
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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2M kupakok - Tartozékok | Amphenol Socapex
Az Amphenol Socapex 2M kupakok a 2M dugókhoz és csatlakozóaljzatokhoz tervezett védősapkák széles választékát kínálják. Ezek a kupakok kompatibilisek a dugókkal, a Jam-anyákkal és a négyszögletes karimájú csatlakozóaljzatokkal, és IP68-as állandó tömítést biztosítanak, így védelmet nyújtanak a por, a víz, a nedvesség és az EMI funkciók ellen.
Welcome to Amphenol Sine Systems - Industrial Connectors with Heavy ...
Welcome to Amphenol Sine Systems - Industrial Connectors with Heavy ...
Fiber Optic Distributor - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
View all fiber optic distributors and suppliers for cable assembly, connectors, tools and equipment.
Temposonics® R-Series RH Position Sensors
Temposonics® RH is a robust, high-performance rod-style sensor for installation into a hydraulic cylinder. The sensor is suitable for long-term operation under harsh industrial environments such as steel industry and metalworking plants.
PCTEL | Antennas, Industrial IoT Devices, Testing Solutions
PCTEL: A Custom Antenna Manufacturer, Industrial IoT Company, & Network Testing Solutions Provider. The PCTEL brand stands for excellence and innovation in antenna systems, industrial IoT devices and network testing and measurement solutions that meet the unique needs of our customers. As a leading provider of network testing solutions, you can rely on our scanning receivers, public safety ...
SMA PCB End Launch Jack 50 Ohm 0.062 PCB Square flange High Frequency 0 ...
RF Connector SMA PCB End Launch Jack 50 Ohm 0.062 PCB Sq flange High Frequency.015 Pin. Downloads. 901-10513-1 STP 3D Model (Size: 373 kb ) 901-10513-1 PDF Customer Drawing (Size: 260 kb) HFSS 3D Component File User Guide (Size: 1574 kb) 901-10513-1 HFSS 3D Comp Model (Size: 11086 kb ) Product Life Cycle.
716F-HCA78-020 - 7-16 DIN Femal - RFS Technologies
78EIA-HCA78-020 7/8" EIA Connector for 7/8" Air Cable, Gas Stop/Pass, Compound Sealing Connector Type: Gas Stop. Can be converted to gas pass type by drilling through the insulation. One-piece design. Gender: Female; Connector Frequency Range, GHz: DC to 3 GHz; Close quick view
Triplexer -
Connectors 7/16 Female or 4.3-10 Female Dimensions (H x W x D) 150 x 170 x 50 mm (5.9 x 6.7 x 2.0 in) TBD Weight 2.6 kg (5.7 lbs) TBD Mounting Options Description Pole / Wall Bracket Two metal clamps for pole mount included; Pole Diameter 40-140 mm (1.57-5.5 in) Title: TPX-24x.indd
RT06102SNH Plug, Female, 16AWG & 20AWG, Mixed 13A & 5A/350V - Amphenol Sine
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ RT06102SNH Plug, Female, 4 Contacts, Contact Sizes 16 & 20, 13A & 5A/350V, Shell Size 10-Plug, 4 (2+2) Position, Female, Shell Size 10
Quadruplexer -
Connector 4.3-10 Female Connector 7/16-DIN Female Connector 4.3-10 Female Connector When ordering replace “x” with correct option for bypass confi guration and single or twin unit. DC/AISG bypass 690-960 MHz port QPX-504-JJ QPX-504-JJ-43F QPX-505-JJ QPX-505-JJ-43F