Search Results for ex series
Type Examination Certificate CML 16ATEX4352X Issue 1 - Temposonics
2 Equipment Linear Position Sensors Temposonics E Series ET 3 Manufacturer MTS Sensor Technologie GmbH Co. & KG MTS Systems Corporation, Sensors Division 4 Address Auf dem Schüffel 9 Lüdenscheid, D-58513 ... Ex tc IIIC T130°C Dc IP66 or IP68* Ambient range**: Analogue: -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C SSI: -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ +90°C
PRODUKTPASS | RJF544 - Amphenol-Air LB
The RJField Series provides robust and secure data/Ethernet connections in rough environments. Simple handling and installation of standard cables in an existing ECTA housings. High tightness and shielding. Also for Cat 6 and USB 3.0, additional solutions also available for EX areas and various Ethernet switches.
10142348 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
AgilBrick™ 1.27mm Board-to-Board Header G802 Series offers a cost-effective solution with a flexible structure and 1 to 4 A current rating. These headers from Amphenol can be customized to meet various customer requirements. Box packages with tight pitches (down to 0.76 mm lead to lead ).
Temposonics Linear Position Sensors & Liquid Level Transmitters
Temposonics Linear Position Sensors & Liquid Level Transmitters
TFOCA-II® EX Connector - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
TFOCA-II® EX Connector - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Industrial | Markets - Amphenol
This series allows several color-coding options, a special keying option, high resistance to chemicals, shock, and sterilization processes. This connector is customizable and designed for use in medical, and many other applications. ... Cable glands are available with Metric and PG threads for harsh environments and EX hazard locations. The ...
IR1nGJS and INIR-GG Series All other Series II 2G II 2G Ex db IIC Gb Ex db IIC Gb Ta -40°C to +75°C Ta -20°C to +55°C IRI5TT-A - Series Ex db IIC Gb Ta -25°C to +75°C . Sira Certification Service Unit 6, Hawarden Industrial Park, Hawarden, CH5 3US, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1244 670 900 ...
Model 686B01 USB programmable electronic vibration switch with 2 ... - PCB
The 686-Series Smart Vibration Switch is a low-cost electronic vibration switch designed to monitor vibration levels on rotating machinery (ie. fans and cooling towers) and trip an alarm or shut down machinery when a ... (EX prefix) o CSA . PAGE 4 SENSORS AND INSTRUMENT ATION FOR MACHINE CONDITION MONITORI NG Operating Principles
IECEx Gert¡f¡cate Gonformity - SGX Sensortech
VQ500 Series Gas Sensing Heads Type of Protection: Flameproof Marking Ex db Ex db cGb Mb Approved for r'ssue on behalf of the IECEx Ceftificatíon Body: Position: C Ellaby Deputy Certification Manager Signature: (for pinted version) Date: S-1. This certificate 2. This certificate 3. The Status and IECEx Website Certificate issued by: SIRA ...
4-20 mA Vibration Transmitters - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
4-20 mA Vibration Transmitters, vibration transmitter, 4-20 mA vibration sensor, 4-20 mA sensor. Wilcoxon offers a broad selection of 4-20 mA vibration transmitters. Our 4-20 mA sensors are an accelerometer and vibration transmitter combined in a rugged industrial housing.
Passive Entry Passive Start (PEPS) – Amphenol Sensors
LID Technologies designs products from tire pressure sensors (TPMS) to hands-free access & start systems, as well as Telematics systems that allow tracking vehicle location while monitoring a large number of sensors including pressure, temperature, door opening, level, position.
Amphenol offers the 97 Series Connector Family - A general duty standard cylindrical connector, MIL-5015 style. The 97 Series is a widely used connector series for the auto-motive, robotics, machine tool and welding industries, as well as numerous other commercial applications from heavy equip-ment to ECG monitoring cables.
MGT-5015 Reverse Bayonet Coupling Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
The MGT-5015 line of high-power Amphenol connectors is an expansion of the GT-5015 series, offering a ruggedized environment connector in a variety of military and commercial finishes such as Durmalon and black zinc nickel. Available with press-fit or crimp removable contacts, these connectors use machined shells that can be customized for any ...
ARINC 801 -
Connector Type Connector Series Shell Finish Shell Style Shell Style - Insert Arrangement Insert Material Alternate Position Interfacial Seal (Optional) CF- 5A 4 6 11-02 P N 2 1. Connector Type ... Ex: (P15T), (S25AST) Complete steps 1-8 to create your part number 5. Select a Shell Size - Insert arrangement See insert arrangements for ARINC 801
rtow06106pnh-k | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for rtow06106pnh-k D38999 Series III PCB Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace Amphenol provides 38999 Series III type connectors with PC Tail contacts, which are ideal for printed circuit board applications, either with rigid attachment or flex print assembly attachments. ... Amphenol RT0W01210PNH-K Receptacle Kit, Square Flange, 12 ...
S500 series suffix indicates a deviation from standard. Consult factory for call out. ORDERING INFORMATION Standard Car to Car Jumper Locomotive Jumper Receptacle Amtrak Pyle Number WWPCJ-2746-AMTR WWPCJ-2757-AMTR-LOCO WWRF-27-AMTR-L180 Ordering Information Amtrak AMMS No. 25 789 0841X 24 808 03177 25 78907812
Digital Fluid-Trac Troubleshooting Guide -
For DFT 200 series only (DFT-200, DFT-210, DFT-220) Simulate a Full (55 gallons / 20 mA) Reading a) If cable is connected in back of unit, but backlight is off, it indicates loss of power or ground from power supply. Display may have erroneous reading during this condition. ... F MCTIIT FIT F TIC FMC TI SSI is not an ex - SHUWLQWKHFXVWRPHU
Optical Sub-Assembly Based Media Converters Using Quadrax
Series Five Connectors High Voltage 38999 Back to Menu; Rectangular Connectors; LRM - Line Replaceable Module HDB3/HSB3 Connectors HDAS Series Connectors ... Ex: SGMII,100/1000-Base-KX, XAUI; Ethernet fiber - Ex: 100-Base-FX, 1000-Base-LX/EX/SX;
BMR10-H-B1 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Penetrator™, Single Band, 1-Port, Omni-Directional Antenna, VPOL, Dual, 806-869 MHz, 15.5 dBi, 3960 mm (155.9 in)
Product Number -
CROSS REFERENCE rockwell pn Amphenol Part Number Product Line Series Product Type Product Sub- Type description Number of positions AWG Voltage Jacket