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MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol® Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Connectors offer the highest performance capabilities for both general duty and severe environment applications. Meeting or exceeding MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements, Amphenol's Tri-Start connector is available in aluminum, stainless steel or composite with several finish options.
FSAF Series Termini | Fiber Optic Termini - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
The FSAF series fiber optic termini provide superior optical and mechanical performance. Compatible with TFOCA-III and THD connectors
Ethernet | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Series Five Connectors High Voltage 38999 Back to Menu; Rectangular Connectors; LRM - Line Replaceable Module ... This Dual Channel Media Converter can convert a single channel of 1GBASE-T to 1GBase-EX and a single channel of 16Base-T to 100Base-FX (EX, SX, LX also supported)
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosures
Select CUBE RL Series Cabinets also have Small Cell applications. SC1042NAN2 SC20942NE2 SC3042NNE2 RL20721 SC21632DP2 CUBE Series Height Width Depth Description LOW-PROFILE SMALL CELL CABINETS CUBE-SC104 Series 24”-48” 10.5” 19” Power & Battery Only, 4RU, 19" Fixed Rail, Battery Compartment for Battery String HIGH-POWER SMALL CELL CABINETS
Accelerometers / Vibration Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
3700 Series. Piezoresistive Shock. SMT Surface Mount. Damped. Endevco MEMS. Piezoelectric ICP® Shock. Thermal Stability ICP® ...
TR Series Multicoax Catalog High Speed | Solderless TR
10 • • An Amphenol Company 11 TR MulTicoax 12x1 (20/40/70 GHz confiGuRaTions available) TR MulTicoax 16x2 (20/40/70 GHz confiGuRaTions available) TR MulTicoax 24x2 (20/40/70 GHz confiGuRaTions available) TR MulTicoax Quick laTcH 8x1 (20/40/70 GHz confiGuRaTions available) Notes : 1Largely a function of PCB design.
AT06-3S-RD01BRN 3-Way Plug, Black Female Connector with Red - Amphenol Sine
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ AT06-3S-RD01BRN 3-Way Plug, Black Female Connector with Reduced Diameter Seal (E-Seal), Brown-3-Way Plug, Black Female Connector with Reduced Diameter
GigaBlox Rugged -
external LED should connect to the corresponding “EX_LED” connection on the header. The part used on the board for this header is 2023960907, which mates with 5013300900. The externally connected LED does not require a series current limiting resistor, because a 1Kohm series resistor is already present on GigaBlox Rugged. Other Interfaces LEDs
HD20 | Fiber Optic Termini
The HD 20 designed for use in size 20 cavities of MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connectors, these termini offer increased termini density
MG MediaGauge Series - Amphenol Sensors
Approved EX-d; Mechanically robust Position Sensors. Provides liquid level feedback within the fuel system. Sealed for harsh environments; Selectable working principle: Hall effect/reed switch; Robust and reliable modular design; Dismiss ad Dismiss ad. This will close in 0 seconds.
linkedin alex trevino amphenol | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol’s Max-M12 connector in-line mated pair can withstand 444 N of connector-to-cable retention forces and contact retention forces to 110 N. Housed in an HDM 12 EX impact resistant metal or plastic shell, the in-line mated pair is available as a 90˚ right angle or straight versions. ...
Hazardous area sensors
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Jaybeam - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Discover Jaybeam's innovative and tailored antenna solutions for optimal coverage and capacity.
setup office 2021 gratuit | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Data Sheet MH-Series MH Threaded Analog - Temposonics Tempsonics® MH Threaded Analog Data Sheet TECHNICAL DATA Output Current 4…20 mA Voltage 0.25…4.75 VDC; 0.5…4.5 VDC Measured value Position Signal characteristic Analog output restricted by noise and ADC ... CXL 130-1-Ex is a 0 dBd, vertically polarized, omnidirectional base station ...
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FEATURES BENEFITS - Amphenol Aerospace
NEXT GEN SOSA/VITA 91 ALIGNED CONNECTOR SERIES Designed to achieve 56G PAM4 data rate requirements with higher density. MIL-HD2 provides developers with a readily available robust solution for tighter card pitches and chassis designs where space requirements and density are critical. These connectors are available in 3-, 4-, and 6-pair ...
Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPMS) – Amphenol Sensors
LID Technologies designs products from tire pressure sensors (TPMS) to hands-free access & start systems, as well as Telematics systems that allow tracking vehicle location while monitoring a large number of sensors including pressure, temperature, door opening, level, position.
Amphenol Sensors – Connecting Your World Through Sensor Innovations
Offering the most diverse sensor portfolio of standard and customized products for the world’s most demanding regulatory and industry-driven applications, Amphenol Sensors creates unparalleled value by providing critical information for real-time decisions.