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4U6VX065X06Fxys5 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Panel, 2FT, 20-Port, 65°, (4x) 1695-2700 | (6x) 3300-4200 MHz, Fixed Tilt
2C4U4MTSP1X06Fwxys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 32-Port, Omni & Sector Combination. XPOL, (4x) 696-960 | (8x) 1695-2700 | (2x) 3300-4200 | (2x) 5150-5925 MHz, Fixed Tilt
Introduction - Marport
Marport's Trawl Navigator is a high-definition net sounder, designed to operate on the trawl headline.. It is suited for bottom trawling and will offer better performance on trawls with a small vertical opening. In order to efficiently follow the trawl descent, echogram ranges are configurable from 5 to 160 meters.
7833600 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
1-Port, Log Periodic Antenna, VPOL, 60°/55°/55°, 698-960/1710-2700/3400-4000 MHz, 9.5/10.5/11.0 dBi, PIM-Rated, SISO
CUX033X03Fxyz0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Panel, 1FT, 4-Port, 33°, XPOL, (1x) 696-960 | (1x) 1695-2700 MHz, Fixed Tilt
2U3MT360X06Fxys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 10-Port, Narrow 9.5" Diameter, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (2x) 1695-2700 | (2x) 3300-4200 | (1x) 5150-5925 MHz, Fixed Tilt
Amphenol Network Solutions > 1RU 125A DUAL-FEED GMT FUSE PANEL
The Amphenol Network Solutions 125GMT10/nrg125GMT10 and 125GMT15/nrg125GMT15 fuse panels are 125A dual-feed and provide 10/10 and 15/15 GMT fuse positions. Our 125GMT/nrg125GMT panels feature ±12/±24/±48V operating voltages to serve both legacy and “next-gen” network applications. Engineered into a standard 1RU footprint that support up to 20A GMT fuses in each position, providing ample ...
QUAD456W0000x - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Twin Band, 4-Port, Panel, XPOL, 45°, 1695-2180 | 1695-2180 MHz, 20|20 dBi, 0-8°|0-8°, 1687 mm (66.4 in)
0406-0604s - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 615 mm (2FT), 24-Port, Hexa-sector, XPOL, (12x) 1695-2690 | (12x) 3300-3800 MHz, Fixed Tilt
Scala - Marport
Read this section to know how data are displayed on Scala and how to change their display.
CRO2-VU0 -
CRO2-VU0 -
Maintenance and Troubleshooting - Marport
Read this section for troubleshooting and maintenance information.
CWX063X25x00 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Dual Band, 4-Port, Panel, XPOL, 65°, 696-960 | 1710-2170 MHz, 16.8|17.3 dBi, 0-10°|0-10°, 2508 mm (98.7 in)
Connecting the Sensor to Mosa2 - Marport
TVG (Time Variable Gain) is a method that compensate signal loss in the water. Basically, the aim is to have targets or sea bottom displayed in the same color on the echogram, whatever the distance from the sensor.
C2U3MT360X06Fxys0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 12-Port, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (1x) 696-960 | (2x) 1695-2700 | (2x) 3550-3700 | (1x) 5150-5925 MHz, Fixed Tilt
Coax Passives - Holland Electronics
Coa Passives Page 2 | Customer Service: 805-339-9060 | Toll Free: 800-628-4511 DS-65-0118 Rev. 2.0 Specifications: DCWG-SB Series Directional Couplers
5798485 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
14-Port, Panel, 65° / 85°, (2x) 698-960 | (2x) 1427-2180 | (1x) 1427-2690 |(2x) 2490-2690 MHz, 1993 mm
Aquant Non-invasive Moisture Meter -
Aquant Non-invasive Moisture Meter -
V17-001-01-A0 -
Maximum Effective Power per Port Watts 80 W 17° x 17° ORDERING OPTIONS Select from the following ordering options ANTENNA MODEL NUMBER MOUNTING HARDWARE MOUNTING PIPE DIAMETER SHIPPING WEIGHT V17-001-01-A0-E APM40-VEN Elevation Tilt Mounting Kit Included 50-110 mm (2.0-4.3 in) 8.5 kg (19 lbs)