Search Results for exportar matriz de matlab a excel
Bearing faults that can be detected with vibration monitoring
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Collecting Vibration Data With a USB Digital Accelerometer and an ...
Developing a graphical user interface (GUI) in MATLAB optimized to read .WAV files with Model 633A01 calibration information was straightforward. The Android data recorder app is optimized for use with Model 633A01. The USB Digital. Accelerometer proves how feasible data collection on a phone has become. The phone can capture data
PCIe® Gen 4 & Gen 5 CEM connectors for High Speed Connections
A new application with advanced features using cutting edge technology is being introduced to the market every other day. This, in turn is mounting the requirement of high speed high reliable connector solutions. PCI Express (PCIe®) is a popular standard for various applications from small, mobile
Model 3741E1250G DC Response Accelerometer Installation and ... - PCB
2 PCB’s High Sensitivity DC accelerometers are designed utilizing a MEMS (Micro -Electro Mechanical Systems) silicon sensor approach. The micro machining design process provides sensor design flexibility, reliability &
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Excel|Mate PT (HVPC 800) HVPC 800 KEY FEATURES Easy to install, reliable connection Sealing, IP67 (mated), IP6K9K Multiple coding positions 360° shielded from wire to device Economical MECHANICAL Durability ≥ 50 mating cycles Wire range 35 to 50 mm2 shielded wire Insertion and extraction force < 100N
Quantum Computing TR Multicoax Series - Amphenol Ardent Concepts
• Easily mate/de-mate multiple high-speed lanes • Can be customized for thermal anchoring to minimize the heat load in a cryostat • Variety of coaxial cable materials available (Flexible, CuNi, NbTi) • 16, 24 Channel options • Custom lengths • Custom attenuation blocks can mate directly to TR assemblies • Reliable interface
Wood Harvesting & Sawmills - Temposonics
Temposonics sensors are designed and built to withstand the high shock and vibration of sawmill applications.
Data Sheet R-Series V RP5 Analog - Temposonics
2 Temposonics® R-Series V RP Analog 5 3 1 Measurement cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter 5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (waveguide) Position magnet (magnetic fi eld)
Excel|Mate Eco (HVSL280) HVSL280 HVSL280 is a 3 position connector with plastic housing, high voltage , integrated HVIL. It provides a current carrying capacity from 16 to 32A and 2.5 to 4mm2 crimping cable. Specially designed for DC-DC, air-conditioner, and other equipment in HEV device applications. KEY FEATURES Integrated internal HVIL
Data Sheet - Temposonics
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Industrial Automation | Amphenol
6. 7. EnergyKlip™ EK160 . I N D U S T R I A L A U T O M A T I O N • Rated up to 160A per contact • IP67 seal available • Robust latching system
Model EX641B01 | PCB Piezotronics
Model EX641B01:Intrinsically-safe vibration sensor, 4 to 20 mA output, 0 to 1.0 in/sec RMS, 10 to 1k Hz, top exit, 2-pin conn
4-20 mA vibration transmitter modules iT150 series
4-20 mA vibration transmitter modules iT150 series 99304 Rev.A 12/17 INPUT Sensor types ..... IEPE accelerometers, IEPE piezo-
Data Sheet R-Series V RM5 SSI (Doc Part No. 552119)
5 Temposonics® R-Series V RM5 SSI TECHNICAL DRAWING Fig. 2: Temposonics® RM5 with ring magnet RM5-M/-S – RM5 with threaded fl ange M18×1.5 or ¾"-16 UNF-3A, example: Connection type HXX/PXX/RXX/TXX (cable outlet)
Introduction to the Trawl Explorer - Marport
Read this section to get a basic knowledge of your Trawl Explorer sensor.
CXL 2400-3LW-SS-Ex -
CXL 2400-3LW-SS-Ex is a 3 dBd, vertically polarized, omnidirectional base station Antenna which covers the 2200 - 2700 MHz band in four models.
excelmate connectords | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Excel|Mate CC connectors, IP55, aim to provide a global charging solution on both sides of the infrastructure, EVSE and EV. Outfitted with Amphenol Radsok technol-ogy (for socket contacts), these high-per-formance connectors meet all the neces-sary standards.
Data Sheet R-Series V RH5 Profinet 551962 - Temposonics
4 Temposonics® R-Series V RH5 PROFINET IO RT IRT See TECHNICAL DRAWING Fig. 3: Temposonics® RH5 with ring magnet RH5-M/S-A/-V – RH5 with threaded fl ange M18×1.5-6g or ¾"-16 UNF-3A, example: Connection type D58 (connector output) SER NSRN 1 4 5 2 1 4 5 2 a 17 (0.67) Sensor eecronics osin 68 (2.68)
LUTZE Expands with a New Facility in Sparks, NV
Press contact LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 USA info (at) Tel 704-504-0222 Fax 704-504-0223. Tweet