Search Results for f 81 aircraft
SGX - Industrial
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NTC Miniature Series -
a 77°F (25°C)/257°F (125°C) ratio of 16.9 or less are aged at 392°F (200°C); and all other material systems are aged at 572°F (300°C). Intermittent operation at temperatures up to 1112°F (600°C) is permissable, however, degraded stability will result when the aging temperature is exceeded. This appiles to the NTC Type P20/25/30 also.
Micro HDAS - Amphenol Socapex
0,39 < F < 0,68 0,16 < F < 0,21 4.5.3 Mating and unmating forces - Initial - Tested on a 30 ways connector Mating forces (N) - average per contact Unmating forces (N) - average per contact 0,44 0,31 4.5.4 Durability cycles 500 4.5.9 Sinusoidal vibrations Up to 45g 4.5.10 Shocks (sawtooth/6ms) Up to 160g 4.5.10
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NTC Thermistors Type RL30 -
-58°F to 302°F (-50°C to 150°C) • Suitable for PCB and probe mountings • Available in a wide range of material systems ... RL3006-231-95-K 400 D9.5 3965 .150 3.81 7.5 45 RL3004-291-97-K 500 D9.7A 3972 .130 3.30 7.0 35 RL3006-436-97-K 750 D9.7A 3972 .150 3.81 7.5 45 RL3004-459-103-K 800 D10.3 4073 .130 3.30 7.0 35 ...