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ENET11 1 Pos 90° Ethernet connector (Waterproof version) - Automotive ...
As a member of Amphenol Automotive products group, Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., established in 2004, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amphenol Group in China. Through more than 10 years of efforts, our company has formed six major business units and ten major product groups, including airbag connectors and harnesses, automotive buckle harnesses, automotive ...
Contatti Quadrax - Contatti ad alta velocità | Amphenol Socapex
I contatti Quadrax di Amphenol Socapex sono progettati per fornire un'elevata velocità di trasferimento dati con un basso consumo energetico, il che li rende la scelta ideale per varie applicazioni come Ethernet, AFDX (Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet), display della cabina di pilotaggio e intrattenimento in volo. Questi contatti sono disponibili nella dimensione 8 e sono qualificati ...
10158 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Contact us today for more details of FlexLock™ FPC-to-Board Connectors, part number 10158558 -R122111LF. These 1.00mm pitch, vertical and right angle card edge connectors enable all generations of PCI Express® signaling in desktop PCs, workstations, and servers.
FAQ - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 38999 connectors comply with various standards, including:
MIL-DTL-38999 (Series I, II, III)
EN3645 (European aerospace standard)
VG96944 (for high-power applications)
R-SATA - Connecteurs pour circuits imprimés haute performance ...
Le connecteur Amphenol R-SATA est un choix parfait pour les systèmes de stockage électronique, avec sa compatibilité avec le protocole SATA 3.0 offrant des débits de données de 6,25 Gb/s et plus. Doté de contacts Micro-Hyperboloïdes robustes, ce connecteur SATA durci offre une faible force d'insertion et d'extraction, et est conçu pour résister aux chocs, aux vibrations et à la ...
ABX5 安全气囊连接器(弹簧版) - 安全气囊连接器与线束-产品中心 - 安费诺汽车连接系统(常州)有限公司
Mil-C-26482 Series Connector > MIL-C-26482 | 암페놀-대신전자정밀 (주)
Intermateable and intermountable with other MIL-C-26482(style) connectors; Download. List. COMPANY PRODUCTS DOWNLOAD NEWS/SUPPORT. 암페놀-대신전자정밀(주) 사업자등록번호 : 130-81-28953 ADD : 경기도 부천시 경인로133번길 14(송내동)
G70-PowerLok 10mm单芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly Manual for G70-PowerLok ...
① 屏蔽壳组件Shield shell assembly ×1 ② 一套绝缘套 A set of Insulation sleeve ×1 ③ 螺旋弹簧Coil spring ×1 ④ 外铜环Outer Copper ring ×1 ⑤ 内铜环Inside Copper ring ×1 ⑥ 外壳Shell ×1 ⑦ 密封圈Sealing ×1 ⑧ 尾盖End cap ×1 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ 第一部分:包装清单 Part 1: Package contents G70-单芯2代10mm弯头组装式连接器 ...
que le ahorra al cliente tiempo y dinero • Hechos en EE. UU. Los conectores circulares moldeados se fabrican en planta en la casa central de TPC en Macedonia, Ohio. Comuníquese con su representante de ventas de TPC para obtener más información. TPC WIRE & CABLE CORP. NUEVA CAPACIDAD
Batteriebetriebene ICP®-Sensor-Signalaufbereiter - PCB
Batteriebetriebene Signalaufbereiter bieten eine tragbare, bequeme Methode zur Stromversorgung von ICP®-Sensoren und Ladungswandlern.
Amphenol Air LB - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
The connectors are available in a variety of five basic shell sizes: 9 - 15 - 25 - 37 and 50 male and female. COMPATIBILITY WITH STANDARDS : UTE C 93-425, type HE 508 MIL-C-24308 - DEF 5935; Pattern 110 IEC Empfehung 48B Les connecteurs subminiatures rectangulaires Øtanches, pour environnement difficile, sont destinØs à Œtre employØs pour
Customer Drawing -
2.额定电流 Current rating(Connector Only): 70mm²:250A;95mm²:300A;120mm²:400A;135mm²:450A;150mm²:500A. 3.额定电压 Operating voltage:1000 VDC. 4.耐 电 压 Dielectric withstanding voltage: 5000 VDC. 5.防护等级 Protection class:IP67 & IP2X. 6.电磁屏蔽 Shielding. 7.机械寿命 Mating cycle:100 Min.
y adheridas al cable, lo que ofrece un sello ambiental que protege la conexión contra polvo, suciedad, agua y sustancias químicas y reduce la tensión del cable. Este proceso evita que el cable “se desprenda” de la conexión. Disponibles en varios tamaños de cables. Ensambles Quick-Connect™ de medio voltaje Si necesita una solución ...
MIL-DTL-38999-3 Series Cataloge > Download | 암페놀-대신전자정밀 (주)
Connector System Manual Service Disconnect Battery Swapping Connector Railway Mass Transit; DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD 서브메뉴 Download; NEWS/SUPPORT NEWS/SUPPORT 서브메뉴 News 인증서 개인정보처리방침 ESG; HQ & SISTER DIVISIONS HQ & SISTER DIVISIONS 서브메뉴 HQ & Sister Divisions
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
Specifications, product pictures or information stated in the website are for reference only, please double check with us. 粤A1-123456789 深圳网站建设 深圳联雅 深圳网站建设 深圳联雅
FAQ - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 38999 connectors comply with various standards, including:
MIL-DTL-38999 (Series I, II, III)
EN3645 (European aerospace standard)
VG96944 (for high-power applications)
Amphenol Socapex 38999 connectors are designed for ...
Marine CXL 70-1LW/... -
al buscador de productos. Marine CXL 70-1LW/... Antena de Base y Marina, omnidireccional, de ganancia unitaria, para la banda de 450 MHz . Descargar . Product PDF; Archivos de patrones; Agregar a la cotización. Descripción. La CXL 70-1LW/... es una antena de base y marina, omnidireccional, de polarización vertical y 0 dBd, que cubre la banda ...
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and ...
ANYTEK terminal block screw Machined Pins IC sockets spring Pins and connector. 请使用高版本的浏览器 English| 中文 ...
Amphenol High Voltage Connectors
Amphenol High Voltage Connectors Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems Amphenol Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd 18 Lijiang Road,Changzhou • Jiangsu • China • Phone +86/0519-85601880 • Fax +86/0519-85118840