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Panel mounted socket 2CMA100370R1000 - Amphenol Sine
Cable Cross-Section 4...16 mm² Thermoplastic (PBT) Plug Angle Angled Tough&Safe Product Net Width 100 millimetre Product Net Height 112 millimetre Product Net Length 137 millimetre 137 millimetre Product Net Weight 0.7 kilogram Panel mounted socket 2CMA100370R1000 . Author: Blueberry labs
Poljska | Amfenol Socapex
Povratak PS serija: Pover Devices Solutions. Pretvarači snage; Jedinice za distribuciju električne energije; USB tasteri i ekstenderi
Reflow Stable PCB Connectors - SV Microwave
The following electrical data shown in Figure 4, compares SV’s Glass Seal PCB Connector and SV’s Epoxy Seal PCB Connector. Each SMP connector was tested on PCB test coupon SK-3412A and soldered using Sn96 solder. The VSWR data shown in Figure 4 was gated to the middle of the test coupon trace and includes the surface mount connector
Ampehnol All Sensors Products
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Ampehnol All Sensors Products
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B C- AT06-08SX-SR2XX A3 - Amphenol Sine
4. specifications: 4.1 current rating: 13 amps 4.2 operating temperature: -55°c to +125°c 4.3 dielectric withstanding voltage: less than 2 milliamps current leakage @ 1500 volts ac. 4.4 insulation resistance: 1000 megohms min @ 25°c. 4.5 moisture resistance: ip67 ( mated condition ) 4.6 mating cycle durability: 100 cycles 4.7 rohs compliant 5.
Ampehnol All Sensors Produkte
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715 Piece Standard Connector Kit - Amphenol Sine
AW4P 4 Pos, Recep Wedgelock 12 AW6P 6 Pos, Recep Wedgelock 6 AW8P 8 Pos, Recep Wedgelock 2 AW12P 12 Pos, Recep Wedgelock 2 A114017 Seal Plug, White 50 ATRT-100 Contact and Wedgelock Extraction Tool 1 AT60-215-16141 Size 16 Pin Contact (14AWG) 110 AT60-202-16141 Size 16 Pin Contact (16-20AWG) 110 AT62-209-16141
TITLE: DWG NO - Amphenol Sine
3.4 insulation resistance: 1000 megohms min @ 25°c 3.5 moisture resistance: ip68 ( im of water for a period of 24 hours, mated condition ) ip69k( mated condition ) 3.6 mating cycle durability: 100 cycles 3.7 rohs compliant 4. mating part: arc12-24px* receptacle ( x = a,b,c,d keys ; * = all modifications) 5. see sheet 2 for other key arrangements
4) cham. 1st & last threads. 5) surface roughness 63 e mil-std-10. 6) dia.’s on common centers to be concentric within .005 t.i.r. 7) remove all burrs unless otherwise specified 2912-61002 title: proprietary the information contained in this drawing is the sole property of sv microwave, inc. any reproduction in part or as ...
4) cham. 1st & last threads. 7) remove all burrs unless otherwise specified 7029-2552-2554 title: 3) break corners & edges .005 r. max. is the sole property of sv microwave, inc. 2) all dimensions are after plating. 1) all dimensions are in inches [millimeters] sv microwave, inc is prohibited. surface area: mil-std-10.
Hàn Quốc - Phím USB | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex ROK là một phím hình bầu dục USB chắc chắn được thiết kế cho các môi trường khắc nghiệt, nơi bảo mật dữ liệu và độ bền là rất quan trọng. Nó có nhiều dung lượng khác nhau, từ 16 đến 256Gb và tương thích với bất kỳ ổ cắm cổng USB nào. ROK có tốc độ truyền tối đa USB3.2 Gen1 là 5 Gb / s ...
Dòng RFM - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex cung cấp các đầu nối RFM Series, Rack & Panel, chúng cho phép kết nối mù và được trang bị đồ đạc nổi. Đầu nối RFM tuân thủ các tiêu chuẩn EN45545-2 & NF F 61-032. Đầu nối RFM đã được các OEM sử dụng trong nhiều năm cho môi trường khắc nghiệt và trong các ứng dụng đường sắt cho các hệ thống an ...
21-033470-201 (PIN) 21-033471-201 (SOCKET) A C - Amphenol Aerospace
two twinax cables cable jackets crimp bushing crimp bushing cable jackets differential pair shield center conductors inner contact (pins shown reference) inner contact
Ampehnol All Sensors Products | All Sensors
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DL DuraLok - Amphenol Sine
4-Ø4.5±0.1 8-R1.0 Receptacle - Panel Cutout 42.4 50.9 30.8 2 of 6 DuraLok™ Plug Dimensions (in mm) & Keying Options (A, B and C) DuraLok™ Receptacle Dimensions (in mm) & Keying Options (A, B and C) DuraLok™ Receptacle Panel Cutout Dimensions (in mm) Updated 06-2024.
3.4 insulation resistance: 1000 megohms min @ 25°c. 3.5 moisture resistance: ip68(1m of water for a period of 24 hours, mated condition) ip69k(mated condition) 3.6 mating cycle durability: 100 cycles 3.7 rohs compliant 4. mating part: at04-6p* receptacle ( * = modifications and colors ) 5. all dimensions are for reference use only.
Ampehnol All Sensors Produkte
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